NCCA Animation Archive

Look of The Fairy

Fairies appear a lot in art and motion pictures as they are a sight of wonder and mystery. Also, in more recent animated films, visual artists have been trying to create images that have a painterly feel to them whilst still working in the realm of 3D. This project shows a study of how a fairy is to be portrayed and move in a 3D animation as well as creates a 3D animation that has a similar look to the painterly effect that has

Unit Level AI Library

Artificial intelligence is used in modern computer games extensively such as real-time-strategies in

Procedural Trail Tool

Trail effects and motion blur take time to set up and compute. This process can be sped up by combining all the necessary operations in a tool. The user can mix and map different parameters to create their own trail rather than sticking with some more conventional trail visuals. Points (particles), curves, patches and blob meshes can be generated as output. Using ramps and forces allows drastically different results which gives the user more creative freedom.