NCCA Animation Archive

Volumetric Video

By stacking frames from an image sequence one behind the other, to form a volume of pixels (or voxels), new

Real-time Collision Detection using Polygonal Patches

Collision detection is a major processing bottleneck in all real time physics simulators. Many developments have been made to increase the efficiency of this extremely arduous and expensive task, featuring many inventive techniques and methods of data processing. Some of these structure the data cleverly, some of them tend to reshape and truncate objects to mathematically simplify to their evaluation. This project aims to fill a niece pocket where there is possibly still more performance to be gained from some interesting polygonal trickery, without losing any of the integrity of the original collision shape. Through a specific patching algorithm, and collision detection functions which use it, the three programs demonstrate each process of the creation and use of the modified models.

A Study into current Design Structures of Modern-day Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games

This report aims to give a critical view of a genre of games known as Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). It investigates reasons for play, what makes a game of this genre popular and current innovations in the field. The report also examines the traditional methods of Role-Playing for fantasy games, and attempts to analyse whether or not the genre has successfully made the transition to computers whilst retaining the full experience of role-playing. In addition there is an appendix detailing my experiments in the field of games design based on the research previously described.

Development and Implementation of a Natural Media Filter for the post-processing of animated sequences

This project is concerned with the research and development undertaken in the creation of a digital image filter that is able to process an animated sequence of frames to mimic the aesthetic of paint, pencil or chalk. The filtered images are similar in style and aesthetic to the inspirational works of Dave McKean and in particular, his illustrations within the graphic novel “Black Orchid”. As a post-process, the workflow created is capable of filtering an animated sequence using only the source animation as input. Research into optical flow and stereo disparity algorithms also result in motion extraction, influencing texture generation to retain the visual continuity and coherency movement within the animation.

Giving Up

An exploration into the emotions of discouragement and the problems faced by those dealing with the discouraged. An attempt to find, between the audience and the animated characters, a common ground in which the audience can connect and care for the characters emotional well-being. Also an attempt to offer understanding to those in the audience who have experienced discouragement. A 2D-animated short entitled ‘Giving Up’.