Image-Based Rendering
This innovations project deals with a texture mapping approach that has been greatly influenced by Image-Based Rendering. In the report, different IBR fields of research will be outlined and existing software will be discussed as to their advantages and limitations. I will present my own method, which is a manual approach to photo-based texture mapping aimed at time-effective creation of photorealistic environments and matte paintings. The key to the project is that photos are used as modeling templates as well textures. I will demonstrate this concept on two cityscape scenes. Finally I will analyse my work and discuss its usefulness and its limitations.
Investigative Study into the Innovation of Pre-Rendered Adventure Games
This report is an investigative study into methodologies to enhance the gaming experience. I will also be looking at the longevity of 3D pre-rendered games in comparison to the relative flexibility of 3D run-time games. In particular I want to focus on pre-rendered games of the ‘interactive movie adventure’ genera type. These games focus on the story line narrative thus creating a richly detailed immersive environment.
Investigation into the Technicalities of Producing the Animation of Tearing Paper
The aim of this paper is to find the best method to produce the animation described in detail in appendix A. The technicalities of the animation are to animate paper tearing with the image on the paper changing. This paper, discusses the various ways that the animation of tearing paper could be implemented. Testing various potential solutions leads to an analysis of the approach, which highlights any technical problems. Various solutions to technical problems are attempted, and analysed. Finally the paper makes comparisons between the methods and results of the approaches, in order to deduce which is the best method of production.
Behavioural systems are amazing ways of representing flocks of animals or simply one animal’s behaviour. This project aims to create a different behavioural system to the ones existing by attempting to mimic the behaviour of dogs and bouncing balls. The report will explain briefly the research into the behaviour of dogs. It will also cover important aspects of a behavioural system such as the state engine, field of view, and collision detection. The system has been written in MEL for use in Maya and the report will also explain the use of expressions in the system.