Title | Year | Summary | Categories | Tags | Link | Image | Author | Course Levels | File Type | hf:tax:dlp_document_document-year | hf:doc_categories | hf:doc_tags | hf:doc_author | hf:tax:dlp_document_course-level | hf:file_type |
Contact | 2003 |
The inspiration for the piece developed from an idea that has been evolving for the past four years, the initial catalyst being a book entitled âThe Celestine Prophecyâ, this looks at relationships between all things, in particular a persons perceptions of their surroundings. It was from this starting point I began to think about human interaction. |
animation, contact | Mark Hatchard | zip | 2003 | animation contact | mark-hatchard | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
In this project I research and develop techniques used to create two very different effects shots involving fire. The first is a trail of petrol being lit at one end, with the petrol subsequently burning down the trail. The second is the resulting explosion of a car at the end of the trail. This report follows my work from the research stage, right through to the final results. |
car, effects, explosion, fire | Neil Harrison | mpeg | 2001 | car effects explosion fire | neil-harrison | mpeg | ||||||
Volumetric Video | 2008 |
By stacking frames from an image sequence one behind the other, to form a volume of pixels (or voxels), new |
time, video, viewing, voxels | Luke Harris | 2008 | time video viewing voxels | luke-harris | ||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Andrew Hargreaves | 2000 | andrew-hargreaves | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Scott Harber | 2002 | scott-harber | ||||||||||
Morphing of Different Topologies | 2006 |
The idea with this project is to investigate ways in which one could change the topology of an object in mid animation and morphing between two shapes with different pointcount and point connectivity. |
morphing, point connectivity, pointcount, topology | Karl Hansson | doc | 2006 | morphing point-connectivity pointcount topology | karl-hansson | doc | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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James Hans | 2000 | james-hans | ||||||||||
A Study into current Design Structures of Modern-day Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games | 2008 |
This report aims to give a critical view of a genre of games known as Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). It investigates reasons for play, what makes a game of this genre popular and current innovations in the field. The report also examines the traditional methods of Role-Playing for fantasy games, and attempts to analyse whether or not the genre has successfully made the transition to computers whilst retaining the full experience of role-playing. In addition there is an appendix detailing my experiments in the field of games design based on the research previously described. |
games, mmorpg, rpg | Fay Hancocks | 2008 | games mmorpg rpg | fay-hancocks | ||||||||
Real-time Collision Detection using Polygonal Patches | 2008 |
Collision detection is a major processing bottleneck in all real time physics simulators. Many developments have been made to increase the efficiency of this extremely arduous and expensive task, featuring many inventive techniques and methods of data processing. Some of these structure the data cleverly, some of them tend to reshape and truncate objects to mathematically simplify to their evaluation. This project aims to fill a niece pocket where there is possibly still more performance to be gained from some interesting polygonal trickery, without losing any of the integrity of the original collision shape. Through a specific patching algorithm, and collision detection functions which use it, the three programs demonstrate each process of the creation and use of the modified models. |
collision detection, real-time | Nicholas Hampshire | 2008 | collision-detection real-time | nicholas-hampshire | ||||||||
Innovations Project- Seeing Things, Researching and Experimenting in the Field of Stereoscopic 3D | 2005 |
I have been fascinated by stereoscopic 3D imagery for some time and have even come up with a few of my own ideas relating to the field. |
stereoscopic 3d | Dominic Halford | zip | 2005 | stereoscopic-3d | dominic-halford | zip | ||||||
A Beginners Guide to Building a Fur Network | 2005 |
Maya Fur is a tool increasingly seen in animation work throughout the industry in recent times, from adverts to such feature films as Monsters Inc. and Shrek. As most computer-generated films strive to impress the audience with realistic special effects. The means to create these effects become more and more complex and technical to accommodate the demand, causing more knowledge to be required to use them. This knowledge may not however be possessed by the newer users of the software, but with the desire to create the final effects, problems arise. |
bump maps, fur, maya, special effects | Nicholas Hales | avi | 2005 | bump-maps fur maya special-effects | nicholas-hales | avi | ||||||
Visualising Emotions within Computer Graphics | 2006 |
Computer Animation influences all areas of our every day life. Since the 1990?s commercial Speech recognition systems have been available off the shelf, but it has not been until the last few years that systems can now boast up to 99% accuracy (Dragon NaturallySpeaking? Pro V8 Program). This has greatly expanded the market of such systems and challenged companies to push the technology further. The majority of this extended research has been emotion recognition. This report will explore speech and emotion recognition and will look into methods of extracting basic meaningful data from sound files, with the use of Houdini, and expressing their content visually through colour and shape. |
emotion recognition, emotions, houdini, speech recognition, visualising | Thomas Hales | doc | 2006 | emotion-recognition emotions houdini speech-recognition visualising | thomas-hales | doc | ||||||
Vector Based Texturing in a Production Renderer | 2001 |
The predominant methods of texturing for production rendering in computer graphics are currently based on bitmap images and procedural algorithms. Although sufficient in many cases, both methods are in some way limited in terms of resolution, be it by storage requirements or issues of speed. |
procedural shading, rendering | John Haddon | mpeg | 2001 | procedural-shading rendering | john-haddon | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2003 |
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Unnsteinn Gudjonsson | 2003 | unnsteinn-gudjonsson | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2003 |
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Jessica Groom | 2003 | jessica-groom | ||||||||||
Innovations | 1999 |
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David Griffiths | 1999 | david-griffiths | ||||||||||
Boolean Operation Sculpting Program | 2003 |
Over the past three years I have been very interested in the process of transferring a drawn or imagined idea into a full 3D geometric model. |
boolean operations, sculpture | Scott Griffiths | rtf | 2003 | boolean-operations sculpture | scott-griffiths | rtf | ||||||
A Physically-based 35mm Stills Camera Simulation | 2006 |
Although there has been extensive rendering research into the simulation of real camera behaviour such as depth of field and motion blur, due to the increased render times these behaviours inherently bring, they are all simulated approximations. |
maya, motion blur, physically-based, stills camera | Tom Griffiths | zip | 2006 | maya motion-blur physically-based stills-camera | tom-griffiths | zip | ||||||
The marriage of 2D and 3D computer animation | 1999 |
With the advent of three-dimensional graphics as the norm in contemporary video and computer games, the use of two-dimensional graphics has become something of a rarity. Using the recent Parappa The Rapper game on the Sony Playstation as inspiration, which combined two-dimensional characters with three-dimensional environments, I produced an animation which aimed to investigate and experiment with the juxtaposition of the 2D and 3D in games and animation. |
2d animation, 3d animation, animation | Jack Griffin | 1999 | 2d-animation 3d-animation animation | jack-griffin | ||||||||
On the Trail of the Mud Men | 2003 |
I too in the end found myself on the trail of these mud men. Get a bunch of slimy little river people (Newport Mud Men to the layman) to march past the screen and seem convincing and startlingly real. That was my eventual challenge. |
animation, behavioural systems | Thomas Greybe | zip | 2003 | animation behavioural-systems | thomas-greybe | zip | ||||||
Marvel Comic Style Animation | 2008 |
This project outlines the techniques and methods that were used to create those comics from the |
comic, illustration, non-photorealistic rendering, rendering, style | Harry Green | mpeg | 2008 | comic illustration non-photorealistic-rendering rendering style | harry-green | mpeg | ||||||
Lens distortion | 2001 |
This report describes the development of a project for the Innovations module. The brief was to develop a way of simulating distortion caused by ‘fish eye’ lenses, which could be used interactively in computer graphics. |
lens distortion, simulation | Miles Green | zip | 2001 | lens-distortion simulation | miles-green | zip | ||||||
Simulating Air Bubbles for Computer Generated fluids | 2006 |
Most of the available literature on fluid simulations has not included air bubbles. This paper presents a technique to add air bubbles to a pre-computed or dynamically calculated fluid simulation. Bubbles form naturally in splashing water so the omission of bubbles detracts from the believability and visual realism of a fluid simulation. In this paper I propose a particle-based system that can be implemented with any particlebased simulation of a fluid. The bubble particles are only created where needed and their movement is then dynamically simulated according to the flow of the fluid into which they are introduced. |
bubbles, fluid simulation, fluids, particles | Joel Green | 2006 | bubbles fluid-simulation fluids particles | joel-green | ||||||||
Curve Controlled Deformations | 2006 |
Presenting a method using a curve guided deformation between two meshes with matching vertex count. This allows control over the intermediate positions of the vertices being deformed. Through this method it is also possible to gain |
curve controlled, deformations, maya | Jimmi Gravesen | 2006 | curve-controlled deformations maya | jimmi-gravesen | ||||||||
Your Friends Are Architects Music Video | 2008 |
Music in the 21st Century has become a commodity that has saturated the conciousness of the planet. |
compositing, music video, shake | Alastair Graham | mpg | 2008 | compositing music-video shake | alastair-graham | mpg | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Jeffrey Goslan | 2000 | jeffrey-goslan | ||||||||||
Human Facial Anatomy and Expressions, and how they can be Realistically Represented using Computer Graphics | 2004 |
Facial animation is the most important part of character animation, and realistic and natural expression of emotions is one of the most important parts of animating a believable character. This, however, is also one of the most challenging aspects of animating a character. The human face is one of the most interesting and intricate parts of the human body. We can detect even the subtlest change of expression within the face, and its familiarity allows us to recognise one face out of a sea of hundreds that we come into contact with every day. In order to successfully animate facial expressions and emotion, a thorough understanding of the human facial muscular structure and how expressions are formed is necessary. |
character animation, emotions, expression, facial anatomy, human face, realism | Lisa Gonzalez | zip | 2004 | character-animation emotions expression facial-anatomy human-face realism | lisa-gonzalez | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Julien Goldsbrough | 2000 | julien-goldsbrough | ||||||||||
Development and Implementation of a Natural Media Filter for the post-processing of animated sequences | 2008 |
This project is concerned with the research and development undertaken in the creation of a digital image filter that is able to process an animated sequence of frames to mimic the aesthetic of paint, pencil or chalk. The filtered images are similar in style and aesthetic to the inspirational works of Dave McKean and in particular, his illustrations within the graphic novel “Black Orchid”. As a post-process, the workflow created is capable of filtering an animated sequence using only the source animation as input. Research into optical flow and stereo disparity algorithms also result in motion extraction, influencing texture generation to retain the visual continuity and coherency movement within the animation. |
non-photorealistic rendering, rendering | Luke Goddard | 2008 | non-photorealistic-rendering rendering | luke-goddard | ||||||||
sven’s project | 2000 |
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test | Sven Globlack | 2000 | test | sven-globlack | ||||||||
Interactive Deconstructive Dimension | 2008 |
Group Project with Negar Bagheri |
installation, interaction, projection | Mariana Giuglaris | 2008 | installation interaction projection | mariana-giuglaris | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Matthew Gilchrist | 2002 | matthew-gilchrist | ||||||||||
The Influence of Music on Painting and Animation | 2007 |
This essay explores the subject of art influenced by music. It aims to place the subject in |
abstract animation, animation, music, painting | Jennifer Gilbert | 2007 | abstract-animation animation music painting | jennifer-gilbert | ||||||||
Calligraphic Line Animation | 2008 |
CG animation is usually thought of as being the process of animating a character |
calligraphy, lines | Ahmad Ghourab | mpeg | 2008 | calligraphy lines | ahmad-ghourab | mpeg | ||||||
Interactive Installation | 2010 |
Digital technology has revolutionised the way we produce and experience art today. Traditional art forms have been transformed, and completely new forms of art have surfaced as a consequence of digital techniques and media. This report consists of research into new media arts, personal experiments and the production of an interactive installation that would be exhibited at Bournemouth University. The developments I made in my own work are presented to showcase my thought process and the methods I used. Finally the report ends with a critique of my final interactive artwork and the reactions of the staff and students of Bournemouth University. |
installation, interactive | Daniel Georgiou | 2010 | installation interactive | daniel-georgiou | ||||||||
Giving Up | 2008 |
An exploration into the emotions of discouragement and the problems faced by those dealing with the discouraged. An attempt to find, between the audience and the animated characters, a common ground in which the audience can connect and care for the characters emotional well-being. Also an attempt to offer understanding to those in the audience who have experienced discouragement. A 2D-animated short entitled ‘Giving Up’. |
2d animation, character animation | Michael Gendi | mpeg | 2008 | 2d-animation character-animation | michael-gendi | mpeg | ||||||
Butterfly Flocking System | 2005 |
For this project I was assigned the task of creating an innovative piece of work within Computer Animation. The aim of this project was to experiment with new ideas and methods, and to learn more about an area of Computer Animation of interest to me. My project was a state machine flocking system of butterflies created using MEL (Maya Embedded Language). This report explains the processes I went through to create my final piece, with references to the research and design. |
butterfly, flocking, maya, mel | Claire Galpin | zip | 2005 | butterfly flocking maya mel | claire-galpin | zip | ||||||
Computer Generated Rain Effects: The Reason, Representation and Implementation | 2008 |
I have implemented a tool in Maya that has the ability to generated particle simulations that |
maya, particles, rain | Joe Gaffney | mpeg | 2008 | maya particles rain | joe-gaffney | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Roger Fung | 2000 | roger-fung | ||||||||||
Classroom Space | 2005 |
Computer graphics is normally presented on a screen which in most cases is watched by viewers passively, this project attempts to explore an alternative way of presenting computer graphics, taking it out of the cinema setting and TV screens. |
installation | Bettina Fung | 2005 | installation | bettina-fung | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Simon French | 2002 | simon-french | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Gareth Freathy | 2002 | gareth-freathy | ||||||||||
Modelling and Deformation of the Human Skeletal and Muscular System | 2002 |
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human body, muscles, skeleton | Siobhan Fowler | avi | 2002 | human-body muscles skeleton | siobhan-fowler | avi | ||||||
The making of Randomware | 2006 |
The idea began on a bus journey. I was playing a game called Warioware (Nintendo, 2003) on the Gameboy Advance. I’d already played each of the two hundred so-called microgames and completed the other modes. All that was left was to play the same microgames over again, competing against my own score. Since microgames are as simple as they are, I also had plenty of time to think about what I was doing. I realised that after exploring and unlocking every part of the game by now, it was no longer as fun as when I had first played it. The reason was because there were no surprises left to find which, when unlocked, each feels like a little reward for playing a new piece of game; the reward being a new challenge set and being new somehow recreates the exciting feeling of playing a game for the first time. (Well, you are playing that piece of game for the first time.) If only there was something left to unlock, although I would still be playing the same game, the possibility of a new discovery would give me more incentive, making the same experience more fun. If only there was more to unlock, if only it never ran out of freshness, then it would never run out of fun. It seemed a totally impossible idea, but it was so crazy that I thought it just might work. I was certain that, even if someone else had already thought of it before, in the modern state of the computer games industry, it’s an idea that sounds far too risky to even attempt, it’s an idea without proven success. Even so, it was an idea I became interested in trying out for myself, it contained the same excitement as playing Warioware did when I was trying to unlock a new level: the reward for taking the risk is the possibility of unlocking a brand new discovery. |
games, innovation | Edward Fowler | zip | 2006 | games innovation | edward-fowler | zip | ||||||
Real-Time Deformation for Computer Games | 2001 |
This paper looks at the various methods available for the implementation of real-time deformation for use in computer game environments. We will analyse a number of published methods and we will examine how these methods can be used to produce real-time deformation in future game developments. |
deformation, games, real-time | David Fletcher | zip | 2001 | deformation games real-time | david-fletcher | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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David Fish | mpeg | 2001 | david-fish | mpeg | ||||||||
Facial Animation | 1999 |
Facial Animation , particularly on a realistic human face, can be a very elusive subject to animate. Capturing the myriad of tiny nuances that give a character expression and emotion has proved to be a very tough task. Animators have turned to hardware solutions, such as motion capture to achieve their goals. While this method has proved to be a time-saving technique in the fast paced production industry, I have chosen to direct my research into a software based solution. As a student in the art of 3d computer animation this is a subject which interests me. Through this report I intend to chronicle both my research and experimentation into software keyframe based facial animation. |
facial animation, motion capture | Jamie Field | zip | 1999 | facial-animation motion-capture | jamie-field | zip | ||||||
Design and Implementation of Advanced Character Setup | 2007 |
This project is an investigation into the Design and Implementation of advanced |
character, rigging, setup | Sam Ferrar | mpeg | 2007 | character rigging setup | sam-ferrar | mpeg | ||||||
A Documentation of the Modelling and Rigging Techniques Used to Create a Virtual Toy Transformer and the Possible Applications for it as a Marketing Tool | 2006 |
The objective that I set out to achieve for this project was to create an accurate replica of a toy Transformer robot using 3D computer modelling software and to build a working mechanical rig that would enable him to transform. This allowed me to explore the techniques used to model mechanical, robotic type characters and to understand and gain knowledge about the most apt methods for rigging them. On top of this, I decided to explore the possible uses and applications of my virtual toy model as a marketing tool for the toy company. My objectives provided me with a project that was to be both challenging and innovative. The practical side of this report is targeted at an audience who understand the concepts and terminology of 3D computer modelling and rigging in Alias Maya. |
maya, Modelling, rigging, robot, toys | Alison Farmer | 2006 | maya modelling rigging robot toys | alison-farmer | ||||||||
Look of The Fairy | 2008 |
Fairies appear a lot in art and motion pictures as they are a sight of wonder and mystery. Also, in more recent animated films, visual artists have been trying to create images that have a painterly feel to them whilst still working in the realm of 3D. This project shows a study of how a fairy is to be portrayed and move in a 3D animation as well as creates a 3D animation that has a similar look to the painterly effect that has |
compositing, non-photorealistic rendering, painterly effects, rendering | Victoria Farley | 2008 | compositing non-photorealistic-rendering painterly-effects rendering | victoria-farley | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Oliver Faldo | 2002 | oliver-faldo | ||||||||||
Innovations | 1998 |
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Theodore Facey | 1998 | theodore-facey | ||||||||||
R2Dtool | 2007 |
This study is an investigation into the creation of an automatic CG rig generator, using a |
rigging | Leigh Evans | 2007 | rigging | leigh-evans | ||||||||
An exploration of the union of 2D animation with a 3D animated environment | 2006 |
To firstly formulate a comparative analysis of existing production disciplines and to investigate the techniques and methods used in both 2D and 3D productions. I will then back up this investigation by using these techniques for the creation of my own animated. |
2d, 3d animation | Huw Evans | zip | 2006 | 2d 3d-animation | huw-evans | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2006 |
For my innovations project, I decided to look at the issues surrounding image recolouring, including current techniques, their drawbacks, and possible solutions. I then wanted to try to implement a new image recolouring algorithm to attempt to address the limitations inherent in these current methods. |
algorithm, image recolouring | Karl Erlandsen | 2006 | algorithm image-recolouring | karl-erlandsen | ||||||||
A Comparison of Local and Global Illumination Techniques | 2001 |
A method is described which models a simplified global illumination solution. Current techniques require long rendering times and so are not widely used. Approximations are employed but these take time to set up and are often derived from guess work. A simple environment is used to illustrate the technique. |
global, illumination techniques, local | Catherine Elvidge | zip | 2001 | global illumination-techniques local | catherine-elvidge | zip | ||||||
Graphics Workflow for a Side-scrolling Game | 2008 |
This project aims to explore and find a suitable way of creating environments for a proposed side-scrolling adventure game. |
game, maya, python | Omar El Sawi | zip | 2008 | game maya python | omar-el-sawi | zip | ||||||
A Spectrally Based Method for the Emulation of the Technicolor Process on Digital Images | 2006 |
Before single strip multi-layered colour motion picture film was ‘developed’ at the end of the 1940’s, the main method of producing colour movies was a system invented by the Technicolor corporation, and hence commonly known as Technicolor. Other systems existed but the methods were essentially the same. Light from the lens was split into separate beams, each of which passed through a coloured filter onto a strip of black and white negative, so creating colour records that could be combined with filters and lights at projection time to recreate the scene in colour. The technique was characterised by a rich, vibrant colour that distinguished it from single strip colour films that eventually replaced it. After filming in Technicolor was discontinued, it was still common to create release prints from the colour film using the Technicolor printing process and recent films have also emulated the process on digitised film([2] & [3]). Digitally captured images lack the depth of film and new methods of mimicking photography are continually being thought up, grain, lens flare etc. This paper aims to develop a physically based method of emulating the Technicolor process on digital images through the use of spectral data. |
film, lens flare, spectral data, technicolor | Thomas Edwards | zip | 2006 | film lens-flare spectral-data technicolor | thomas-edwards | zip | ||||||
Implementing a Practical Renderman Skin Shader | 2005 |
This paper presents a simple method for implementing a practical skin shader for use within a production pipeline. The method enables effects that BRDF (see introduction) models cannot capture, such as subsurface light transport within the skin. The model was designed with the purpose of providing a practical skin shader to be easily integrated into a production pipeline. |
renderman, shaders, skin | Peter Dudley-Ryder | doc | 2005 | renderman shaders skin | peter-dudley-ryder | doc | ||||||
Research into Character Rigging | 2008 |
This paper looks into character rigging. It covers many areas of character setup, and |
cheacter rigging, maya | Louise Duckworth | zip | 2008 | cheacter-rigging maya | louise-duckworth | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2003 |
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Seth Dubieniec | 2003 | seth-dubieniec | ||||||||||
Big Money Mountain | 2000 |
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macromedia | Timothy Doubleday | 2000 | macromedia | timothy-doubleday | ||||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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Markus Dorninger | 2001 | markus-dorninger | ||||||||||
Unit Level AI Library | 2008 |
Artificial intelligence is used in modern computer games extensively such as real-time-strategies in |
ai, c++, game, opengl | Peter Dodds | zip | 2008 | ai c game opengl | peter-dodds | zip | ||||||
An Exploration into Colour Symbolism as used by Different Cultures and Religions | 2006 |
As any visual artist will know, the use of colour plays an extremely important part in a piece or work whether we are dealing with still or moving images. However, throughout history the way that colour is used has evolved in a way that can be seen to vary greatly between different nations, continents and religions. Colour does not follow a unique, universally recognisable code, and we must be aware of this not only as viewers, but perhaps more importantly as artists and directors. The associations that we make with any form or media that involves colour are dependent upon the culture in which we have been raised. Therefore problems may arise when we are dealing with media that is intended to be shown across a range of cultures. You could, for example, choose a colour palette in such a way as to encode a hidden message that would provide extra information to the viewer who was able to interpret the signs. However if you do so, it is important that you are aware that depending on the cultural or religious background of your audience, the signs and thus the message that you wish to convey, may be misinterpreted or even completely overlooked. |
colour, symbolism | Laura Dilloway | 2006 | colour symbolism | laura-dilloway | ||||||||
Freaktures – An Exploration of the Perception of Artificial Life | 2006 |
This project has been an informal exploration of the creation and human perception of digital life. I have created a supporting program in order to try out some ideas and expand my knowledge of programming. So far in the program I have created basic digital creatures called Freaktures which move around the screen making decisions on where to go based on random values. I have purposely left the Freaktures without any textures or secondary animation because, based on my friends reactions even early on in the project, this seems to encourage a more natural, uninhibited use of the |
artificial life | Samantha Dickinson | doc | 2006 | artificial-life | samantha-dickinson | doc | ||||||
A Procedural Approach to Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Pen and Ink Illustration from Three-Dimensional Models | 2004 |
This paper is concerned with the development of non photorealistic rendering in the form of pen-and-ink illustration. In particular, I will be presenting two methods of shader creation through the RenderMan process, a two-dimensional method that involves striping along the u and v directions of an object and a three-dimensional method that is based on solid texturing. Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) is still a relatively new area in computer graphics but has developed a strong appreciation in recent years. In this report, related work in this field will be briefly addressed and then the development of my own techniques will be explained. Finally, an animated short will be created using the shader, intending to emulate the aesthetics of traditional Pen and Ink illustration in a digital medium. |
non-photorealistic rendering, procedural | Paul Dibden | zip | 2004 | non-photorealistic-rendering procedural | paul-dibden | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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Laura Dias | 2001 | laura-dias | ||||||||||
Non Photorealistic Rendering of Water in Hayao Miyazaki Style | 2004 |
The object of this project is to introduce a drawn animation style and to replicate it in computer graphics using the available software tools, in order to produce a similar result as that used as inspiration. The state of contemporary animation is reviewed in an attempt to justify the chosen topic, and a solution to the proposed task is presented, as well as a description of the paths taken to arrive at the result. |
non-photorealistic rendering, water | Marius De Araujo | 2004 | non-photorealistic-rendering water | marius-de-araujo | ||||||||
Camera Tracking Systems | 2000 |
There are many different ways to approach the recovery of a camera position in three dimensional space. Most modern methods use the information presented from the scene’s two-dimensional projection on the image plane (screen), as opposed to using mechanical devices controlling the live-action camera’s motion. The final system that is illustrated in this paper is a piece of software which manipulates information given by the user and from a tracking program (which is also outlined in this paper). The tracking program determines the concurrent positions of reference points, on the image plane, that make up a recognisable feature. The basic feature that is being tracked in this system is a set of three points, on a planar surface, which define two perpendicular, intersecting lines (such as the top and side edges of a window or poster). This means that only three points need be tracked by the computer. |
camera position, camera tracking systems, real-time | Stephen Dawson | zip | 2000 | camera-position camera-tracking-systems real-time | stephen-dawson | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Guy Davies | 2000 | guy-davies | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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Paul Davies | mpeg | 2001 | paul-davies | mpeg | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Ross Davies | 2002 | ross-davies | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Craig Davies | 2002 | craig-davies | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2003 |
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Giles Davies | 2003 | giles-davies | ||||||||||
Innovations | 1998 |
When we were originally approached by the Medical Insurance Agency, their requirement was for a ‘kiosk’ style information delivery system. The information would be interactive, and ideally would be touch-screen driven. This would be located near the entrance to their new head-office building. The layout of this building contained an indoor car park, which was described by the Managing Director, Bob Bycroft, as ‘more of a Mercedes Benz showroom than a car park’. After company guests had parked their car however, the route to reception was not immediately obvious. The kiosk would be situated near to the doorway and instruct guests primarily upon how to reach reception, but it would also dispense information pertaining to the many branches of the company. MIA sent an information pack to us that contained much of the information that they envisaged would make up the content of the kiosk. |
interactivity, multiple cameras | Kier Darby | zip | 1998 | interactivity multiple-cameras | kier-darby | zip | ||||||
Image based 3D Effects | 2003 |
This project explains the development of several C++ programs which generate 3D image based effects. |
3d effects, c++, image based effects | Stefan D'Hondt | 2003 | 3d-effects c image-based-effects | stefan-dhondt | ||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Michael Cusack | 2000 | michael-cusack | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Mark Curtis | 2000 | mark-curtis | ||||||||||
Virtual Evolutionary Worlds | 2005 |
This report is concerned with the creation of virtual evolutionary worlds. It discusses world design with particular attention to the problem of achieving open-endedness. This is followed by a description of a virtual machine aimed at achieving this goal and a summary of several experiments performed using this system. |
evolutionary algorithms, virtual | Adam Cubitt | zip | 2005 | evolutionary-algorithms virtual | adam-cubitt | zip | ||||||
Cubism in Computer Graphics | 2005 |
Described as the most revolutionary modern art movements, Cubism, was discovered in the early 20th Century and abolished all traditional views of perspective and ways of seeing. Objects were expanded , pulled apart and placed in order to show them from multiply points of view. This project presents to you a technique interacting Cubism into Computer graphics. The method aims to use the technique of Analytical Cubism, particularly the work of Picasso and Braque to create computer generated models which fundamentally have the appearance of a painting so being a flat two-dimensional image. |
braque, cubism, picasso | Zoe Cranley | avi | 2005 | braque cubism picasso | zoe-cranley | avi | ||||||
Asset Creation for Next Gen Computer Games Engines | 2008 |
Documentation on Asset creation for next generation computer game engines |
asset creation, game, game engine | Andrew Cosgrove | mpeg | 2008 | asset-creation game game-engine | andrew-cosgrove | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Simon Cope | 2000 | simon-cope | ||||||||||
Innovations | 1999 |
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James Coore | 1999 | james-coore | ||||||||||
Camera Matching Plug-in for Maya | 2001 |
My intention in the following paper is to produce a piece of software written in MEL script as a plug-in for Maya which will be a camera matching device and as an aid for computer animators to achieve a successful camera match between live action and CG before compositing so that all aspects are complimentary and the images when composited are visually convincing. If subject distance and spatial information is known it will be possible to position the camera and tilt in the correct direction. |
camera matching, maya, plug-in | Edward Cooper | zip | 2001 | camera-matching maya plug-in | edward-cooper | zip | ||||||
Chimaera Creature Development | 2006 |
For this project I wanted to select a task that would let me develop my creative skills away from the computer. I wanted to develop and design a |
character design, creature development | Stephanie Cooper | 2006 | character-design creature-development | stephanie-cooper | ||||||||
At Least I’m Alive | 2007 |
Group project with Matthew Stevens and Mandy King Wong, researching animaton for children. The group presented a verbal report of which there is not record. See the final animation in Matthew Steven’s section. |
animation, character animation, children | Rory Cooke | 2007 | animation character-animation children | rory-cooke | ||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Michael Cook | 2000 | michael-cook | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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Michael Cook | 2001 | michael-cook | ||||||||||
An Investigation into Animation Blending | 2008 |
The art of animation blending has been used in games for many |
animation blending, c++, maya | Michael Cole | 2008 | animation-blending c maya | michael-cole | ||||||||
The Use of Miniatures in Modern Filmmaking | 2007 |
I have always been amazed by the ingenuity and innovation of the early pioneers of |
compositing, film, traditional effects | Chris Clough | 2007 | compositing film traditional-effects | chris-clough | ||||||||
Embodiment of a Dancer | 2005 |
The human body is a tool through which motion can be relayed. It is through intensive study and creative expression that this tool is able to channel and perform through art. When a dancer appears on stage her body is her tool. She expresses her emotions and her choreographed piece in an almost effortless fashion, floating across the stage seamlessly. She is the subject of our gaze. What if we were to alter our concentration slightly however and instead of focusing on the dancer herself, instead only saw her motion, the product created by the tool. Can the piece still be appreciated as much as when the visual stimuli of the tool itself was present, enabling better understanding and interpretation of the motion. |
dance, fischinger, mclaren, motion capture | Emma Clifton | wav | 2005 | dance fischinger mclaren motion-capture | emma-clifton | wav | ||||||
2D and 3D computer graphics and Live-Action Visual Effects | 2007 |
Discussed in this report, is the relationship between 2D and 3D computer graphics during the production of live-action visual effects. An investigation will take place to analyse the similarities and differences between these two categories. I will explore how passing information, specifically depth map imagery, from 3D to 2D graphics effects the pipleline. Emphasisi will then be placed on evaluating the uses, importance and methods of capturing depth information in order to achieve believable integration between computer generated imagery and live-action footage. |
depth map, effects, live action | Richard Clegg | 2007 | depth-map effects live-action | richard-clegg | ||||||||
Procedural Trail Tool | 2008 |
Trail effects and motion blur take time to set up and compute. This process can be sped up by combining all the necessary operations in a tool. The user can mix and map different parameters to create their own trail rather than sticking with some more conventional trail visuals. Points (particles), curves, patches and blob meshes can be generated as output. Using ramps and forces allows drastically different results which gives the user more creative freedom. |
houdini, procedural modelling, tool, trail | Peter Claes | 2008 | houdini procedural-modelling tool trail | peter-claes | ||||||||
Innovations | 2004 |
This project is a character driven animation limited on a minimum amount of visual information to communicate a story. All the visual elements are restrained to the simplest essence of form in space, the silhouette. Such restriction implies the lack of many of the natural visual properties, such as color, tone and texture, which are key elements for the perception of depth, volume and light. Using only black orwhite and the filled shape of the characters and the environments I would like to explore and demonstrate the power of shape in visual communication. |
abstract animation, character driven animation | Evangelos Christopoulos | mp3 | 2004 | abstract-animation character-driven-animation | evangelos-christopoulos | mp3 | ||||||
The Unknown Nature of Light | 2005 |
The purpose of this project is to study how light behaves in different time and space scales, as well as in frequencies of the spectrum that are not visible to the human eye. There are optical phenomena, such as Doppler shift, which humans can not easily observe because of the extremely high speed of light. But as the technology of computer graphics has evolved over the last few decades, it is possible to simulate and visualise some of those phenomena. In this report, the practical techniques and the theory needed to simulate such phenomena in computer graphics is presented. In one case, a detailed implementation is given for the Doppler shift. On the other hand, a theoretical discussion explains the advantages and disadvantages of different ways to implement simulations like bending of light near strong gravitational fields and also the delay of visual perception because of the finite speed of light. |
doppler shift shader, light, shaders | Georgios Cherouveim | zip | 2005 | doppler-shift-shader light shaders | georgios-cherouveim | zip | ||||||
An Investigation into Geometric Algebra and its Implementation in a Ray Tracer | 2007 |
Geometric algebra is an algebra that spans multiple dimensions and provides us with an alternative way to analyse geometry. In this report I provide an introduction to 3-dimensional geometric algebra. I go on to discuss its implementation in a ray tracer so as to determine its relevance within computer graphics. |
algebra, geometric, raytracing | Timothy Chauncey | zip | 2007 | algebra geometric raytracing | timothy-chauncey | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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abstract animation | Nicola Chapman | mpeg | 2001 | abstract-animation | nicola-chapman | mpeg | ||||||
Polar Bear Study | 2000 |
For my Innovations project I decided that I wanted to do a detailed study of animation. In the past I have looked at human animation, but have not ever done any animal animation. I therefore wanted to study something that was unlike anything I had looked at before. I did not want to animate anything that had been animated realistically many times before, such as a feline or even a dinosaur. |
animation, polar bear | Alana Challis | zip | 2000 | animation polar-bear | alana-challis | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
My aim in this project was to produce, on computer, a piece of fine art. This piece was to be a continuation of work I had previously done at art A-level. |
abstract animation, fine art | Edward Cates | mpeg | 2001 | abstract-animation fine-art | edward-cates | mpeg | ||||||
The Mental Ray Experience | 2005 |
The work for my Innovations project comes under two broad categories. My first idea was to look at the use, authoring and implementation of mental Ray shaders. As work on the project progressed, my work was more focussed upon skin and the techniques used in 3d computer graphics to represent it. |
mental ray custom shaders, rendering, shaders, skin | Dominic Carus | zip | 2005 | mental-ray-custom-shaders rendering shaders skin | dominic-carus | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
‘Motion Capture – Satan’s rotoscope…’ (1) |
anthropomorphism, motion capture | Laura Carr | mpeg | 2001 | anthropomorphism motion-capture | laura-carr | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
Two dimensional animation has been around for many years. Early examples include Snow White up to current day blockbusters such as The Lion King and The Emperor’s New Groove. They have all been very successful films, sporting some extremely good animation. The development of 3D animation has produced some amazing new films such as Toy Story leading the way forward. |
2-d effects | Daniel Canfora | zip | 2001 | 2-d-effects | daniel-canfora | zip | ||||||
An Investigation into Cartoon Fur | 2003 |
When being set a project which aims to push you to test ideas you have or try and solve problems that you have come across, there is a decision to be made. Do I start by looking at this project as an entity of its own or do I look to link this to an already on going project. I decided to look at the latter of these two options, linking this project with a comical piece of work I am producing for my major project. |
cartoon, fur, maya | Guy Campbell | doc | 2003 | cartoon fur maya | guy-campbell | doc | ||||||
Innovations | 1998 |
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Alexander Burt | 1998 | alexander-burt | ||||||||||
Innovations | 1998 |
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Christopher Burn | 1998 | christopher-burn | ||||||||||
Real Time Animated Typography Tool | 2004 |
As video art becomes a more prominent part of nightclub entertainment, promoters are also becoming more aware of the advertising potential of video projected information. For the most part, financial assistance is not generally offered to produce sophisticated animated typographic sequences, rather it is an expected service to be provided as part of a show. Production of animated sequences takes time. The process involves creating the type, marking key frames or choosing paths for the type to follow, rendering and finally editing and outputting to a format to be displayed. By having a quick and easy tool to display logos and text on-screen the video artist is given more time to work on sequences outside the realms of unpaid corporate advertising. |
abstract animation, real time, tool, typography | Keith Burgess | avi | 2004 | abstract-animation real-time-2 tool typography | keith-burgess | avi | ||||||
Innovations | 2004 |
This project sought to research into current and past simulations, into teaching methods which use computer graphics and to make a teaching tool that would demonstrate the principles of a nuclear reaction. |
education, simulation, teaching tool | Andrew Bunday | mpeg | 2004 | education simulation teaching-tool | andrew-bunday | mpeg | ||||||
A study of the importance of anatomy in character modelling and design | 2006 |
This project is a study of the impor tance of anatomy in character design. The practical side is essentially six different characters created out of the exact same mesh, each with a different physique based on a real body structure, with only slight changes made to create a character, thus the character is largely defined by its anatomy. By morphing between these, the final product (a thirty second animation) displays how the body changes. This mean that the viewer can see the muscles weakening, or the bones growing, or fat forming, or whatever change they are viewing, thus helping them to understand how many different characters can be created out our existing natural design, and hopefully educating them in an enter taining way. It should be stressed that this is not a study into character design, any of the characters in this project could be infinitely more fleshed out, but one of the ideas behind the project was to have as minimal change from reality as possible, to show how real anatomy can be the basis of many characters. |
anatomy, character design, character modelling, human body | Christian Bull | 2006 | anatomy character-design character-modelling human-body | christian-bull | ||||||||
Non-Photorealistic rendering: A Marker Technique Approach | 2004 |
‘Whether the object in the hand is a coloured pencil, a marker or a computer control, the basic design and visualizing skills needed to use them effectively remain the same.’ (Powell 1990 p.9) |
non-photorealistic rendering | Judith Brownbill | zip | 2004 | non-photorealistic-rendering | judith-brownbill | zip | ||||||
The Simulation of the Aging Process and Implementing Wrinkles in Computer Animation | 2004 |
This report discusses the physical process of aging, including the structure of the skin and wrinkle formation. Research into different approaches using the aging process in computer graphics is documented. The report proposes a tool designed for Maya using MEL scripting that allows a user to apply wrinkles or other textures, as layered bump maps, to selected faces. Further applications and future ideas are also discussed. |
aging process, bump maps, maya, mel, simulation, tool | Danielle Brooks | zip | 2004 | aging-process bump-maps maya mel simulation tool | danielle-brooks | zip | ||||||
A Report on Machine Learning and Genetic Programming Techniques, and their Potential in Evolving Behavioural Animation Systems | 2005 |
My research for this unit is on the subject of Machine Learning, a topic which greatly interests me. Last year, my house-mate mentioned to me that on his course, they had been touching upon the idea that computer programs could, perhaps, write themselves (!). Computer programs that write other programs? Surely not, I hear you ask. Well, that’s |
animation systems, evolving behaviours, genetic programming techniques, machine learning | Graham Brooks | 2005 | animation-systems evolving-behaviours genetic-programming-techniques machine-learning | graham-brooks | ||||||||
Innovations | 1999 |
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Nicola Brodie | 1999 | nicola-brodie | ||||||||||
Developing Traditional Artistic Techniques and Representing them in 3D Comuter Animation | 2007 |
The investigation and development of traditional artistic techniques and the |
abstract, abstract animation, art, painting | Jay Brindle | mpeg | 2007 | abstract abstract-animation art painting | jay-brindle | mpeg | ||||||
The Study of Anthropomorphism In Inanimate Objects | 2008 |
The aim of this project is to research and acquire an understanding of |
animation, anthropomorphism, character | Emma Braney | mpeg | 2008 | animation anthropomorphism character | emma-braney | mpeg | ||||||
Research and Development of Organic Structures used in Character Deformation | 2003 |
Since the dawn of mankind, people have been compelled to depict human and animal forms through art. The main focus of this research project is to examine the current level of technology used to simulate organic structures in Computer Graphics. This challenge is increased further when attempting to accurately simulate these bodies in motion. Throughout the course of this project, I will compare and contrast the merits and deficiencies of the current methods that have been employed to solve this unique challenge. |
character deformation, organic structures | Andre Braithwaite | zip | 2003 | character-deformation organic-structures | andre-braithwaite | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 1999 |
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Sally Brading | 1999 | sally-brading | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2004 |
This report discusses the role of animation in education. It looks at how the human mind learns, subdividing learning into two major components: ~ UNDERSTANDING and MEMORY. It addresses the issue as to whether animation can improve both components for individuals of all learning categories: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. |
abstract animation, education, maya, morphing | Dameon Boyle | 2004 | abstract-animation education maya morphing | dameon-boyle | ||||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
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compositing | Vanessa Boyce | mpeg | 2001 | compositing | vanessa-boyce | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Thomas Box | 2000 | thomas-box | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Lisa Bowles | 2000 | lisa-bowles | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2006 |
This is a report on my attempt to develop an application that will take multiple sound inputs and convert them into live 3d visuals. The libraries used were OpenGL, OpenML and FMOD. This report covers my initial aims, how I went about trying to achieve those aims, the results I achieved and the conclusions I came to. |
3d visuals, open gl, sound | Geoffrey Bower | zip | 2006 | 3d-visuals open-gl sound | geoffrey-bower | zip | ||||||
Animating expression with Carnival Albert | 2001 |
For this project, my aim is to produce a series of short animations, each conveying different expressions, applying animation principles to a character, which is limited in the way it can express itself. (i.e. the character will be almost an inanimate object). The character will be modeled and animated using the Maya software package. |
character animation | Simon Boscaro | 2001 | character-animation | simon-boscaro | ||||||||
MeshMorph | 2005 |
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morphing | Birgitte Borsting | doc | 2005 | morphing | birgitte-borsting | doc | ||||||
Painterly Motion Blur for Moving Images | 2006 |
In this report a series of steps for applying a painterly motion blur to an object in motion is presented. The techniques used can in general be applied to any sequence of 2D images where the subject can be separated from the background. These steps were developed from a series of experiments generated from research within the area of non-photorealistic rendering and motion blur for animation and games. It uses a combination of motion vectors and a number of displacements by filmed footage. |
motion blur, non-photorealistic rendering | Marie Borgesson | 2006 | motion-blur non-photorealistic-rendering | marie-borgesson | ||||||||
âBoona Taxiâ? | 2001 |
This report draws from many divergent areas of research in the field of 3D game engine design and documents the varying degree of success of their implementation in the context of a real life game, Boona Taxi, created for this purpose. In the process of exploration and explanation of many of the theories and concepts, from the purely technical to the purely aesthetic, it is hoped that the reader will gain a knowledge of the subject in the same way that the Author has found this project to be a learning curve. |
game engine | Michael Bonnington | zip | 2001 | game-engine | michael-bonnington | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
The main purpose of this project is to examine how CG humanoid characters are traditionally constructed. The word humanoid could apply to the majority of biped characters whether human or invented so although this will be based on the mechanics of a human body and how it moves, this will be quite a loose or general association. |
human body, humanoid | Claire Blustin | mpeg | 2001 | human-body humanoid | claire-blustin | mpeg | ||||||
Representing Breaking Waves in Computer Graphics | 2005 |
The animation and control over fluid simulation is an intricate and testing application of computer graphics. In this report we study the propagation and dynamics of water waves, and look at examples of how waves have been represented in computer graphics in the past. We take ideas outlined in recent papers and develop a tool of our own that generates a representation of a breaking wave surface in Maya. |
fluid simulation, maya, ocean waves, tool | Daniel Blacker | avi | 2005 | fluid-simulation maya ocean-waves tool | daniel-blacker | avi | ||||||
eMotion 3D Sports Motion Analysis | 2007 |
The reoprt is a working business plan exploring the potential benefits of 3D Motion Capture in sports analysis in comparison to existing techniques. |
motion capture, sport | Steven Bishop | 2007 | motion-capture sport | steven-bishop | ||||||||
Resources aimed at Head Creation | 2006 |
The overall goal of this project is to create resources aimed at artists that will improve their ability to create believable photoreal heads and try and cut the amount of time taken to do so. |
head, human body, Modelling | Matthew Birkett-Smith | 2006 | head human-body modelling | matthew-birkett-smith | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Sarah Bird | 2002 | sarah-bird | ||||||||||
Digital Puppetry | 2003 |
For this project, I wish to investigate my theory that a digital puppet can be used as a motion capture device. I intend to compare this idea against the standard methods that have been used in the animation industry to record the movements od actors. Hopefully, by the end of the project I will have created a puppet device that demonstrates how this theory can be put into practice. |
houdini, midi, motion capture | Kiain Bird | zip | 2003 | houdini midi motion-capture | kiain-bird | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Martin Binfield | 2000 | martin-binfield | ||||||||||
Matching changing live action lights | 2009 |
Image-based lighting was developed by Debevec[1998], it uses photography to light objects based on an environment map. This method along with HDR image based lighting is limited to static lighting. To gather light from a location with changing and/or moving lights we will look into the use of Video-based lighting. |
cg live action integration, image based lighting | Luke Bigley | 2009 | cg-live-action-integration image-based-lighting | luke-bigley | ||||||||
The Development of a 2D Animation System Within Maya | 2005 |
The report focuses on the study of the techniques used to combine 2D and 3D elements in animated film. The report then goes onto describe how these methods can be applied in the research and development of a 2D animation system that can be implemented in the 3D environment of Maya. |
2d animation, maya | Samuel Berry | htm | 2005 | 2d-animation maya | samuel-berry | htm | ||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Hege Berg | 2002 | hege-berg | ||||||||||
Non-Photo Realistic Image Processing | 2008 |
The connection between traditional media and digital is very rarely explored often resorting using non-photo realistic |
mental ray, non-photrealistic rendering, rendering | David Bell | zip | 2008 | mental-ray non-photrealistic-rendering rendering | david-bell | zip | ||||||
The work in this gallery was submitted as part of the Innovations Unit of the BA Computer Visualisation and Animation Programme. |
administrator, contact information, help, site management | Stephen Bell | administrator contact-information help site-management | stephen-bell | ||||||||||
Map Painting | 2005 |
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map, painting | William Bell | avi | 2005 | map painting | william-bell | avi | ||||||
Cross-Media Narrative | 2005 |
This report will explore the use of several media to portray a single story-world, considering the advantages of and disadvantages of such an approach, and considering what criteria should be used to judge stories told in this manner. |
cross-media, narrative | Michael Beeson | doc | 2005 | cross-media narrative | michael-beeson | doc | ||||||
Iridescence in Computer Graphics using the wave theory | 2006 |
Iridescence is a natural phenomenon which is caused by the wave nature of light. In this report we will be looking at modeling light as a wave to generate interference in light waves, which can then be taken further to create the iridescent effect of the Morpho butterfly. Interference of light and how representing light as waves, as opposed to the more commonly used particle representation, can give us these results. |
interference, iridescence, morpho butterfly, simulation, spectra, wave theory | Amir Bazazi | zip | 2006 | interference iridescence morpho-butterfly simulation spectra wave-theory | amir-bazazi | zip | ||||||
Why do We Play Video Games and What In Terms of Design Influences our Choices | 2008 |
The aim of this project is to research onto the reasons why we play video |
choice, games | Leanne Bayley | 2008 | choice games | leanne-bayley | ||||||||
Random Face Generation and the Application of Fuzzy Logic | 2004 |
This paper describes a system that automatically generates multiple variations of a piece of 3D facial geometry. The position of a facial feature drives the position of another feature using a set of rules obtained through observed associations between features on a human face. The system allows for a user to modify features on a face manually. The fundamentals and power of Fuzzy Logic is explored in depth, and the potential use of this method of logic inside the system is hypothesised. It is proposed that realistic variations of a face can be generated automatically by the system, and that the need for modelling multiple faces in the 3D environment could become unnecessary by the use of this method of generation. |
facial geometry, fuzzy logic, human face, random face generation | Charles Batho | zip | 2004 | facial-geometry fuzzy-logic human-face random-face-generation | charles-batho | zip | ||||||
Real Time Lighting and Shadow Methods in OpenGL | 2001 |
The purpose of this project is to investigate a number of real time graphical effects primarily concerned with the difference between pre-calculation and dynamic effects. The two major areas of research have been into performing lighting calculations outside of the normal openGL renderer, in order to investigate whether it is possible to create a higher visual quality. The second has been into investigating real time shadows and effects. |
lighting, opengl, real-time, shadows | Robert Bateman | zip | 2001 | lighting opengl real-time shadows | robert-bateman | zip | ||||||
Image-Based Rendering | 2004 |
This innovations project deals with a texture mapping approach that has been greatly influenced by Image-Based Rendering. In the report, different IBR fields of research will be outlined and existing software will be discussed as to their advantages and limitations. I will present my own method, which is a manual approach to photo-based texture mapping aimed at time-effective creation of photorealistic environments and matte paintings. The key to the project is that photos are used as modeling templates as well textures. I will demonstrate this concept on two cityscape scenes. Finally I will analyse my work and discuss its usefulness and its limitations. |
animation, rendering | David Basalla | zip | 2004 | animation rendering | david-basalla | zip | ||||||
Traditional 2D Animation | 2007 |
The aim of the project was to research and acquire an understanding of the main principles of animation and to experiment and execute several short animations of a simple character, with a focus on the movement and performance, using the medium of traditional 2D animation. |
2d, character animation, traditional | Daniel Barrett | mpeg | 2007 | 2d character-animation traditional | daniel-barrett | mpeg | ||||||
An Investigation into the unique aesthetic qualities of Physical Effects as a valid part of a CG-VFX pipeline | 2012 |
The purpose of this report was to investigate the aesthetic potential for physical effects footage |
cloud, compositing, fluid | Neill Barrack | 2012 | cloud compositing fluid | neill-barrack | ||||||||
Innovations | 2002 |
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Annika Barkhouse | 2002 | annika-barkhouse | ||||||||||
Innovations | 2003 |
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Daniel Barker | 2003 | daniel-barker | ||||||||||
Abstract Animation | 2006 |
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abstract animation | Aram Balakjian | mpeg | 2006 | abstract-animation | aram-balakjian | mpeg | ||||||
Experiments with Textures and Materials inspired by the Aesthetics of Two Dimensional Animation | 2008 |
Creating a background/environment combining three |
2d animation, materials, texturing | Tara Bakshi | 2008 | 2d-animation materials texturing | tara-bakshi | ||||||||
Designing Modular Neural Networks for use in a Virtual Ecosystem Game | 2008 |
This report describes several possible designs of modular neural networks for use in the AI system of a Virtual Garden Game. Neural networks have a lot potential for creating intelligent, entertaining behaviour because they can be used to simulate learning. This report will show how simple neural networks could be used to do complex tasks such as problem solving, while still addressing the need for clarity, and ease of debugging which has so far has worked against neural networks in the games industry. |
ai, game, neural network | Jonathan Baker | 2008 | ai game neural-network | jonathan-baker | ||||||||
Innovations | 2000 |
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Amritpal Bajwa | 2000 | amritpal-bajwa | ||||||||||
Investigative Study into the Innovation of Pre-Rendered Adventure Games | 2004 |
This report is an investigative study into methodologies to enhance the gaming experience. I will also be looking at the longevity of 3D pre-rendered games in comparison to the relative flexibility of 3D run-time games. In particular I want to focus on pre-rendered games of the ‘interactive movie adventure’ genera type. These games focus on the story line narrative thus creating a richly detailed immersive environment. |
games, pre-rendered | Luke Bailey | rtf | 2004 | games pre-rendered | luke-bailey | rtf | ||||||
Interactive Deconstructive Dimension | 2008 |
Group Project with Mariana Giuglaris. |
installation, interaction, projection | Negar Bagheri | doc | 2008 | installation interaction projection | negar-bagheri | doc | ||||||
Creating realistic Locomotion in the Animation of a Fantasy Creature | 2008 |
Animation has always been interested in creating that which does not exist naturally within our |
animation, creature, fantasy | Jodie Azhar | 2008 | animation creature fantasy | jodie-azhar | ||||||||
An Intuitive Manipulation System for Virtual Scenes | 2006 |
Described here is an intuitive manipulation system for virtual scenes, using hand movements tracked by a domestic web camera. Methods for tracking position and hand shape are discussed as well as methods for affecting virtual objects using this data. |
manipulation system, virtual scenes | Henry Ayliff | 2006 | manipulation-system virtual-scenes | henry-ayliff | ||||||||
Use of Anthropomorphism in the Animation of Animals | 2006 |
Anthropomorphism, originally the word referred to as the attribution of human forms to gods (Daston and Mitman 2005) is now commonly considered as the attribution of human characteristics and qualities to non-human beings, objects or natural phenomena (Wikipedia 2006) The context of this study will be concentrated on the use of anthropomorphism being applied to animals in animation. This paper will be aimed towards animators and therefore will assume the reader has a basic understanding of general animation principles, particularly in the field of computer animation. |
animals, animation, anthropomorphism | Nicola Atkinson | 2006 | animals animation anthropomorphism | nicola-atkinson | ||||||||
Investigation into the Technicalities of Producing the Animation of Tearing Paper | 2004 |
The aim of this paper is to find the best method to produce the animation described in detail in appendix A. The technicalities of the animation are to animate paper tearing with the image on the paper changing. This paper, discusses the various ways that the animation of tearing paper could be implemented. Testing various potential solutions leads to an analysis of the approach, which highlights any technical problems. Various solutions to technical problems are attempted, and analysed. Finally the paper makes comparisons between the methods and results of the approaches, in order to deduce which is the best method of production. |
blend shapes, cloth, shader, stop-frame, tearing paper | Helen Arntsen | mpeg | 2004 | blend-shapes cloth shader stop-frame tearing-paper | helen-arntsen | mpeg | ||||||
Music-Driven Flocking-System | 2006 |
This report outlines the design and implementation of a Music driven Flocking System. Section 1 introduces the initial aims of the project including what is intended to be the final product of the project. It also looks at what challenges are foreseen. Section 2 documents research on Flocking and Music Analysis. It investigates why flocking occurs in nature and how it is simulated in computer graphics. The Music Analysis research also looks at a plugin for Maya created by Andrew Mitchell that performs music analysis. Section 3 presents solutions for the challenges that were foreseen, and also gives a comprehensive description of how they were implemented in Maya to make the MusicDriven Flocking System. Section 4 concludes the report, giving a summary and a critical analysis of the project. Future work is also outlined. |
flocking, maya, music | Gabriel Arnold | 2006 | flocking maya music | gabriel-arnold | ||||||||
Innovations | 2006 |
For my Innovations project I decided I wanted to focus on portraying a specific idea. The idea is related to my final year project which is about the life cycle of the planet Earth in a semi-abstract form. My project uses various symbolism and metaphor to communicate certain ideas related to the growth of our planet, such as evolution and exploration. Towards the end of my animation occurs the concept of manufactured enemies or threats. This is a concept which is important in my animation as I see it as very relevant in the world today. It is important that I convey this idea effectively, which is why I have chosen the problem of portraying the theme of manufactured threats for my innovations project. |
abstraction | Domenico Arenare | 2006 | abstraction | domenico-arenare | ||||||||
Natural Processes | 2002 |
Working with an external commission to produce abstaract work based on architecture surface cracking was investigated and modelled using mel. |
abstract, mel | Joel Arda | zip | 2002 | abstract mel | joel-arda | zip | ||||||
Innovations in Computer Art | 1999 |
This project was centred on character animation. The creation of successful character animation is achieved by observing the world around you, understanding exactly what message you want to send across to the audience, and to know the principles of animation off by heart. |
animation | Sayo Arae | 1999 | animation | sayo-arae | ||||||||
Low Poly Lip-Sync | 2000 |
Facial animation has traditionally been a difficult subject in computer animation. Good results are difficult, so game developers typically shy away from putting lip-sync in games. However with the increasing realism coming from today’s workstation quality graphics accelerators and the next generation of consoles, it is an area which needs to be addressed. |
lip-synching, mel | James Answer | zip | 2000 | lip-synching mel | james-answer | zip | ||||||
Real-Time Rendering Techniques (Realistic and Non-Realistic) | 2002 |
A dramatic increase in the processing power and graphics capabilities of modern games systems has led to a demand for an increase in realism in their visuals. For the most part, game developers have responded by simply throwing more polygons and textures into the scene. Even most of the clever lighting and atmosphere trickery such as smoke, fires, and light halos are either textured polygons or images composited into the scene. |
non-photorealistic rendering, real-time | Nigel Ankers | zip | 2002 | non-photorealistic-rendering real-time | nigel-ankers | zip | ||||||
Test Project |
This is a test |
maya | One Ani | maya | one-ani | ||||||||||
Research and Development into an Innovative Computer Game Designed to Relieve Stress | 2007 |
Group Project with Thomas Stratford |
games, opengl, relief, sdl, sound input, stress | Patrick Anderson | zip | 2007 | games opengl relief sdl sound-input stress | patrick-anderson | zip | ||||||
Real-Time Character Animation for Computer Games | 2001 |
The importance of real-time character animation in computer games has increased considerably over the past decade. Due to advances in computer hardware and the achievement of great increases in computational speed, the demand for more realism in computer games is continuously growing. |
character animation, games, real-time | Eike Anderson | 2001 | character-animation games real-time | eike-anderson | ||||||||
Process to Simulate Eating Based on Different Food Attributes | 2005 |
The initial idea of exploring a process to simulate the eating process developed from questioning why it has not been shown in current films. While there has been experimentation in different areas such as simulating elasto-plastic materials and fractures in real time, |
boolean operations, eating, realism, simulation | Paul Amiras | mov | 2005 | boolean-operations eating realism simulation | paul-amiras | mov | ||||||
Innovations | 2004 |
Behavioural systems are amazing ways of representing flocks of animals or simply one animal’s behaviour. This project aims to create a different behavioural system to the ones existing by attempting to mimic the behaviour of dogs and bouncing balls. The report will explain briefly the research into the behaviour of dogs. It will also cover important aspects of a behavioural system such as the state engine, field of view, and collision detection. The system has been written in MEL for use in Maya and the report will also explain the use of expressions in the system. |
behavioural animation, maya, mel | Teresa Alvarez Pino | html | 2004 | behavioural-animation maya mel | teresa-alvarez-pino | html | ||||||
An Experimental Investigation into Deriving Procedural Creation of Abstract Images form Photographs | 2007 |
This project constitutes an investigation into the possibilities of procedurally generating abstract compositions with the artistic styles of artists Roberto Matta, Wassily Kandinsky and J.M.W. Turner as a goal. All results are derived from an source image, which works as a seed from which patterns, variation and colour can be extracted and built upon. The investigation involves exploring concepts of computer vision and image processing, as well as my own artistic direction and development. |
abstract, photographs, procedural | William Alexander | mpeg | 2007 | abstract photographs procedural | william-alexander | mpeg | ||||||
Time-Slicing | 2001 |
… |
time-slicing | Salwa Al-Tahan | mpeg | 2001 | time-slicing | salwa-al-tahan | mpeg | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
… |
Stuart Adcock | 2001 | stuart-adcock | ||||||||||
Painterly Shader – Cartoon Painterly Renderer | 2008 |
The aim of this project is to create a 3D shader that is able to render a computer generated scene. More specifically, a scene which is visually similar to the backdrop created in the 1967 film Jungle Book. I will use a nurbs surface as the base that the |
cartoon, non-photorealistic rendering, rendering, shader | Joe Abreu | zip | 2008 | cartoon non-photorealistic-rendering rendering shader | joe-abreu | zip | ||||||
Innovations | 2001 |
… |
Chris Abedelmassieh | 2001 | chris-abedelmassieh | ||||||||||
To create an animated journey through a world rendered in the style of a Vincent VanGogh painting | 1999 |
Computer graphics software is frequently used to generate photorealistic imagery. This may be for motion pictures or simulations. Even graphics for computer games are often intended to appear as photorealistic as possible. Computers are also used to produce graphics for mathematical or scientific simulations, for instance for medical imaging. |
animation, painting, rendering, van gogh | James Abbott | zip | 1999 | animation painting rendering van-gogh | james-abbott | zip | ||||||
The Moon, The Monk and The Stolen Sun | BA Yr3 |
Rocks, Cave, Monk, Monster, lava,Demon |
Aaron McArdle(CAA), Henry Affonso(CVA), Matt Robinson(CVA), Neill Barrack(CAA), Owen Frampton(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | aaron-mcardlecaa henry-affonsocva matt-robinsoncva neill-barrackcaa owen-framptoncva | mov | ||||||||
Trick or Treat | BACVA Yr3 |
fat, halloween, costume, sweets, bully |
Thomas Carter(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | thomas-cartercva | mov | ||||||||
The Plague Doctor | BA Yr3 |
17th Century, London, Plague, Cobbles, Death, Doctor, street |
Agatha Gomes(CAA), Jenesta Smith(CAA) Stuart Munro(CAA), Lewis Haley(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | agatha-gomescaa jenesta-smithcaa-stuart-munrocaa lewis-haleycva | mov | ||||||||
Little Shop of Dreams | BACAA Yr3 |
Toy, Toy Shop, derelict, shop |
Sean Smith(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | sean-smithcaa | mov | ||||||||
The Cracked Pot | BACAA Yr3 |
Chinese, Water, Pot, stream, water carrier, flowers |
Lucien De Vivo(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | lucien-de-vivocaa | mov | ||||||||
Staying Sharp | BACAA Yr3 |
zombies, crowbar, derelict, horror, teeth, Lpndon |
Harry Woollacott(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | harry-woollacottcaa | mov | ||||||||
The Boy and the Nettle | BACVA Yr3 |
aesop fable, plants, heathland,seed, nettle |
Richard Smith(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | richard-smithcva | mov | ||||||||
Synaesthesia | BACVA Yr3 |
audio driven visuals, colour, abstract |
Saieshwari Mistry(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | saieshwari-mistrycva | mov | ||||||||
The Last Flag | BACVA Yr3 |
rabbit, ninja, flag, battle, swords |
Sangho Kim(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | sangho-kimcva | mov | ||||||||
Saintexuinary | BACVA Yr3 |
desert cat, sand, jar, desk, boy |
Sae-Mi Hwang(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | sae-mi-hwangcva | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BACVA Yr3 |
shark, sharkman, bike, gun, improvisation, plane, car |
Henrikas Kuzmickas(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | henrikas-kuzmickascva | mov | ||||||||
GAIA 7 | BACVA Yr3 |
game, evolution, plant, environment, C++, openGL, evolve |
Marc Di Luzio | mov | bacva-yr3 | marc-di-luzio | mov | ||||||||
Dear Diary | BACAA Yr3 |
silhouette, bus stop, bus, diary, bench |
Julia Preussler(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | julia-preusslercaa | mov | ||||||||
Playtime | BACVA Yr3 |
giant toys, toys, playmobil, jenga, rubber duck, lego, weeble |
Benjamin Kwok(CVA) Bhavik Patel(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | benjamin-kwokcva-bhavik-patelcva | mov | ||||||||
Peace | BACAA Yr3 |
meditation, monk, buddist,forest, clearing, space, |
Jemmel Matheson(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | jemmel-mathesoncaa | mov | ||||||||
Ooh La Bataille | BA Yr3 |
comedy, childrens, playground, guns, |
Charles Nguenny(CAA), Jack Flaxton(CAA), Luke Frater(CAA), Mohammed Pathan(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | charles-nguennycaa jack-flaxtoncaa luke-fratercaa mohammed-pathancva | mov | ||||||||
Monster Boy | BACAA Yr3 |
2d, toon shader, toon, house, ghost, baseball bat, cartoon |
Ginny Hessler(CAA) Paul Robson(CAA) Rob Wilkin(CAA), Rebekka Hearl(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | ginny-hesslercaa-paul-robsoncaa-rob-wilkincaa rebekka-hearlcaa | mov | ||||||||
Metro | BACVA Yr3 |
underground tube, colour, bench, railings, abstract |
Larissa Mori(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | larissa-moricva | mov | ||||||||
Merfolk | BACVA Yr3 |
Mermen, Merwomen, Merfolk, Mermaid, wheelchair, bath house, cartoon, tony blair, merpeople, protest, police, |
Rory Waudby-Tolley(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | rory-waudby-tolleycva | mov | ||||||||
Manifest | BACVA Yr3 |
corridor, man, film, door, lift, ice, water |
Joshua Richards(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | joshua-richardscva | mov | ||||||||
Lost in Reverie | BACVA Yr3 |
sketchy, dream, tv, snow, rain, sea, loop, non photoreal |
Jeremy Booth(CVA) Vicky Chapman(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | jeremy-boothcva-vicky-chapmancva | mov | ||||||||
Libera Nos A Malo | BACVA Yr3 |
man, suicide, gun, mental health, mental, hallucinations, schizophrenia |
Daniel Parr(CVA) Tom Trembling(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | daniel-parrcva-tom-tremblingcva | mov | ||||||||
Highway | BACAA Yr3 |
Highway, Road, collision, aftermath, fire, crash, smoke, truck |
Kshitij Khanna(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | kshitij-khannacaa | mov | ||||||||
Enkis Chariot | BACAA Yr3 |
Transport, vehicle, sci-fi, science fiction, |
Juean Marfo(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | juean-marfocaa | mov | ||||||||
Ill Come Home | BA Yr3 |
Airport, war, planes historic, flight, sea, coast, runway |
Gary Nesbit(CVA) Kelsey Gow(CAA) | mov | ba-yr3 | gary-nesbitcva-kelsey-gowcaa | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BACAA Yr3 |
soldiers, motion-capture, guns, war, helicopter |
Milen Piskuliyski(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | milen-piskuliyskicaa | mov | ||||||||
Flood | BACVA Yr3 |
Flood, water, town, waterfall, flash flood, tidalwave |
Stian Halvorsen(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | stian-halvorsencva | mov | ||||||||
Float in Paradise | BA Yr3 |
sins, seven deadly sins, animals, pig, goat, cow, horse |
Lorenzo Strappelli(CAA) Ola Hamletsen(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | lorenzo-strappellicaa-ola-hamletsencva | mov | ||||||||
Fin (du monde) | BACVA Yr3 |
forest, non photoreal, clouds, girl, cartoon |
Isi Ebehiwalu(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | isi-ebehiwalucva | mov | ||||||||
Space, Spaceship, Break, Explode |
Attila Torok(CVA), Dawid Skrodzki(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | attila-torokcva dawid-skrodzkicva | mov | ||||||||
Origin | BACVA Yr3 |
fluid, transition, metamorphosis, lava, rocks |
Peter Eley(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | peter-eleycva | mov | ||||||||
Customs | BACVA Yr3 |
customs officer, suitcase,airport, man |
Elliot Stammers (CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | elliot-stammers-cva | mov | ||||||||
Asteroid | BACAA Yr3 |
Seed, Asteroid, planet |
Joel Edmonson (CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | joel-edmonson-caa | mov | ||||||||
Downfall | BA Yr3 |
Zombies, Zombie, Building, Campus, Explosion, bomb, countdown |
Chris Chamberlain(CAA) Emelia Fiell(CAA) Christine Hucks (CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | chris-chamberlaincaa-emelia-fiellcaa-christine-hucks-cva | mov | ||||||||
Diva Dreams | BACVA Yr3 |
Diva, Dream, Singer, Club, shower, fat lady |
Matthew Hamilton (CVA), Olly Fisk (CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | matthew-hamilton-cva olly-fisk-cva | mov | ||||||||
Cookie Dough | BA Yr3 |
Cookie, Robber, Girl, scout, house, money, |
Charlie Banks(CVA), Luke Clough(CAA), Stefan Tsvetkov(CVA), Stuart Wells(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | charlie-bankscva luke-cloughcaa stefan-tsvetkovcva stuart-wellscva | mov | ||||||||
Collision | BACVA Yr3 |
Kiss, Girls, Wind, destruction, break,doors, wood |
Christos Parilaros | mov | bacva-yr3 | christos-parilaros | mov | ||||||||
Carousel | BA Yr3 |
Fairground, ride, carousel, boy, dream, fair decayed, old, horror |
Jasper Affonso(CAA), Rachel Chu (CVA), Sarah Elvidge(CVA), Stephanie Dewhirst(CAA) | mov | ba-yr3 | jasper-affonsocaa rachel-chu-cva sarah-elvidgecva stephanie-dewhirstcaa | mov | ||||||||
Candle | BA Yr3 |
Stop Motion, Survival, Horror, Game, Sound, Puppet, Candle, Underground, Tunnel |
Iliana Pavlova(CVA), James Clarck (CVA), Max FitzGerald(CAA) | mov | ba-yr3 | iliana-pavlovacva james-clarck-cva max-fitzgeraldcaa | mov | ||||||||
Azoic | BACVA Yr3 |
Computer Mouse, Fibre Optics, Jelly Fish, Trees, Tree, Swarm, fly, bug, speaker, ocean, sea, space |
Anthony Green(CVA), David Khosab(CVA), Jack Kersey(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | anthony-greencva david-khosabcva jack-kerseycva | mov | ||||||||
Aesir vs Archon | BA Yr3 |
Manga, Anime, Sci-fi, Robot, Spaceship, fight, Armour |
Jonathan Whitehead (CVA), Michael Marsh(CAA), Nathan Hayles(CVA) | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-whitehead-cva michael-marshcaa nathan-haylescva | mov | ||||||||
A Tail In A DollHouse | BACAA Yr3 |
Doll House, DollHouse, Rat, Wardrobe, Clothes |
Jamie Glasse(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | jamie-glassecaa | mov | ||||||||
Dead End | BACAA Yr3 |
Green Screen, Zombie, Underground, Tube, Tunnel |
Anthony Minto(CAA) | mov | bacaa-yr3 | anthony-mintocaa | mov | ||||||||
Game | BACVA Yr3 |
2D Game, Allegro, Red Riding Hood, Fairy tale, programming |
Alexandria Gough(CVA) | mov | bacva-yr3 | alexandria-goughcva | mov | ||||||||
Suspenseful Animation | BA Yr3 |
Empty, Corridors, Doors, rocking chair |
Tom Martin-Davies | mov | ba-yr3 | tom-martin-davies | mov | ||||||||
The Strange Case | BA Yr3 |
Victorian street, London, street, chimneys, rooftops, |
Luke Rawcliffe, Sophie Hills | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-rawcliffe sophie-hills | mov | ||||||||
The Aviatrix | BA Yr3 |
modelling, figure, rose, particles |
Azhul Mohamed, Elanor Bond | mov | ba-yr3 | azhul-mohamed elanor-bond | mov | ||||||||
Semilunar | BA Yr3 |
roads, time-lapse, motorways, spaghetti junction |
Daniel Spence | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-spence | mov | ||||||||
How Not To Make A Campfire | BA Yr3 |
forest, campfire, tent, fire, woods |
Simeon Rowsell | mov | ba-yr3 | simeon-rowsell | mov | ||||||||
Adventures of Jay and Ray | BA Yr3 |
unusual, siamese twins |
Vicky Pacitti | mov | ba-yr3 | vicky-pacitti | mov | ||||||||
Own Little World | BA Yr3 |
boat, ship, clouds, canon, children, hide and seek, forest |
Alex Goodfellow, Chris Carter, Steven Bills, Thomas Kelly | mov | ba-yr3 | alex-goodfellow chris-carter steven-bills thomas-kelly | mov | ||||||||
A Tall Story | BA Yr3 |
boy, living room, sofa, school uniform |
Nichola Rogers | mov | ba-yr3 | nichola-rogers | mov | ||||||||
Roll Out | BA Yr3 |
car, audi, transformer, robot |
Nick Sargent | mov | ba-yr3 | nick-sargent | mov | ||||||||
Mouse Guard | BA Yr3 |
mouse, tree trunk, pink, prey, run, owl |
Katya Scott, Robin French, Victoria Forbes | mov | ba-yr3 | katya-scott robin-french victoria-forbes | mov | ||||||||
Wedding Jitters | BA Yr3 |
church, ring, wedding |
Daniel Moore | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-moore | mov | ||||||||
Lifetime | BA Yr3 |
Lava lamp, Lamp, Bubbles, blobs, morphing, liquid |
Paul Novorol | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-novorol | mov | ||||||||
Life and Stuff | BA Yr3 |
Montage, Collage, life,images, stop motion, time lapse |
Kumar Satkunarasa | mov | ba-yr3 | kumar-satkunarasa | mov | ||||||||
Intrusion | BA Yr3 |
computer lab, computer, desk, alien, monster |
Clarence Rajaratnam | mov | ba-yr3 | clarence-rajaratnam | mov | ||||||||
Saturnine | BA Yr3 |
game engine, game, woods, oil drill |
Robert James | mov | ba-yr3 | robert-james | mov | ||||||||
Glass | BA Yr3 |
run, smash,jump,glass,break,office,shatter,gun |
Connor Butler Kitto | mov | ba-yr3 | connor-butler-kitto | mov | ||||||||
Robby and the Diamond | BA Yr3 |
robber, criminal, art, art gallery, security, laser, diamond |
Micheal Payne | mov | ba-yr3 | micheal-payne | mov | ||||||||
Curiosity | BA Yr3 |
ton, exclamation, box, tnt, red button, comical, explosion |
Joseph West | mov | ba-yr3 | joseph-west | mov | ||||||||
ADNI_012_S_0689 | BA Yr3 |
morph, ufo, sphere, prisim |
Jack Straw | mov | ba-yr3 | jack-straw | mov | ||||||||
Settle The Score | BA Yr3 |
castle, battle, epic, potion,elf, magic |
Wojciech Religa | mov | ba-yr3 | wojciech-religa | mov | ||||||||
Flower | BA Yr3 |
flower, garden, man, shadow |
Joasia Szulc | mov | ba-yr3 | joasia-szulc | mov | ||||||||
An Insignificant Battle | BA Yr3 |
ants, ant, garden, lawn, army, flock, swarm, grass, gun |
Fayeez Ahmed, Paul Donnellan | mov | ba-yr3 | fayeez-ahmed paul-donnellan | mov | ||||||||
Last Man Standing | BA Yr3 |
game, soldier, city, street, gun, rain, shooting,war |
Mark Reddaway | mov | ba-yr3 | mark-reddaway | mov | ||||||||
Elan Vital | BA Yr3 |
planet, rubble, destruction, science fiction, robot, desert, sci-fi |
K=Luke Gibbard, Kye Dorricott, Lawrence Bennett, Tom Flavelle | mov | ba-yr3 | kluke-gibbard kye-dorricott lawrence-bennett tom-flavelle | mov | ||||||||
Book Ends | BA Yr3 |
library, books, bookshelf, librarian, toon |
Emma Chrystal | mov | ba-yr3 | emma-chrystal | mov | ||||||||
Downfall | BA Yr3 |
falling, office, geometric, abstract, illusion |
Jane Paton | mov | ba-yr3 | jane-paton | mov | ||||||||
Dispense with the Pleasantries | BA Yr3 |
drinks machine, vending, vending machine, office, man, can, fustration |
Jordan Haynes, Lukas Miguel | mov | ba-yr3 | jordan-haynes lukas-miguel | mov | ||||||||
Banana Squash | BA Yr3 |
banana, apple, fruit, kitchen,strip tease banana skin |
Samson Hall | mov | ba-yr3 | samson-hall | mov | ||||||||
A Moment | BA Yr3 |
o |
Bradley Woodgate, Meera Chauhan, Sarita Tam | mov | ba-yr3 | bradley-woodgate meera-chauhan sarita-tam | mov | ||||||||
Ticket Trouble | BA Yr3 |
blue cars traffic warden cartoon |
Gavin Thomas | mov | ba-yr3 | gavin-thomas | mov | ||||||||
The Watchman | BA Yr3 |
bridge orb watchman chase |
Ben Guy | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-guy | mov | ||||||||
The Statue | BA Yr3 |
Statue Cave Moon Nympth moonlight |
Alexander Kirk | mov | ba-yr3 | alexander-kirk | mov | ||||||||
The School Run | BA Yr3 |
lollipop lady street town football pitch goal notepad |
Danny Quin | mov | ba-yr3 | danny-quin | mov | ||||||||
Skyward House | BA Yr3 |
Architecture plan building technical drawing interior |
Abbie Smith | mov | ba-yr3 | abbie-smith | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
tube train underground briefcase suit |
Duncan Eland | mov | ba-yr3 | duncan-eland | mov | ||||||||
Centaur | BA Yr3 |
centaur horse briefcase bustop bus |
Christine Lemon and Emanuel Francis | mov | ba-yr3 | christine-lemon-and-emanuel-francis | mov | ||||||||
Neon Lights | BA Yr3 |
neon lights Zoetrope praxinoscope |
Liam Hoflay | mov | ba-yr3 | liam-hoflay | mov | ||||||||
Double Dealing | BA Yr3 |
Casino graphics chips joker playing cards dice |
Natasha Cross | mov | ba-yr3 | natasha-cross | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
beach pier disaster |
Mark Gostlow | mov | ba-yr3 | mark-gostlow | mov | ||||||||
Growth | BA Yr3 |
Woods arm growth |
Daniel Moore | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-moore | mov | ||||||||
Beatrix and the Meatball | BA Yr3 |
old lady bunny costume meatball alley |
Jennifer Lim | mov | ba-yr3 | jennifer-lim | mov | ||||||||
Incy-Wince Spider | BA Yr3 |
spider photocopier scanner fangs |
Talitha Crowe and Ricky Gregory | mov | ba-yr3 | talitha-crowe-and-ricky-gregory | mov | ||||||||
Citi Junk | BA Yr3 |
coloured dominos city london |
Holly Aldersley and Philippe Ludivig | mov | ba-yr3 | holly-aldersley-and-philippe-ludivig | mov | ||||||||
Going Up | BA Yr3 |
lift office interview dream briefcase |
Christopher Haldane | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-haldane | mov | ||||||||
Showtime | BA Yr3 |
circus lion ringleader bigtop |
Pete Warbis and Andy Palmer | mov | ba-yr3 | pete-warbis-and-andy-palmer | mov | ||||||||
The Fox and The Crow | BA Yr3 |
fox crow cartoon toon fable |
Amy Stevenson | mov | ba-yr3 | amy-stevenson | mov | ||||||||
Elevenses | BA Yr3 |
parasitie cookie boobs living room armchair gory guts |
Jennifer Kitching | mov | ba-yr3 | jennifer-kitching | mov | ||||||||
Untitiled | BA Yr3 |
Robot checkerboard |
Ravi Acharya | mov | ba-yr3 | ravi-acharya | mov | ||||||||
Untitiled | BA Yr3 |
guns shooting soldiers weapons |
Theodore Finnie | mov | ba-yr3 | theodore-finnie | mov | ||||||||
Hunted | BA Yr3 |
knight forest woods moon mist night trees hunted |
David Fausset | mov | ba-yr3 | david-fausset | mov | ||||||||
An Orcward Situation | BA Yr3 |
Orc knight blood |
Thomas Girdwood | mov | ba-yr3 | thomas-girdwood | mov | ||||||||
Short Stories With Tragic Endings | BA Yr3 |
suicide bar man drink pint cyanide pub |
Daniel Georgiou | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-georgiou | mov | ||||||||
Colour Me Grey | BA Yr3 |
black and white monochrome smoke cigarette |
Lara Petford | mov | ba-yr3 | lara-petford | mov | ||||||||
Calm | BA Yr3 |
samurai warrior figure female sword |
Phung Dinh Dzung | mov | ba-yr3 | phung-dinh-dzung | mov | ||||||||
Butterfly Effect | BA Yr3 |
butterflies parrot |
Stalin Silva | mov | ba-yr3 | stalin-silva | mov | ||||||||
Bath Time | BA Yr3 |
bathroom bath taps water simulation splash figure liquid |
Samuel Saxon | mov | ba-yr3 | samuel-saxon | mov | ||||||||
Synapse | BA Yr3 |
compositor tool demo |
George Pimm and Steven Denyer | mov | ba-yr3 | george-pimm-and-steven-denyer | mov | ||||||||
An Office Romance | BA Yr3 |
Robot printer office desk heart |
Alex Betancourt | mov | ba-yr3 | alex-betancourt | mov | ||||||||
Aleph | BA Yr3 |
mythology rocks scenery orange dust sand desert mouth teeth |
Jonathan Hall, Shirley Cheung and Daniel Petford | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-hall shirley-cheung-and-daniel-petford | mov | ||||||||
Airborne | BA Yr3 |
flying machine lizard creature fire exhaust dinosour |
Sam Harris | mov | ba-yr3 | sam-harris | mov | ||||||||
Accident Prone | BA Yr3 |
alley car crash |
Jeremy Monney-Somers | mov | ba-yr3 | jeremy-monney-somers | mov | ||||||||
The Absence of Fire | BA Yr3 |
cheetah deer gorilla motion particles transformation |
Dayne Nembhard and Leah Beevers, Steven Denyer | mov | ba-yr3 | dayne-nembhard-and-leah-beevers steven-denyer | mov | ||||||||
140BPM | BA Yr3 |
dance skeleton human transparent xray motion capture |
Matthew Carter | mov | ba-yr3 | matthew-carter | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
2d animation notepad desk office blotter |
William Fousler | mov | ba-yr3 | william-fousler | mov | ||||||||
Masterclass in Lighting Techniques | BA Yr3 |
Statue photography cameras foyer |
Thomas Schwarz | mov | ba-yr3 | thomas-schwarz | mov | ||||||||
The Beachcomber | BA Yr3 |
Robot metal detector beach beach hut sand sea dunes dig |
Fabien Duncan and Oeyvind Stillerud | mov | ba-yr3 | fabien-duncan-and-oeyvind-stillerud | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
o |
Tom Dawson | mov | ba-yr3 | tom-dawson | mov | ||||||||
Tag | BA Yr3 |
graffiti tentacle spray can lights wanted poster tag |
Francesca Dare | mov | ba-yr3 | francesca-dare | mov | ||||||||
Acceptable In The Eighties | BA Yr3 |
dance dancing robot room 80 eighties leg warmers cassette headphones |
Sheen-Wei Yap | mov | ba-yr3 | sheen-wei-yap | mov | ||||||||
Norton | BA Yr3 |
motorbike mechanic garage wheels transform mechanical |
Steven Twist | mov | ba-yr3 | steven-twist | mov | ||||||||
Sleeping Beauty | BA Yr3 |
spinning wheel witch mask sleeping beauty fairytale |
Sarah Price | mov | ba-yr3 | sarah-price | mov | ||||||||
La Poupee | BA Yr3 |
puppet bed window room |
Sophie Panek | mov | ba-yr3 | sophie-panek | mov | ||||||||
Sky Caper | BA Yr3 |
window cleaner robot toon shading 2d animation |
Dean Wright | mov | ba-yr3 | dean-wright | mov | ||||||||
Black Skies Game Engine | BA Yr3 |
wind turbines battlefield clouds gun moon rain weather sunrise game engine water |
Simon Roth | mov | ba-yr3 | simon-roth | mov | ||||||||
Shot | BA Yr3 |
character animation monochrome walking wounded |
Jack Good | mov | ba-yr3 | jack-good | mov | ||||||||
Ruse Britannia | BA Yr3 |
sunset slavery whip slave |
Oliver Hunt | mov | ba-yr3 | oliver-hunt | mov | ||||||||
La Dame Gelee | BA Yr3 |
fire ice figure statue poem glass chamber |
Victoria Morris | mov | ba-yr3 | victoria-morris | mov | ||||||||
Quiet Time | BA Yr3 |
office school child record player desk trophy cabinet private |
Sam Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | sam-williams | mov | ||||||||
Purrple Haze | BA Yr3 |
guitar particle character smoke |
Tony Atherton | mov | ba-yr3 | tony-atherton | mov | ||||||||
No Frills | BA Yr3 |
singing text music ideo |
Dan Matalon | mov | ba-yr3 | dan-matalon | mov | ||||||||
Monty | BA Yr3 |
old man dancing huntchback big nose broom |
Hannah Stanczyk | mov | ba-yr3 | hannah-stanczyk | mov | ||||||||
Man With Fewer Joints | BA Yr3 |
running machine man joints missing |
Luke Bigley | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-bigley | mov | ||||||||
Live Visuals Demonstration | BA Yr3 |
grid xray wireframe robots react audio signal dj |
Leo Chilcott | mov | ba-yr3 | leo-chilcott | mov | ||||||||
Kindred | BA Yr3 |
room lamp boxes robot computer |
Rokas Rakauskas | mov | ba-yr3 | rokas-rakauskas | mov | ||||||||
Leech | BA Yr3 |
photographs figure polaroids memories |
Joseph Worthington | mov | ba-yr3 | joseph-worthington | mov | ||||||||
Car Wreck | BA Yr3 |
beetle car desert landscape signpost broken down rust |
Justin Walker | mov | ba-yr3 | justin-walker | mov | ||||||||
The Box | BA Yr3 |
cardboard box room morph plasticine figures |
Joao Viegas | mov | ba-yr3 | joao-viegas | mov | ||||||||
WE3 : tinker | BA Yr3 |
turntable model cat cybernetic implants armour WE3 |
Jonathan Hartley | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-hartley | mov | ||||||||
Inverse | BA Yr3 |
earth planet space river waterfall cities terrain |
Jay Tsang | mov | ba-yr3 | jay-tsang | mov | ||||||||
Funkey Munkey | BA Yr3 |
street flowers camper van fire hydrant monkey flares afro 70s |
Nicholas Papworth | mov | ba-yr3 | nicholas-papworth | mov | ||||||||
Fairy Lore | BA Yr3 |
forest clearing fairy wood woods leaves autumn |
Matthew King | mov | ba-yr3 | matthew-king | mov | ||||||||
Horny Pan | BA Yr3 |
museum horns suit particle tears horn shot breakdown |
Enrik Pavdeja | mov | ba-yr3 | enrik-pavdeja | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
e4 earthquake tunnel temple booby traps egyptian |
Emma Wilson | mov | ba-yr3 | emma-wilson | mov | ||||||||
Water Story | BA Yr3 |
periodic table oxygen hydrogen atoms |
Elaine Thomas | mov | ba-yr3 | elaine-thomas | mov | ||||||||
A Phishing Warning | BA Yr3 |
fishing line deckchair pier man washing line |
David Curtis | mov | ba-yr3 | david-curtis | mov | ||||||||
Lottery | BA Yr3 |
lottery office man dance ticket desk window fall |
Christopher Whyte | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-whyte | mov | ||||||||
Bench | BA Yr3 |
bench suit toon machinery street attack grain |
Christopher Mutton | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-mutton | mov | ||||||||
Character Animation | BA Yr3 |
character animation blue man mime street |
Constantinos Glynos | mov | ba-yr3 | constantinos-glynos | mov | ||||||||
Boogie Woogie | BA Yr3 |
green dinosaur dance dancing boogie |
Dorna Kompany | mov | ba-yr3 | dorna-kompany | mov | ||||||||
Betta Splendens | BA Yr3 |
red fish cloth swim scales |
Kwok K Yeung | mov | ba-yr3 | kwok-k-yeung | mov | ||||||||
Tank | BA Yr3 |
tank desert scenery dust war tumbleweed |
Ben Matthews | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-matthews | mov | ||||||||
A Pig’s Tail | BA Yr3 |
pigs fly news clouds flying sty |
Christopher Jaques | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-jaques | mov | ||||||||
Lighting Masterclass | BA Yr3 |
compositing aeroplane |
Anshul Pendse | mov | ba-yr3 | anshul-pendse | mov | ||||||||
Meteor | MA Effects |
space earth planet meteor explosion |
Gu Wei Ning | mov | ma-effects | gu-wei-ning | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | MA |
chain saw office |
Inci Vatansever Lee | mov | ma | inci-vatansever-lee | mov | ||||||||
Semblance | MA |
artist desk sculpting |
Ben Thwaites | mov | ma | ben-thwaites | mov | ||||||||
Untitiled | MA |
rigging tool |
Christopher Staber | mov | ma | christopher-staber | mov | ||||||||
Refabrication | MA Effects |
time lapse city particles dove |
Ben Dick and Coen Klosters | mov | ma-effects | ben-dick-and-coen-klosters | mov | ||||||||
T-Rex | MA |
dinosaur teeth forest tyrannosaurus rex |
Ippokratis Pontikidis | mov | ma | ippokratis-pontikidis | mov | ||||||||
The Gentle Art of Making Guinness | MABP |
factory workers machinery Guinness |
Kenneth Pitts | mov | mabp | kenneth-pitts | mov | ||||||||
Pisa | MA Effects |
pisa leaning tower crumble collapse crowd sim |
Lars van der Bijl | mov | ma-effects | lars-van-der-bijl | mov | ||||||||
Trouble With Doubles | MA |
monochrome 2d glasses suit cartoon nose doubles |
Matthew Perrin | mov | ma | matthew-perrin | mov | ||||||||
Hamelets Puppet | MA |
puppet string mannequin stage set knife |
Melinda Panesar | mov | ma | melinda-panesar | mov | ||||||||
Gobelah | MABP |
goblin countryside water lake fishing fish fairy |
Chris Nix | mov | mabp | chris-nix | mov | ||||||||
Medusa | MA |
Medusa snake hair scales cloud |
Ritchie Moore | mov | ma | ritchie-moore | mov | ||||||||
A Little Wicked | MA |
mouse rat rodent devil kid child rocket cage |
Kevin Meade | mov | ma | kevin-meade | mov | ||||||||
Jo | MA |
wheelchair old man age room fish bowl |
Dapeng Liu | mov | ma | dapeng-liu | mov | ||||||||
Ice Cream | MA Effects |
ice cream vanilla caramel chocolate |
Konstantinos Pontikidis | mov | ma-effects | konstantinos-pontikidis | mov | ||||||||
The Story of Jack | MA |
cold room corpse bride snow window fall |
Jasbeer Kootbally | mov | ma | jasbeer-kootbally | mov | ||||||||
Modeling Reel | MA |
machinery bike wheel robot engine motorbike futuristic |
Alkis Karaolis | mov | ma | alkis-karaolis | mov | ||||||||
Butterflies | MA Effects |
butterflies archways arch simulation flock |
Julia Hesselberg | mov | ma-effects | julia-hesselberg | mov | ||||||||
Behind Closed Doors | MA |
clown ball cell face paint nose |
Max Joseph | mov | ma | max-joseph | mov | ||||||||
Technical Reel | MA |
crowd simulation wing feathers tool |
Jo Plaete | mov | ma | jo-plaete | mov | ||||||||
Mayday! | MA Effects |
plane mountains smoke clouds |
Jason Knight | mov | ma-effects | jason-knight | mov | ||||||||
Illusion | MA Effects |
wine lights space trails light effects |
Vikram Kulkarni | mov | ma-effects | vikram-kulkarni | mov | ||||||||
Matte Painting | MA Effects |
city |
Hesam Bani-Eghbal | mov | ma-effects | hesam-bani-eghbal | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
tunnel collapse brinks underground wall |
Heidi Backman | mov | ma-effects | heidi-backman | mov | ||||||||
Elizabeth | MA |
turntable creature insect claws |
Aston Hart | mov | ma | aston-hart | mov | ||||||||
The Glory Of Our Nation | MA |
city skyscrapers slums |
Nic Groot Bluemink | mov | ma | nic-groot-bluemink | mov | ||||||||
The Hanging Castles of Bournemouth | MA Effects |
pier lighthouse beach sea ocean islands castles |
Zohaib Ahsan | mov | ma-effects | zohaib-ahsan | mov | ||||||||
A Busy Morning | MA Effects |
town roads traffic explosion bridge destruction laser |
Junaid Syed | mov | ma-effects | junaid-syed | mov | ||||||||
The Green Man | MA Effects |
city town pedestrian crossing traffic lights figure |
Christopher Hoare | mov | ma-effects | christopher-hoare | mov | ||||||||
Pinballicity | MA Effects |
pinball game city ball |
Richard Gavin and Yoav Dolev | mov | ma-effects | richard-gavin-and-yoav-dolev | mov | ||||||||
Sticklebricks | MA Effects |
stickle brick car carpark build car sticklebricks |
Simon Pate | mov | ma-effects | simon-pate | mov | ||||||||
The Stranger | MA Effects |
finger detective key chest mirror smoke |
David Massey | mov | ma-effects | david-massey | mov | ||||||||
Trash Dance | MA Effects |
dancing rubbish car park bin |
Oliver Fergusson-Taylor | mov | ma-effects | oliver-fergusson-taylor | mov | ||||||||
Automatous | MA Effects |
robots town |
Nisha Vijayan | mov | ma-effects | nisha-vijayan | mov | ||||||||
Fairy Star Child | MA |
turntable figure woman model stylised |
Lawrence Elliott | mov | ma | lawrence-elliott | mov | ||||||||
Untitiled | MA |
showreel animation tennis bouncing ball red figure |
Pedram Eatebarzadeh | mov | ma | pedram-eatebarzadeh | mov | ||||||||
The Morning Chorus | MA |
clouds birds tree birdhouse owl |
Gordon Dunn | mov | ma | gordon-dunn | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
matte painting journey scenic mountains sea volcano |
Christian Kesler | mov | ma-effects | christian-kesler | mov | ||||||||
UFO | MA |
alien trampoline bouncing house night |
Tanvi Choudhury | mov | ma | tanvi-choudhury | mov | ||||||||
Pig Head | MA |
monochrome till butcher room pig head |
Alex Charnley | mov | ma | alex-charnley | mov | ||||||||
Circuit Break | MA Effects |
tv room electricity glow projection |
Thalie Nasrallah | mov | ma-effects | thalie-nasrallah | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | MABP |
Showreel turntable pirate squid treasure chest |
Matthew Carey | mov | mabp | matthew-carey | mov | ||||||||
Bubble Out | MA Effects |
bubbles gardens sneeze yawn outdoors floating |
Sena Dzogbenuku | mov | ma-effects | sena-dzogbenuku | mov | ||||||||
Procrastinating Gus | MA |
procrastination lazy room desk lamp drawing board |
Nikki Braine | mov | ma | nikki-braine | mov | ||||||||
Something Completely Different | MABP |
wings punchbag odd insects creature stereo |
David Hugh Bowen | mov | mabp | david-hugh-bowen | mov | ||||||||
A Day With Greg | MA |
town colourful street car trainers lamp post |
Marwan Bijjani | mov | ma | marwan-bijjani | mov | ||||||||
Space Invaders | MA Effects |
city space invaders game pixel fountain cubes dusk shooting |
Ben Frost and Yilun Zhu | mov | ma-effects | ben-frost-and-yilun-zhu | mov | ||||||||
untitled | MA |
showreel texturing turntable lizard creature concept art |
Lee Baskerville | mov | ma | lee-baskerville | mov | ||||||||
The Performance | MA |
organ pianist piano music stage theatre curtains hands |
Adam Avery | mov | ma | adam-avery | mov | ||||||||
The Challenge | MA |
dragon cave grass flying |
Antonio Altilia | mov | ma | antonio-altilia | mov | ||||||||
Squashed | BA Yr3 |
particles sparkly fairy fairies squash garden book watercolour |
Valeria Romano | mov | ba-yr3 | valeria-romano | mov | ||||||||
Pressed Fairies | BA Yr3 |
girl fairies book glow goldilocks sketchy chase |
Victoria Farley | mov | ba-yr3 | victoria-farley | mov | ||||||||
Jims Retirement | BA Yr3 |
Office desk dance clock pencil retirement chair clouds |
Tomas Woodbridge | mov | ba-yr3 | tomas-woodbridge | mov | ||||||||
The Lamp | BA Yr3 |
Narrator lamp old man room scenic light books slug landscape |
Thomas Warrender | mov | ba-yr3 | thomas-warrender | mov | ||||||||
Jimmy Aaja | BA Yr3 |
Moped Town City Night creatures funky odd |
Tara Bakshi | mov | ba-yr3 | tara-bakshi | mov | ||||||||
Break Point | BA Yr3 |
Tennis Robot Metal Court |
Sarah Nicholson | mov | ba-yr3 | sarah-nicholson | mov | ||||||||
Room | BA Yr3 |
Room Lamp Bedroom bed can coke toilet window lightswitch narrator |
Luke Harris and Michael Gendi | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-harris-and-michael-gendi | mov | ||||||||
Node | BA Yr3 |
Node Game |
Peter Dodds | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-dodds | mov | ||||||||
News In Brief | BA Yr3 |
Alien News Reporter desk |
David Laurence and Paul Routledge | mov | ba-yr3 | david-laurence-and-paul-routledge | mov | ||||||||
Martin And The Cockroaches | BA Yr3 |
street strange cockroach stylized 2d t |
Negar Bagheri | mov | ba-yr3 | negar-bagheri | mov | ||||||||
The Adventures of Zol And Zab | BA Yr3 |
Alien space spaceship planet battle |
Mahyar Sadri | mov | ba-yr3 | mahyar-sadri | mov | ||||||||
Saturday Night Stinger | BA Yr3 |
lip sync bumble bee disco dance wasp |
Emma Braney | mov | ba-yr3 | emma-braney | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
colourful greed goat wrestler ring boxing stylised garden eden |
Mariana Giuglaris | mov | ba-yr3 | mariana-giuglaris | mov | ||||||||
Acting Out | BA Yr3 |
theatre stage cowboy actor cleaner mannequin props knight |
Michael Cole | mov | ba-yr3 | michael-cole | mov | ||||||||
Jparticle | BA Yr3 |
event driven particles blobs software |
Jonathan Peel | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-peel | mov | ||||||||
M.E.R.V | BA Yr3 |
Robot Production Line factory |
Joe Abreu | mov | ba-yr3 | joe-abreu | mov | ||||||||
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out | BA Yr3 |
music city rain chimney stone henge dirty Margaret thatcher |
Joe Gaffney | mov | ba-yr3 | joe-gaffney | mov | ||||||||
The Garden Patch | BA Yr3 |
plants trees garden sketchy crayon |
Jonathan Baker | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-baker | mov | ||||||||
Batafurai | BA Yr3 |
butterfly japanese kimono teddybear |
Jodie Azhar & Leanne Bayley | mov | ba-yr3 | jodie-azhar-leanne-bayley | mov | ||||||||
Desmond | BA Yr3 |
alien car breakdown green man desert engine |
Harry Green | mov | ba-yr3 | harry-green | mov | ||||||||
Harvester | BA Yr3 |
silhouette foliage trees plant stars |
Nicholas Hampshire | mov | ba-yr3 | nicholas-hampshire | mov | ||||||||
Renderman Chameleonic Hardware Shader | BA Yr3 |
chameleon pipeline teapot shader |
Luke Goddard | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-goddard | mov | ||||||||
Foobyland Game Demo | BA Yr3 |
2d Game Demo Jungle rainforest |
Omar El Sawi | mov | ba-yr3 | omar-el-sawi | mov | ||||||||
Invasion | BA Yr3 |
alien planets flying saucer earth street |
Fay Hancocks | mov | ba-yr3 | fay-hancocks | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
rat caravan desert dance dustbin |
Elizabeth Hicks | mov | ba-yr3 | elizabeth-hicks | mov | ||||||||
40 Feet Under | BA Yr3 |
underground soldiers zombies guns explosions tube |
Edward Hicks | mov | ba-yr3 | edward-hicks | mov | ||||||||
Jam | BA Yr3 |
Jam Bread kitchen fruit |
Peter Claes | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-claes | mov | ||||||||
Toy | BA Yr3 |
Black White Toy Stairs sketchy clockwork robot |
David Bell | mov | ba-yr3 | david-bell | mov | ||||||||
Matte Painting Master Class Project | BA Yr3 |
Matte Painting Mountains Edinburgh Buildings |
David Ness | mov | ba-yr3 | david-ness | mov | ||||||||
Plugged In | BA Yr3 |
Bubbles Lego legoman plug bench park switch |
Daniel Jenkins | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-jenkins | mov | ||||||||
Lion Boy | BA Yr3 |
Lion boy hands desert disney rocks footprints sand |
David Brooks | mov | ba-yr3 | david-brooks | mov | ||||||||
Prisoner | BA Yr3 |
Book Skull Dark Claw statue |
Anne Okane | mov | ba-yr3 | anne-okane | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Closet Red Whirlpool Temple Fall Spiral |
Alastair Graham | mov | ba-yr3 | alastair-graham | mov | ||||||||
WMD’s Where Are They | BA Yr3 |
gun office bomb file security pipes |
Andrew Cosgrove | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-cosgrove | mov | ||||||||
Elemental | BA Yr3 |
Desert Liquid man sand Running water droplets |
Ahmad Ghourab | mov | ba-yr3 | ahmad-ghourab | mov | ||||||||
Wave | Msc |
Wave Liquid water ripples |
Mya Win | mov | msc | mya-win | mov | ||||||||
Pop Quiz | MA Effects |
Pop Balloon Quiz Test Head |
Talli Peled | mov | ma-effects | talli-peled | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
Books Pencil Library Shatter |
Tiago Antunes | mov | ma-effects | tiago-antunes | mov | ||||||||
Rainbowman | MA |
Rainbow Light Beats Ed Banger |
Steve Guy | mov | ma | steve-guy | mov | ||||||||
Squeaky Clean | MA |
Bath Octopus Boy Mum Wash |
Anna Stylianidou | mov | ma | anna-stylianidou | mov | ||||||||
Plant | MA Effects |
Plant growing |
Selcuk Ergen | mov | ma-effects | selcuk-ergen | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | Msc |
Battle simulation fish flocking crowdsnow |
Manjusha Balachandran | mov | msc | manjusha-balachandran | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | Msc |
Ground deformation game |
Spencer Drayton | mov | msc | spencer-drayton | mov | ||||||||
To my love… with hate | MA Effects |
Heart typewriter tubes love hate |
Sean Brice | mov | ma-effects | sean-brice | mov | ||||||||
The Bournemouth Express | MA Effects |
Train Steam Locomotive Railway Station |
Rehan Zia | mov | ma-effects | rehan-zia | mov | ||||||||
The Graveyard | MA Effects |
Train Tombstone Church Crack |
Rocio Lorenzo | mov | ma-effects | rocio-lorenzo | mov | ||||||||
Red Feather | MA |
Native American Indian Girl Cat Feather Red |
Ahmed Habash | mov | ma | ahmed-habash | mov | ||||||||
Futura’ | MA Effects |
Future Technology folding house bus |
Pragti Wadhwa | mov | ma-effects | pragti-wadhwa | mov | ||||||||
Aniso | MA |
Woman Zbrush Armour |
Philip Pendlebury | mov | ma | philip-pendlebury | mov | ||||||||
The Weathering of Paint | Msc |
Paint Weathering |
Nardeep Singh Chander | mov | msc | nardeep-singh-chander | mov | ||||||||
Pandora Revisits | MA Effects |
Pandora Flower Wood Mirror Box |
Maria Savva | mov | ma-effects | maria-savva | mov | ||||||||
Fair Game | MA |
Boy Fairground Carnie Hammer Teddy |
Tim Turner | mov | ma | tim-turner | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
Deserted City Windmills Tree trunks |
Alex Mourant | mov | ma | alex-mourant | mov | ||||||||
Man-made best friend | MA |
Biker Dog Modelling Robot Blowtorch |
Dan Moore | mov | ma | dan-moore | mov | ||||||||
untitled | MABP |
air plane flying over a city |
michael Garrett | mov | mabp | michael-garrett | mov | ||||||||
Breakfast | MA Effects |
breakfast by the sea 3d fruits |
Malavika Chandrakanth | mov | ma-effects | malavika-chandrakanth | mov | ||||||||
Growth | MA Effects |
growing street lamps |
Muhittin Bilginer | mov | ma-effects | muhittin-bilginer | mov | ||||||||
The Ruined Suit | MA Effects |
man running surrounding collapses |
Martin Aufinger | mov | ma-effects | martin-aufinger | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | Msc |
Flocking , Games, C++ |
Matt Osbond | mov | msc | matt-osbond | mov | ||||||||
Lunchtime Special | MA |
Train Pocket Coat Voiceover |
Jenny Linn-Cole | mov | ma | jenny-linn-cole | mov | ||||||||
One Dollar | MA |
Fight Dollar Coin Drain Manga |
Vincent Low | mov | ma | vincent-low | mov | ||||||||
White Matter | MA Effects |
Door Watchman Torch |
Jacqui Purkess | mov | ma-effects | jacqui-purkess | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | Msc |
o |
Joao Montenegro | mov | msc | joao-montenegro | mov | ||||||||
Velocity | MA |
Procedural Shaders Rendering Simulation Weathering |
Emma Howard | mov | ma | emma-howard | mov | ||||||||
Games Programming Demo Reel | Msc |
City Lights Alien |
Hasan | mov | msc | hasan | mov | ||||||||
Pasture Time | MA |
Games Vehicle Physics ODE FK IK Raytrace |
Sarah Hale | mov | ma | sarah-hale | mov | ||||||||
Recreation | MA Effects |
Horse Girl Rider Fence |
Erik Louis Amir Bazazi | mov | ma-effects | erik-louis-amir-bazazi | mov | ||||||||
untitled | MA Effects |
o |
Dafydd Morris | mov | ma-effects | dafydd-morris | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | Msc |
Tree branches photoreal rendering procedural animation |
David Minor | mov | msc | david-minor | mov | ||||||||
Hot Air Balloons | MA Effects |
Hot Air Balloons |
Jamolhon Ahmedov | mov | ma-effects | jamolhon-ahmedov | mov | ||||||||
Urban Fairies | MA Effects |
Fairies Flower Petals |
Chris Ventress | mov | ma-effects | chris-ventress | mov | ||||||||
Claudico | MABP |
Jack in the Box Clown Nose |
Amy Furey | mov | mabp | amy-furey | mov | ||||||||
His Master’s Voice | MA |
Dog Bench Late Battery Walkies |
Malcolm Childs | mov | ma | malcolm-childs | mov | ||||||||
Muse | MA Effects |
muse particles atmospherics |
Cheng-Yi Chien | mov | ma-effects | cheng-yi-chien | mov | ||||||||
Untitled No.9 | MA Effects |
wire tree dynamics rendering |
Chalermphon Chanthasartratsamee | mov | ma-effects | chalermphon-chanthasartratsamee | mov | ||||||||
Sophrosyne | MABP |
Wood Flower Night |
Jonathon Falck | mov | mabp | jonathon-falck | mov | ||||||||
Bugged | MA |
Bugs Fire Scratching Wood |
Charbel Issa | mov | ma | charbel-issa | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
creatures mission flags |
Colin Bombard | mov | ma | colin-bombard | mov | ||||||||
Real Time Graphics Programmer | Msc |
game particles engine simulation |
Ben Chandler | mov | msc | ben-chandler | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
lake pan house |
Abhijeet Pawar | mov | ma-effects | abhijeet-pawar | mov | ||||||||
It Came From The Hole | MA |
Tentacle Hole Worried |
Andreas Polyviou | mov | ma | andreas-polyviou | mov | ||||||||
Search and Rescue Robot | MA |
Robot Transformers Search Rescue Modelling |
Ahmed Hussein | mov | ma | ahmed-hussein | mov | ||||||||
Crowd Simulation Pipline | Msc |
ants bin street ice cream icecream flocking |
Thomas Melson | mov | msc | thomas-melson | mov | ||||||||
Feathering an Animated Pigeon | Msc |
feathers pigeon flying |
Shahnaz Kamberi | mov | msc | shahnaz-kamberi | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | Msc |
showreel underwater sea anemone procedural shaders |
Paul Timpson | mov | msc | paul-timpson | mov | ||||||||
Night Terrors | Msc |
spider teddybear bedroom nightime lightning curtains |
Carrie Sullivan | mov | msc | carrie-sullivan | mov | ||||||||
Evolutionary Animation Systems | Msc |
learning to walk blocks walking funny walks evolutionary |
Michael Jones | mov | msc | michael-jones | mov | ||||||||
A Liquid Simulation Library in C++ | Msc |
fluid simulation water solver vfx liquid |
Mario Ausseloos | mov | msc | mario-ausseloos | mov | ||||||||
Showreel | Msc |
arena crowd simulation flocking bullring showreel |
Henry Van Der Beek | mov | msc | henry-van-der-beek | mov | ||||||||
C++ Interactive Skeletal Animator | Msc |
animation blending motion capture real-time realtime purple monster |
Donnie Macleod | mov | msc | donnie-macleod | mov | ||||||||
The Automatic Generation of Walk Animation Over Arbitrary Terrain Geometry | Msc |
Spider creature walking terrain generate animation automatically |
Siobhan Platten | mov | msc | siobhan-platten | mov | ||||||||
Rag-doll Implementation in Maya | Msc |
Floppy man rag doll |
Sanjana Rajendran | mov | msc | sanjana-rajendran | mov | ||||||||
big.blend | Msc |
Automatic motion capture blending |
Shane Aherne | mov | msc | shane-aherne | mov | ||||||||
Start to Finish Feathers Soluation | Msc |
Feathers birds |
Mark Newport | mov | msc | mark-newport | mov | ||||||||
Animation of Water Droplets and their Dynamics on Glass Panes | Msc |
Water droplets camera lens |
Seema Jogoo | mov | msc | seema-jogoo | mov | ||||||||
Spectral Raytracer | Msc |
Chromatic aberration light simulation |
Lucy Ward | mov | msc | lucy-ward | mov | ||||||||
Flocking System | Msc |
Flocking system chinese building |
Zhou Yao Lu | mov | msc | zhou-yao-lu | mov | ||||||||
Physically Based Elastic Behaviour | Msc |
Plastic elastic simulation |
Javier Romero | mov | msc | javier-romero | mov | ||||||||
Shatter | Msc |
Crumble shatter break split |
Hannes Rickett | mov | msc | hannes-rickett | mov | ||||||||
Cloth Simulation | Msc |
Cloth simulation skirt |
Elaine Kieran & Luke Openshaw, Gavin Harrison | mov | msc | elaine-kieran-luke-openshaw gavin-harrison | mov | ||||||||
Jungle | Msc |
Jungle generation terrain forest landscape trees |
David Basalla | mov | msc | david-basalla | mov | ||||||||
Watercolour: A Simulation Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method for 2D Fluid Dynamics | Msc |
Simulating painting water colour paint |
Andreas Bauer | mov | msc | andreas-bauer | mov | ||||||||
Hatters Tea Party | MA |
HDRI Alice in Wonderland |
Gordon Curtis, Matt Brown and Suzanne Fuhrhop | mov | ma | gordon-curtis matt-brown-and-suzanne-fuhrhop | mov | ||||||||
Jon Jon Goes Home | MA |
2.5D Photo Back Plate Toon |
Howard Kingston and Ian MacDonald, Ngan Sum Tse | mov | ma | howard-kingston-and-ian-macdonald ngan-sum-tse | mov | ||||||||
Chinese Painting | MA |
Ink Traditional Chinese Painting Dream sequence |
Lei Chen, Wen Wen and Jain He | mov | ma | lei-chen wen-wen-and-jain-he | mov | ||||||||
Wonderland | MA Effects |
Sum sum flying art gallery field meadow |
Wendy Xiang | mov | ma-effects | wendy-xiang | mov | ||||||||
Castle in the Sky | MA Effects |
Fairy bedroom clouds castle |
Vaibhav Marathe | mov | ma-effects | vaibhav-marathe | mov | ||||||||
Memories in Transformation | MA Effects |
Man car fly through painting buildings |
Sumanto Roy | mov | ma-effects | sumanto-roy | mov | ||||||||
Sprite | MA Effects |
Woman skin sheds light flys webbed hands |
Michael Foyle | mov | ma-effects | michael-foyle | mov | ||||||||
Oh, How Sweet These Bonds of Mine | MA Effects |
Marionette ballerina ropes shadow |
Sabine Laimer | mov | ma-effects | sabine-laimer | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
Soldiers fight guns numchucks tank helicopter spy |
James Fleming & Sotiris Georghiou | mov | ma-effects | james-fleming-sotiris-georghiou | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
Woman drinks stream butterfly glade flowers explodes |
Sheng-Hsuan Cho | mov | ma-effects | sheng-hsuan-cho | mov | ||||||||
Beyond the Invisible | MA Effects |
Man leaning against tree spirit crack |
Maria Zeniou | mov | ma-effects | maria-zeniou | mov | ||||||||
Mr Black | MA Effects |
Slap lucy stockings skull |
Luis Ho Tseng | mov | ma-effects | luis-ho-tseng | mov | ||||||||
Transcendence | MA Effects |
Fence post leaves woman walking |
Karly Johnson & Cheryl Feeley | mov | ma-effects | karly-johnson-cheryl-feeley | mov | ||||||||
A Brief Sudden Encounter | MA Effects |
Fight gun pull face off |
Jigar Jani | mov | ma-effects | jigar-jani | mov | ||||||||
Short Lived | MA Effects |
Robot comes to life escapes deedar |
John Galloway & Mark Wainwright | mov | ma-effects | john-galloway-mark-wainwright | mov | ||||||||
Everybody Has Their Something | MA Effects |
Memory dandelion train bench park |
Fani Vassiadi | mov | ma-effects | fani-vassiadi | mov | ||||||||
Green Flame | MA Effects |
Green flame plant grow crying girl |
Apiwat Srimonkolkul | mov | ma-effects | apiwat-srimonkolkul | mov | ||||||||
Frankenstein Ate My Atari | MA Effects |
Frankenstein lab castle electricity monster atari |
Adrien Lee | mov | ma-effects | adrien-lee | mov | ||||||||
Lost Vagueness | MA Effects |
Church bride wedding lap dancer stained glass stripper |
Alex Hulse | mov | ma-effects | alex-hulse | mov | ||||||||
Inflatable Rocket | MA Effects |
Inflatable rocket pump up andreas bauer |
Abdelkader Djehaf | mov | ma-effects | abdelkader-djehaf | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
spaceships bournemouth university gun crash |
Shane O'Dowda | mov | ma-effects | shane-odowda | mov | ||||||||
I Was A Robot | MA Effects |
robot computer hand screws spray keyboard face lab studio |
Mauricio Villamil | mov | ma-effects | mauricio-villamil | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
graveyard grave yard moon puddle stones gravestones tears moonlight explosion |
Ming-Chia Lee | mov | ma-effects | ming-chia-lee | mov | ||||||||
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not | MA Effects |
dress gown church stained glass windows flowers petals |
Jonna Isotalus | mov | ma-effects | jonna-isotalus | mov | ||||||||
What If? | MA Effects |
changing room lamp bedroom bed wallpaper blind switch |
Felipe Bohorquez | mov | ma-effects | felipe-bohorquez | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
mad scientist lab chemist safety glasses house orbitals |
Eleanor Rogers | mov | ma-effects | eleanor-rogers | mov | ||||||||
Elizabethan London | MA Effects |
city ocean port wall boat sail water |
Jean-Philip Louise, Luke Bailey, Toby Frenzen, Weining Gu | mov | ma-effects | jean-philip-louise luke-bailey toby-frenzen weining-gu | mov | ||||||||
Destruction | MA Effects |
talbot house building explosion car park debris |
Dean Grubb | mov | ma-effects | dean-grubb | mov | ||||||||
Clouds | MA Effects |
clouds scenic horseshoe horse shoe piano toilet falling objects phone |
Andrew Simmonds | mov | ma-effects | andrew-simmonds | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
spaceship laser phaser remote control living room |
Adam Redford | mov | ma-effects | adam-redford | mov | ||||||||
Robots | MA |
Toy robot come to life |
Chih Chieh Wu | mov | ma | chih-chieh-wu | mov | ||||||||
Pirates | MA |
Pirate ship singing dancing |
Robert Wright | mov | ma | robert-wright | mov | ||||||||
Spill | MA |
Abstract woman hair trees organic movies |
Ngan Sum Tse | mov | ma | ngan-sum-tse | mov | ||||||||
New Year’s Resolution | MA |
Cigarette smoking giving up kitchen |
Gemma Thomson | mov | ma | gemma-thomson | mov | ||||||||
Splash Back | MA |
Urinal leak |
Marcel Stalenhoef | mov | ma | marcel-stalenhoef | mov | ||||||||
Nuts About You | MA |
Mice singing cage |
Ron Schechter | mov | ma | ron-schechter | mov | ||||||||
The Little Guy | MA |
Tequila green creature desert mexico wheelchair |
Christopher Rivera | mov | ma | christopher-rivera | mov | ||||||||
Project Mayhem | MA |
Chase running glowing stick fuse box monster |
Benjamin Foot & David Gulla, Daniel Blokland, Robert Capper | mov | ma | benjamin-foot-david-gulla daniel-blokland robert-capper | mov | ||||||||
Redhood | MA |
Little red riding hood wolf flower chase |
Petros Petridis | mov | ma | petros-petridis | mov | ||||||||
Propaganda | MA |
Igloo ice north pole fridge cold |
Vinicius Oppido de Castro | mov | ma | vinicius-oppido-de-castro | mov | ||||||||
Mr Hogman | MA |
Scary naked pig man ewww dancing |
Paul Nilsson | mov | ma | paul-nilsson | mov | ||||||||
Boat Trip | MA |
Pirate ship fire bell |
Michael Morel | mov | ma | michael-morel | mov | ||||||||
Glitch or The Girl Who Came Unstuck | MA |
Girl boy gameboy underground monster forest |
Howard Kingston | mov | ma | howard-kingston | mov | ||||||||
Kleri | MA |
Small girl angry park pound |
David Hughes | mov | ma | david-hughes | mov | ||||||||
The Wheel of Peril | MA |
Circus carnival game wheel head |
Sam Howell | mov | ma | sam-howell | mov | ||||||||
Back to Work | MA |
Blue man drinking cup of tea |
David Gulla | mov | ma | david-gulla | mov | ||||||||
Flo | MA |
Skating rollerskates sheep flowers |
Elise Gerety | mov | ma | elise-gerety | mov | ||||||||
Where’s the Waltz? | MA |
Horses carousel pier ballet dancer |
Sara De Los Reyes Diaz | mov | ma | sara-de-los-reyes-diaz | mov | ||||||||
Imago | MA |
Woman moth mist memory rollercoaster |
Katrina de Graaff | mov | ma | katrina-de-graaff | mov | ||||||||
Moth | MA |
Moth clock pin phone |
Gordon Curtis | mov | ma | gordon-curtis | mov | ||||||||
Character Modelling | MA |
Ogre woman monster |
Arantxa Claudio | mov | ma | arantxa-claudio | mov | ||||||||
The Brush | MA |
Horse chinese traditional painting old man |
Lei Chen | mov | ma | lei-chen | mov | ||||||||
The Dual Edge of the Sword | MA |
Sword city oriental mood tranquil |
Imran Chaudry | mov | ma | imran-chaudry | mov | ||||||||
Sumo Chase | MA |
Pixar incredibles boring3d sumo giant chase car |
Matthew Brown | mov | ma | matthew-brown | mov | ||||||||
An Accident Waiting to Happen | MA |
DIY wallpaper fan slapstick paste |
Judith Brownbill | mov | ma | judith-brownbill | mov | ||||||||
The Walkers | MA |
Walking family people hands feet |
Luke Berry | mov | ma | luke-berry | mov | ||||||||
Impermanence | Ma by Project |
journey map countryside figure street monochrome chalk |
Samantha Meisels | mov | ma-by-project | samantha-meisels | mov | ||||||||
Vampyroteuthis Infernalis | Ma by Project |
underwater sea squid creature |
Rachel Williams | mov | ma-by-project | rachel-williams | mov | ||||||||
Embrace | Ma by Project |
dancing living room bicycle bookcases figure mess |
Peter Bowmar | mov | ma-by-project | peter-bowmar | mov | ||||||||
Ablaze | Ma by Project |
break dancing underground car park light streaks |
Laura Ingram | mov | ma-by-project | laura-ingram | mov | ||||||||
Squad 11 Somethings Afoot | Ma by Project |
spaceship planets earth sand foot creatures helmet gun flag |
Haavard Ness | mov | ma-by-project | haavard-ness | mov | ||||||||
Human Nature | Ma by Project |
trees tree forest fire vegetation leaves people figures smoke |
Dominic Halford | mov | ma-by-project | dominic-halford | mov | ||||||||
Food | MA |
kitchen mice rats fridge blue mouse hole mousehole |
Yao Zhao | mov | ma | yao-zhao | mov | ||||||||
Is This Art? | MA |
art gallery sculpture blue man hole |
Chris Woodworth | mov | ma | chris-woodworth | mov | ||||||||
Whispers | MA |
old man flasher dream bubbles faceted city bin men deity worship chinese whispers giant gold statue no willy |
Anton Golovanov, James Reid | mov | ma | anton-golovanov james-reid | mov | ||||||||
Modelling Texturing Lighting | MA |
room bedroom curtain man tattoo television |
Vikram | mov | ma | vikram | mov | ||||||||
A Modelling Texturing and Lighting Project | MA |
raat demon monster trident fork shield mohican |
Bharath Kumar Veludass | mov | ma | bharath-kumar-veludass | mov | ||||||||
Satyr | MA |
satry wooing water nymph unsuccessfully panpipes |
Adam Twycross | mov | ma | adam-twycross | mov | ||||||||
Turntable | MA |
penguin turntable footprints clockwork toy |
Stamatios Tentsos | mov | ma | stamatios-tentsos | mov | ||||||||
Toyhes | MA |
robot garage toys doll incredibly slow walking |
George Kaliakoudas, Kostas Strevlos | mov | ma | george-kaliakoudas kostas-strevlos | mov | ||||||||
Kronos & Kroma | MA |
sonic the hedgehog space stars spaceship |
Safarikas Dimitri | mov | ma | safarikas-dimitri | mov | ||||||||
Barrel and Cork | MA |
lifejacket sea boat ocean fishing cork barrel big fish |
Jenny Ruuskanen, Pable Mercado | mov | ma | jenny-ruuskanen pable-mercado | mov | ||||||||
Narcissistic | MA |
camel desert palm tree oasis bum |
Jing Qi | mov | ma | jing-qi | mov | ||||||||
Stuffed | MA |
sewing stuffing animals stiching 70s wallpaper |
Charlotte Parker | mov | ma | charlotte-parker | mov | ||||||||
Lily’s Flight | MA |
bird little girl bed bedroom night flying |
Nora O'Sullivan | mov | ma | nora-osullivan | mov | ||||||||
The Battle | MA |
grass wheat sword fighting demon samurai |
Shuo Li, Xiaofei Li | mov | ma | shuo-li xiaofei-li | mov | ||||||||
The Hanumann | MA |
kung fu fighting red man gun monkey stop time crown trees japanese manga |
Tawan Larppimpun | mov | ma | tawan-larppimpun | mov | ||||||||
The Villainous Vampire | MA |
vampire teeth fangs top hat dancing sneak fake house owl very well synced |
Luke Kelly | mov | ma | luke-kelly | mov | ||||||||
The Plan | MA |
Blue man robber mask eyebrows bank |
Matt Johnson | mov | ma | matt-johnson | mov | ||||||||
Modelling & Texturing | MA |
monkey thing skirt planet of the apes armour |
Agnes Fong | mov | ma | agnes-fong | mov | ||||||||
Sugar Rush | MA |
Eyes cell prison asylum crazy run walls |
Haukur Finnsson | mov | ma | haukur-finnsson | mov | ||||||||
Modelling | MA |
cowboy roland of gilead guns |
Danny Duke | mov | ma | danny-duke | mov | ||||||||
The Incapables | MA |
comic book cartoon super hero nice pants interrogation incredibles lycra politics |
Ari Knorr, Lewis Reynolds, Tim Dawson | mov | ma | ari-knorr lewis-reynolds tim-dawson | mov | ||||||||
Aurora | MA |
spaceship planet space glowing man glow |
Neil Coleman | mov | ma | neil-coleman | mov | ||||||||
The Kiss | MA |
lips lip mouth teeth lipgloss lipstick skin kiss face red |
Ines Barracha | mov | ma | ines-barracha | mov | ||||||||
Eon | MA |
planet stars galaxy space star asteroids |
Oliver Banister | mov | ma | oliver-banister | mov | ||||||||
Concept Art / Modelling | MA |
grenades monster turntable gun spear |
Dan Baker | mov | ma | dan-baker | mov | ||||||||
Wait, Mister! | MA |
businessman bus stop child wallet street bench |
Ahmad Al-Mahir Abu Bakar | mov | ma | ahmad-al-mahir-abu-bakar | mov | ||||||||
Flight of the Manta Ray | MA |
Manta ray flying clouds ocean riding |
Tim Young | mov | ma | tim-young | mov | ||||||||
Jerry Jones and the Exhibit of Doom | MA |
Museum raiders of the lost ark photography camera indiana jones chase run fat man traps death ball rolling whale |
Peter Yates | mov | ma | peter-yates | mov | ||||||||
Runaway | MA |
shoes ghosts shoe pile fall falling |
Anna Yamazoe | mov | ma | anna-yamazoe | mov | ||||||||
Runner | MA |
Running escher girl butterfly swing muscles tower |
Xin He | mov | ma | xin-he | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | Msc |
Flocking shark fish simulation underwater |
Cheng Xiang | mov | msc | cheng-xiang | mov | ||||||||
Clive | MA |
Silence of the lambs children boy eats family sprouts prison warden damn scary if you ask me |
Sue Westcott | mov | ma | sue-westcott | mov | ||||||||
Well Travelled Road | MA |
Tube underground singing cinema little man |
Morgan Evans & Jon Capleton | mov | ma | morgan-evans-jon-capleton | mov | ||||||||
One Hungry Dude | MA |
Fat man fridge beard breaks |
Mark Weisinger | mov | ma | mark-weisinger | mov | ||||||||
Summer Notes | MA |
Toucan bird gun sheet tin foil reflector beach groyne |
Nathan Walster | mov | ma | nathan-walster | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
Battleship tower bridge aeroplanes fighters statue london |
Jon Turner | mov | ma-effects | jon-turner | mov | ||||||||
A Bug in the System | MA |
Boss lift elevator firefly cigar worker in tray |
Christopher Riley | mov | ma | christopher-riley | mov | ||||||||
Upper Limb replacement Program | MA Effects |
Replace arm synthetic picks up mug android |
Martin Taylor | mov | ma-effects | martin-taylor | mov | ||||||||
Geoff | MA |
Fat creature falls loses coin |
Elissa Miller | mov | ma | elissa-miller | mov | ||||||||
Resurrection 3000 | MA Effects |
Rhinoceros people building fixing skin |
Kellany Stewart | mov | ma-effects | kellany-stewart | mov | ||||||||
The Flat Upstairs | MA |
Door house two men displacement maps moves house removes head pulls off arm angry |
Matthew Stephenson | mov | ma | matthew-stephenson | mov | ||||||||
End of Part One | MA Effects |
Invisible man smoking graveyard shooting |
Adam Rowland | mov | ma-effects | adam-rowland | mov | ||||||||
Firefly | MA |
Girl firefly glow castle mother door chasing cauldron |
Nattha Phancharoen (Ae) | mov | ma | nattha-phancharoen-ae | mov | ||||||||
A Dissection of a Vampire | MA |
Vampire bats instrument teeth dissection blood flock |
Andres Patarroyo | mov | ma | andres-patarroyo | mov | ||||||||
Fable Harmony | MA Effects |
Poseidon book trident bournemouth ocean boat |
Elsa Paneta | mov | ma-effects | elsa-paneta | mov | ||||||||
Conehead | MA |
Ice cream van cone head award winning mmm hill |
Don Pan | mov | ma | don-pan | mov | ||||||||
A Knight’s Tale | MA |
Little boy knight puling sword from stone castle epic |
Lullalit Oraphin (Lala) | mov | ma | lullalit-oraphin-lala | mov | ||||||||
Finding Neo | Msc |
Fish matrix red pill blue pattern drawn sketched finding nemo |
Conor O'Meara | mov | msc | conor-omeara | mov | ||||||||
Shopkeeping | MA |
Woman hardware shop squeeky voice nails sketchy environment nail |
Havard Ness | mov | ma | havard-ness | mov | ||||||||
The Big Boss | MA |
Film noir tommy gun car mafia boss murdered in gang war |
Eoin Murphy | mov | ma | eoin-murphy | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | Msc |
Skulls sound graphic equalizer |
Ioannis Moussas | mov | msc | ioannis-moussas | mov | ||||||||
Eosophobia | MA Effects |
Sky clouds machine tornado whirlwind paper get up alarm clock postman |
Paul Mountford | mov | ma-effects | paul-mountford | mov | ||||||||
Niemort | MA Effects |
Felix falling boxes man lands |
Dele Momoh | mov | ma-effects | dele-momoh | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
People fighting couple dancing man woman |
Christian Mills | mov | ma | christian-mills | mov | ||||||||
Pedestrian Zone | MA Effects |
Animals city flamingo penguin zebra sunflower elephant cow |
Kalen McConnell | mov | ma-effects | kalen-mcconnell | mov | ||||||||
Merry Christmas | MA |
Door comic book style evil cruel present gift |
Alan McCabe | mov | ma | alan-mccabe | mov | ||||||||
Ydill | MA |
Dragon painting art gallery escapes flying |
Julien Masson | mov | ma | julien-masson | mov | ||||||||
Banger and Mesh | MA |
Factory kills mass production horror dark machine |
Jing Wen Ma | mov | ma | jing-wen-ma | mov | ||||||||
Uber Bridge | MA Effects |
Man makes bridge remote control attempts stream machine steam power self-building |
Spencer Lueders | mov | ma-effects | spencer-lueders | mov | ||||||||
Metamorphosis | MA |
Dandelion ballet synchorized swimming purple sketchy flower close leaf unicorn head |
Myriam Levis | mov | ma | myriam-levis | mov | ||||||||
Inharmony | MA Effects |
Man playing saw big windows |
J. T. Lawrence | mov | ma-effects | j-t-lawrence | mov | ||||||||
Time on your Hands | Msc |
Marble rolling fan machine ocean lighthouse ball dominoes |
Gary Noble, Khashayer Khalkhaly, Richard Jones | mov | msc | gary-noble khashayer-khalkhaly richard-jones | mov | ||||||||
Rigid Body Flocking with Simple Collision | Msc |
Flocking simulation behavioural animation collision |
Robert Jones | mov | msc | robert-jones | mov | ||||||||
Jed’s Garage | MA |
Alien landing UFO garage car mechanic tyres TIME magazine |
Cristobal Infante Esquivel | mov | ma | cristobal-infante-esquivel | mov | ||||||||
I Love Egg | MA |
Mental egg floppy ears cactus desert |
Wei Ning Gu | mov | ma | wei-ning-gu | mov | ||||||||
Thetis The Nereid | MA Effects |
Woman hat spikes ocean |
Jessica Groom | mov | ma-effects | jessica-groom | mov | ||||||||
Idents TV2 Norway | MA Effects |
Channel 2 idents paper flying round street wall breaking |
Jostein Dahl Gjelsvik | mov | ma-effects | jostein-dahl-gjelsvik | mov | ||||||||
A Stream Processing Abstraction and Rendering Toolkit for Programmable Graphics Hardware | Msc |
A Stream Processing Abstraction and Rendering Toolkit for Programmable Graphics Hardware |
Derek Gerstmann | mov | msc | derek-gerstmann | mov | ||||||||
Paranoia | MA |
Walk through house change kitchen lounge laptop |
Alison Gazzard | mov | ma | alison-gazzard | mov | ||||||||
Me | MA |
mouse |
Duncan Gaman | mov | ma | duncan-gaman | mov | ||||||||
Patch n Scrap | MA |
Dog jester light bulb nose made |
Rhiannon Nicholas | mov | ma | rhiannon-nicholas | mov | ||||||||
Stupid Bird | MA |
Stupid bird bug insect plant desert ass squash |
Tanya Fenton | mov | ma | tanya-fenton | mov | ||||||||
About Brian | MA |
Man talking kitchen happiness happy brian |
Felix Ilsley | mov | ma | felix-ilsley | mov | ||||||||
Elegy | MA |
Vampire playing piano photograph pianist grand |
Michael Toumazou | mov | ma | michael-toumazou | mov | ||||||||
Ecdysis | MA Effects |
Man tearing face reforms |
Joel Einhorn | mov | ma-effects | joel-einhorn | mov | ||||||||
Ballad of Lucy Jordan | MA |
Woman car particle wave sun snakes building mouth lucy jordan |
Donaby Dye | mov | ma | donaby-dye | mov | ||||||||
Smash Something | MA Effects |
Man working overtime smashing office up throwing paper pushing desk dancing |
Russell Dodgson | mov | ma-effects | russell-dodgson | mov | ||||||||
Missed Call | MA |
Fat man chair phone rings doorbell |
Chris Dawson | mov | ma | chris-dawson | mov | ||||||||
Shooting Hoops | MA |
Basketball court |
Jonathan Davies & David Bunting | mov | ma | jonathan-davies-david-bunting | mov | ||||||||
Hell & Back | MA |
Devil demon lottery ticket sweep |
Rasik Damji | mov | ma | rasik-damji | mov | ||||||||
Stranded | MA |
Desert Island jump plane palm tree crash gay animation |
Opinder Chaggar | mov | ma | opinder-chaggar | mov | ||||||||
Homunculi | MA |
Dollbot tank doll skeleton ball head opens army bubbles |
Victoria Caution | mov | ma | victoria-caution | mov | ||||||||
Descent | MA |
Minotaur labyrinth kite zeus ass cheeks wings girl vix fly |
Ronan Carr-Fanning | mov | ma | ronan-carr-fanning | mov | ||||||||
Paradigm | MA |
Water man hourglass sparkle creature seamless whirlpool |
Henry Bush | mov | ma | henry-bush | mov | ||||||||
Vernic | MA |
Stop motion paddington bear board meeting telephone cardboard |
David Bunting & Jonathan Davies | mov | ma | david-bunting-jonathan-davies | mov | ||||||||
Xeeka | MA Effects |
Dark medieval towers smoking mountains |
Christina Boon | mov | ma-effects | christina-boon | mov | ||||||||
What Goes Around | MA Effects |
Room TV transitions graffiti |
Andy Blackburn | mov | ma-effects | andy-blackburn | mov | ||||||||
Mini Massive | Msc |
Behavioural animation massive |
Michael Bibby | mov | msc | michael-bibby | mov | ||||||||
L-Systems in MEL | Msc |
L systems flowers mel |
Joanna Barrow | mov | msc | joanna-barrow | mov | ||||||||
Lighting and Texturing in Renderman | Msc |
Old house table door beams vase |
Bhavika Bajpai | mov | msc | bhavika-bajpai | mov | ||||||||
Hot Wheels | MA Effects |
Lego town prostitute car hooker kerb crawling |
Alison Baillargeon | mov | ma-effects | alison-baillargeon | mov | ||||||||
The Last Witch | MA Effects |
Witch dark forest portal lights lightning smoke |
Andrey Bahchavenski | mov | ma-effects | andrey-bahchavenski | mov | ||||||||
Moonfish | Msc |
Pretty blue fish mine underwater flocking system behavioural |
Chris Armsden | mov | msc | chris-armsden | mov | ||||||||
Crowd Generator | Msc |
Crowd football match generator behavioural animation |
Russell Archibald | msc | russell-archibald | ||||||||||
KPAS the Tool | Msc |
Character setup animation MEL |
Ohkba Ameziane | mov | msc | ohkba-ameziane | mov | ||||||||
About A Bear | MA |
Toy shop bear marital dispute teddy |
Gavin Lewis | mov | ma | gavin-lewis | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
camp men throwing stones at more stones |
Will Alexander | mov | ba-yr3 | will-alexander | mov | ||||||||
The Creative Process | BA Yr3 |
piano trumpet guitar saxophone xylophone music |
Thomas Stratford | mov | ba-yr3 | thomas-stratford | mov | ||||||||
The Tower Of London | BA Yr3 |
tower of london collapse destruction dynamics |
Tim Chauncey & Richard Clegg | mov | ba-yr3 | tim-chauncey-richard-clegg | mov | ||||||||
The Breakdown | BA Yr3 |
car break down desert runs long |
Daniel Barrett | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-barrett | mov | ||||||||
Colouring the Seasons | BA Yr3 |
painting old man oil paints |
Sally Wilson | mov | ba-yr3 | sally-wilson | mov | ||||||||
Bloom | BA Yr3 |
timelapse cottage garden flowers |
Steven Moor | mov | ba-yr3 | steven-moor | mov | ||||||||
Slaughterween | BA Yr3 |
whoa scary twating stick halloween chainsaw coat |
Rory Cooke | mov | ba-yr3 | rory-cooke | mov | ||||||||
Skellies in the Mist | BA Yr3 |
fighting skeletons |
Rob Stipp | mov | ba-yr3 | rob-stipp | mov | ||||||||
A walk in the park | BA Yr3 |
game cutscene shoot beasties |
Sebastian Huart | mov | ba-yr3 | sebastian-huart | mov | ||||||||
Cut Backs | BA Yr3 |
operating theatre dirty pretty grim pervert organ |
Sam Ferrar & Mike Wyatt | mov | ba-yr3 | sam-ferrar-mike-wyatt | mov | ||||||||
Novus Ordo | BA Yr3 |
newspaper man |
Steven Bishop | mov | ba-yr3 | steven-bishop | mov | ||||||||
The Living Room | BA Yr3 |
living room timelapse decade sixties fifties |
Rachael Hender | mov | ba-yr3 | rachael-hender | mov | ||||||||
il Vincitore è | BA Yr3 |
car race lamborghini porsche |
Peter Seager | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-seager | mov | ||||||||
On | BA Yr3 |
music video robot robots factory worker production line |
Peter Ocampo | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-ocampo | mov | ||||||||
Pigs Might Fly | BA Yr3 |
contraption cloud plane |
Rikki Knight-Trembath | mov | ba-yr3 | rikki-knight-trembath | mov | ||||||||
The Falls Of Clyde | BA Yr3 |
stop time death water birds |
Patrick Anderson | mov | ba-yr3 | patrick-anderson | mov | ||||||||
Dreamtime | BA Yr3 |
snake balls cracks dancing |
Oleg Troy | mov | ba-yr3 | oleg-troy | mov | ||||||||
PATH | BA Yr3 |
japan culture tokyo modern |
Neil West | mov | ba-yr3 | neil-west | mov | ||||||||
PlanetLab – Procedural planet generator | BA Yr3 |
planet generator landscape |
Mark Ridgewell | mov | ba-yr3 | mark-ridgewell | mov | ||||||||
Metamorphose | BA Yr3 |
couple wax cathedral destruction vines |
Stanislav Shcherbakov | mov | ba-yr3 | stanislav-shcherbakov | mov | ||||||||
The Party at the End of the Earth… (are you going to take it lying down or dancing?) | BA Yr3 |
paranoia walking in the air two towers |
Matthew Stevens | mov | ba-yr3 | matthew-stevens | mov | ||||||||
Istoirio | BA Yr3 |
music man plays piano gives birth to little music boy |
Luke Titley | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-titley | mov | ||||||||
The Peeling | BA Yr3 |
beurocracy |
Leigh Marc Evans | mov | ba-yr3 | leigh-marc-evans | mov | ||||||||
Tiny Wings | BA Yr3 |
suck life from planet mandy |
King Shuen Wong | mov | ba-yr3 | king-shuen-wong | mov | ||||||||
Figure no.22 | BA Yr3 |
glass ballet dancer |
Katherine Pursey | mov | ba-yr3 | katherine-pursey | mov | ||||||||
The Billy Goats Gruff | BA Yr3 |
goat moral fabric buttons cool music |
Katrina Newsham | mov | ba-yr3 | katrina-newsham | mov | ||||||||
School of Fish | BA Yr3 |
fish diving school |
Jodie Ann Hickling | mov | ba-yr3 | jodie-ann-hickling | mov | ||||||||
Demo Reel | BA Yr3 |
biscuits |
James Leaning | mov | ba-yr3 | james-leaning | mov | ||||||||
Eh-Up Me Duck | BA Yr3 |
stop motion man feeds ducks bread sandwiches |
Jennifer Gilbert | mov | ba-yr3 | jennifer-gilbert | mov | ||||||||
Zemblanity | BA Yr3 |
death beurocracy cigar blender toy train |
Jay Brindle | mov | ba-yr3 | jay-brindle | mov | ||||||||
The Brain | BA Yr3 |
pretty freaky head robot legs falls in love |
Jan Erik Olsen | mov | ba-yr3 | jan-erik-olsen | mov | ||||||||
A Little Merry | BA Yr3 |
drunk tramp merry go round |
Holly Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | holly-williams | mov | ||||||||
Fiskeretten | BA Yr3 |
norwegian fairy tale moral |
Arnfinn Langoien Moseng | mov | ba-yr3 | arnfinn-langoien-moseng | mov | ||||||||
A Faeries Tale | BA Yr3 |
fairys fairies ocean bow and arrow cloth |
Steven J Sandles | mov | ba-yr3 | steven-j-sandles | mov | ||||||||
Monsters | BA Yr3 |
factory pop up book pop-up book |
Christopher Roberts | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-roberts | mov | ||||||||
Cernunnos | BA Yr3 |
horny horn fantasy antlers runes |
Annah Hutchings | mov | ba-yr3 | annah-hutchings | mov | ||||||||
The Journey | BA Yr3 |
boy walking fragment of glass stained glass |
Christopher Clough | mov | ba-yr3 | christopher-clough | mov | ||||||||
Apple Blossom | BA Yr3 |
apple boy mansion big house trapped old man |
Amy Pearson | mov | ba-yr3 | amy-pearson | mov | ||||||||
La Boite | BA Yr3 |
music box instruments animusic |
Adrien Saint Girons | mov | ba-yr3 | adrien-saint-girons | mov | ||||||||
Walking with Socks | BA Yr3 |
sock puppets monkey parrot rabbit david attenborough nature documentary puppet |
Thomas Hales | mov | ba-yr3 | thomas-hales | mov | ||||||||
Travelling | BA Yr3 |
dna stick man men break ball |
Tina Nischan | mov | ba-yr3 | tina-nischan | mov | ||||||||
Norman | BA Yr3 |
tube big head underground suicide depressing death |
Tom Griffiths | mov | ba-yr3 | tom-griffiths | mov | ||||||||
Pip | BA Yr3 |
pip apple tree grow stomach doctor |
Tom Edwards | mov | ba-yr3 | tom-edwards | mov | ||||||||
Swazi Safari | BA Yr3 |
africa animals pattern ying yang morph |
Russell Wakely | mov | ba-yr3 | russell-wakely | mov | ||||||||
Claire de Lune | BA Yr3 |
insects spider ladybird insect torture fire bedroom |
Sam Turner | mov | ba-yr3 | sam-turner | mov | ||||||||
The Red | BA Yr3 |
bar axe cutout murder run comic book |
Samantha Dickinson | mov | ba-yr3 | samantha-dickinson | mov | ||||||||
Catrina at the End of the Tunnel | BA Yr3 |
mexico day of the dead graveyard skeleton coffin |
Stephanie Cooper | mov | ba-yr3 | stephanie-cooper | mov | ||||||||
The Situation | BA Yr3 |
stream of consciousness newspaper news ceiling fan shaving waking up |
Randi Vedeld | mov | ba-yr3 | randi-vedeld | mov | ||||||||
Spiris | BA Yr3 |
angels love bright |
Robert Tatnell | mov | ba-yr3 | robert-tatnell | mov | ||||||||
The Man with a Bomb for a Head | BA Yr3 |
dog woman murder assassin graveyard bomb head explode |
Robin Myers | mov | ba-yr3 | robin-myers | mov | ||||||||
The Photographer | BA Yr3 |
camera photo jump fountain |
Piran Tremethick | mov | ba-yr3 | piran-tremethick | mov | ||||||||
Podge | BA Yr3 |
fat bird chicken exercise football jogging swimming diving |
Nicola Atkinson | mov | ba-yr3 | nicola-atkinson | mov | ||||||||
BA Yr3 |
abstract patterns lines wobbling mountains |
Matthew Smith | mov | ba-yr3 | matthew-smith | mov | |||||||||
Hotel Melancholia | BA Yr3 |
hotel california eagles ghosts house cartoon music video |
Mehran Sanei | mov | ba-yr3 | mehran-sanei | mov | ||||||||
Green | BA Yr3 |
fly thru plant phloem xylem stem root leaf flower |
Matthew Ovens | mov | ba-yr3 | matthew-ovens | mov | ||||||||
Lifeforms | BA Yr3 |
explosion bomb 7/7 bombing london underground tube butterfly |
Marcin Kolendo | mov | ba-yr3 | marcin-kolendo | mov | ||||||||
Prey | BA Yr3 |
Cheetah chase africa plain grass human |
Marie Borgesson | mov | ba-yr3 | marie-borgesson | mov | ||||||||
Skyfall | BA Yr3 |
Nuclear bomb fallout atomic atom destruction buildings collapse reverse matte painting |
Matt Birkett-Smith | mov | ba-yr3 | matt-birkett-smith | mov | ||||||||
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables | BA Yr3 |
les miserables musical city empty town hall cobbles |
Laura Dilloway | mov | ba-yr3 | laura-dilloway | mov | ||||||||
The Anger | BA Yr3 |
cathedral samurai sword suicide green light |
Lee Dalton | mov | ba-yr3 | lee-dalton | mov | ||||||||
Conrad & Roy | BA Yr3 |
Tom and Jerry bat bear cartoon pie looney toons |
Karl Hansson | mov | ba-yr3 | karl-hansson | mov | ||||||||
Divine Application | BA Yr3 |
God applies job applying interior decorator grand canyon heaven |
Karl Erlandsen | mov | ba-yr3 | karl-erlandsen | mov | ||||||||
Askari | BA Yr3 |
giraffe boy grass africa |
James Nicholl | mov | ba-yr3 | james-nicholl | mov | ||||||||
The Itch | BA Yr3 |
man tapping leg bendy head bowler hat motorbike |
Joel Green | mov | ba-yr3 | joel-green | mov | ||||||||
Point Map Shading and Point Data Gathering | BA Yr3 |
rain footprint points dribble ripples |
Jimmy Gravesen | mov | ba-yr3 | jimmy-gravesen | mov | ||||||||
L’Autobus | BA Yr3 |
Chase Hat Stickmen Stickman Hurdles Scooter Ice skating splash 2d |
Huw Evans | mov | ba-yr3 | huw-evans | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Black White Dog Living Room |
Henry Ayliff | mov | ba-yr3 | henry-ayliff | mov | ||||||||
Set In Stone | BA Yr3 |
Box Carve Sculpt Production Line Stone |
Gemma Rustell | mov | ba-yr3 | gemma-rustell | mov | ||||||||
Phonetics | BA Yr3 |
Organic Abstract Vines Tubes |
Geoff Bower | mov | ba-yr3 | geoff-bower | mov | ||||||||
Retrospective | BA Yr3 |
Shoes Dancing Trainers London Matte Painting |
Gabriel Arnold | mov | ba-yr3 | gabriel-arnold | mov | ||||||||
Buster Breaks | BA Yr3 |
Breakdancing Cat Dancing Fox Graffiti |
Elena Pierides | mov | ba-yr3 | elena-pierides | mov | ||||||||
An Interactive Realtime 3d Physics Engine | BA Yr3 |
Interactive Camera Cloth Ragdoll Physics Particle Emitter Tool |
Edward Fowler | mov | ba-yr3 | edward-fowler | mov | ||||||||
Cerulean | BA Yr3 |
Underwater Seahorse Man Stick Ocean Myth Creature |
David Trinder | mov | ba-yr3 | david-trinder | mov | ||||||||
Tornado | BA Yr3 |
City Tornado Taxis Storm Skyscrapers Twister |
David Stopford | mov | ba-yr3 | david-stopford | mov | ||||||||
Nightshift | BA Yr3 |
Comic Detective Gun Crime Scene White Chalk Line Body |
Daniel Lim | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-lim | mov | ||||||||
Ion Divvy | BA Yr3 |
Abstract City Robot Car Molecules Plasma Ball Highway Geometric |
Domenico Arenare | mov | ba-yr3 | domenico-arenare | mov | ||||||||
Elements | BA Yr3 |
Japanese Monkey Turntable Dragon |
Collette Turner | mov | ba-yr3 | collette-turner | mov | ||||||||
Pleasures Of The Flesh | BA Yr3 |
Stripper Skin Flesh Tear Pole Anatomy |
Christian Bull | mov | ba-yr3 | christian-bull | mov | ||||||||
Fat Chance | BA Yr3 |
Electric Scooter Motorised Shopping Trolley Fat Man San Francisco Hills |
Ben Jones | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-jones | mov | ||||||||
From Left To Right | BA Yr3 |
Machine Tubes Black White Cycle abstract |
Aram Balakjian | mov | ba-yr3 | aram-balakjian | mov | ||||||||
An Erring Encounter | BA Yr3 |
Envy Greed BasketBall Ball city urban stars |
Nader Kohbodi | mov | ba-yr3 | nader-kohbodi | mov | ||||||||
Evolution | BA Yr3 |
Armour Dinosaur Bones |
Alison Farmer | mov | ba-yr3 | alison-farmer | mov | ||||||||
Fuzz | BA Yr3 |
Monkey Panda fur desert windup toy |
Amir Bazazi | mov | ba-yr3 | amir-bazazi | mov | ||||||||
Marble Mayhem | BA Yr3 |
Marble run bedroom rollercoaster |
Zoe Cranley | mov | ba-yr3 | zoe-cranley | mov | ||||||||
Western Cannibalism | BA Yr3 |
Fat beast eat africa europe political |
Garyfalia Kotzia | mov | ba-yr3 | garyfalia-kotzia | mov | ||||||||
Searching the Darkness | BA Yr3 |
Warrior beast fight cave |
William Bell | mov | ba-yr3 | william-bell | mov | ||||||||
(%) | BA Yr3 |
Dragons ying-yang opposites linux crash |
Tim Ridgarde | mov | ba-yr3 | tim-ridgarde | mov | ||||||||
Papillon | BA Yr3 |
Butterfly Chrysalis flowers birth feed |
Sander Van Der Steen | mov | ba-yr3 | sander-van-der-steen | mov | ||||||||
Persistance | BA Yr3 |
Beach shapes town shore waves |
Samantha Meisels | mov | ba-yr3 | samantha-meisels | mov | ||||||||
Murray the Rabbit Boy | BA Yr3 |
Bunny boy chase radioactive mutant |
Stephanie Kelly | mov | ba-yr3 | stephanie-kelly | mov | ||||||||
She God | BA Yr3 |
God woman universe apartment sun moon |
Mauricio Villamil | mov | ba-yr3 | mauricio-villamil | mov | ||||||||
Sciatica | BA Yr3 |
Spine pain trapped nerves stop frame |
Pete Nancollis | mov | ba-yr3 | pete-nancollis | mov | ||||||||
Destination Moon | BA Yr3 |
Moon alien astronaut spying |
Sam Berry | mov | ba-yr3 | sam-berry | mov | ||||||||
Lobsters Last Laugh | BA Yr3 |
Lobster tank kitchen chef fight |
Rachel Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | rachel-williams | mov | ||||||||
Arthur | BA Yr3 |
Old man bird park friend |
Pete Dudley-Ryder | mov | ba-yr3 | pete-dudley-ryder | mov | ||||||||
Perceptual Glue | BA Yr3 |
Buildings composited cctv |
Paul Lumley | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-lumley | mov | ||||||||
Locusts Journey | BA Yr3 |
Locusts swarms building flock |
Paul Amiras | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-amiras | mov | ||||||||
Live Life By The Book | BA Yr3 |
Hamster cage adventure book death |
Nick Hales | mov | ba-yr3 | nick-hales | mov | ||||||||
The Dregs of War | BA Yr3 |
Aliens chase city gravity gangsters |
Michael Beeson | mov | ba-yr3 | michael-beeson | mov | ||||||||
Glow | BA Yr3 |
Girl glow fly city town forest fairy |
Lorna Stewart-Smith | mov | ba-yr3 | lorna-stewart-smith | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Samurai ghosts fight field temple |
Liam Kirtley | mov | ba-yr3 | liam-kirtley | mov | ||||||||
How the Cookie Crumbles | BA Yr3 |
Ants bugs bathroom cookie toothpaste |
Laura Ingram | mov | ba-yr3 | laura-ingram | mov | ||||||||
Stand-up Sit-down | BA Yr3 |
Radiohead music video |
Laurie Hufford | mov | ba-yr3 | laurie-hufford | mov | ||||||||
Ford Focus Rally | BA Yr3 |
Ford focus rally car advert |
Lee Hawkins | mov | ba-yr3 | lee-hawkins | mov | ||||||||
Angry Dragon, Hidden Duck | BA Yr3 |
Fighting ninja duck cell shaded |
Jun Shimoda | mov | ba-yr3 | jun-shimoda | mov | ||||||||
Tartarus | BA Yr3 |
Factory industrial rust robot |
Jeremy Plant | mov | ba-yr3 | jeremy-plant | mov | ||||||||
2D Game Engine | BA Yr3 |
Game 2d platformer scriptable |
James Whitworth | mov | ba-yr3 | james-whitworth | mov | ||||||||
Theros | BA Yr3 |
Workers pipes planet screaming |
Georgios Cherouveim | mov | ba-yr3 | georgios-cherouveim | mov | ||||||||
Bournemouth: Ground Zero | BA Yr3 |
Bournemouth Library meteor explosion |
Graham Brooks | mov | ba-yr3 | graham-brooks | mov | ||||||||
Morphogenesis | BA Yr3 |
Butterflies fractal patterns |
Fiona Mortimer | mov | ba-yr3 | fiona-mortimer | mov | ||||||||
Jack and Lucy | BA Yr3 |
Makatan sign language childrens programme |
Emma Clifton | mov | ba-yr3 | emma-clifton | mov | ||||||||
Tree People | BA Yr3 |
Line people trees forest |
Dominic Halford | mov | ba-yr3 | dominic-halford | mov | ||||||||
Monster Model | BA Yr3 |
Detailed model monster displacement map |
Dominic Carus | mov | ba-yr3 | dominic-carus | mov | ||||||||
Outside | BA Yr3 |
Surfing tiny man beach |
Dan Blacker | mov | ba-yr3 | dan-blacker | mov | ||||||||
Fetters Fall | BA Yr3 |
Work hologram system future |
Dave Hunt | mov | ba-yr3 | dave-hunt | mov | ||||||||
Lulu Tutu et Monsieur Il Pleut | BA Yr3 |
Piano Love ballet dancing concert |
Clare Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | clare-williams | mov | ||||||||
Sarpashirsha | BA Yr3 |
Indian dancing cloth |
Clare Galpin | mov | ba-yr3 | clare-galpin | mov | ||||||||
Sushi | BA Yr3 |
Factory mass production paper men |
Bettina Fung | mov | ba-yr3 | bettina-fung | mov | ||||||||
Elegy | BA Yr3 |
Horse forest lights |
Birgette Borsting | mov | ba-yr3 | birgette-borsting | mov | ||||||||
Il Toro | BA Yr3 |
Lamborghini renderman car |
Avinash Sunnasy | mov | ba-yr3 | avinash-sunnasy | mov | ||||||||
Out Of The Frying Pan | BA Yr3 |
Purple creature box swamp |
Alex Symonds | mov | ba-yr3 | alex-symonds | mov | ||||||||
The Metal Detector | BA Yr3 |
Metal detector love beach man |
Andrew Rowan-Robinson | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-rowan-robinson | mov | ||||||||
Music Animation plug-in | BA Yr3 |
Music plugin beat detection |
Andrew Mitchell | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-mitchell | mov | ||||||||
Beloved | BA Yr3 |
Aspergers Syndrome bjork abstract lines |
Alex Wilkie | mov | ba-yr3 | alex-wilkie | mov | ||||||||
Urban Victory Engine | BA Yr3 |
C++ OpenGL Lua scripting game engine |
Adam Cubitt | mov | ba-yr3 | adam-cubitt | mov | ||||||||
Freedive | BA Yr3 |
Diving sea water surface ribbons pearl oyster |
Henry Turner | mov | ba-yr3 | henry-turner | mov | ||||||||
The Story of the Mice and the Moon | BA Yr3 |
Mice visit moon cheese rock newsreader |
Teresa Alvarez | mov | ba-yr3 | teresa-alvarez | mov | ||||||||
Valerie | BA Yr3 |
Octopus squid underwater ocean sea ink |
Tim Riley | mov | ba-yr3 | tim-riley | mov | ||||||||
Seeing Red | BA Yr3 |
Space shuttle man cigar astronaut NASA |
Dameon Boyle | mov | ba-yr3 | dameon-boyle | mov | ||||||||
Automata | BA Yr3 |
Clock watch dark automata pocket |
Paul Dibden | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-dibden | mov | ||||||||
Joy Willams Up | BA Yr3 |
Girls dancing green screen girl band |
Nicholas Warren | mov | ba-yr3 | nicholas-warren | mov | ||||||||
Behavioural Magic | BA Yr3 |
Flocking simulation behavioural animation |
Mark Streatfield | ba-yr3 | mark-streatfield | ||||||||||
Moscow Souvenir | BA Yr3 |
Red square kremlin moscow russia snow globe st basils cathedral rain |
Luke Bailey | mov | ba-yr3 | luke-bailey | mov | ||||||||
House of God | BA Yr3 |
Church spire book graveyard graves trees fly-through |
Lisa Gonzalez | mov | ba-yr3 | lisa-gonzalez | mov | ||||||||
MIDI Visualization | BA Yr3 |
MIDI interface music |
Keith Burgess | mov | ba-yr3 | keith-burgess | mov | ||||||||
Happy Day | BA Yr3 |
Rat organ dustbin champagne cork alley |
Judith Brownbill | mov | ba-yr3 | judith-brownbill | mov | ||||||||
The Western With No Name | BA Yr3 |
Leone cowboy western homage sepia old lens scratch horse clint eastwood |
James Lewis | mov | ba-yr3 | james-lewis | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Phone old minimalist white box man hitting ground ringing |
James Sutton | mov | ba-yr3 | james-sutton | mov | ||||||||
Animus | BA Yr3 |
Eye wave sea star newspaper paper arrows |
Helen Thornber | mov | ba-yr3 | helen-thornber | mov | ||||||||
Imbas Duile | BA Yr3 |
Ocean sea mountains landscape river trees |
Guy Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | guy-williams | mov | ||||||||
Tantrum | BA Yr3 |
Little girl cat kitten rabbit arguing haughty bunny |
Helen Arntsen | mov | ba-yr3 | helen-arntsen | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Face side radiohead kid a |
Paul Mitcheson | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-mitcheson | mov | ||||||||
Diorama | BA Yr3 |
Music based motion graphics swirly orange buildings |
Evangelos Christopolous | mov | ba-yr3 | evangelos-christopolous | mov | ||||||||
The Listeners | BA Yr3 |
House trees forest dark window door weather vane |
Edward Sargeant | mov | ba-yr3 | edward-sargeant | mov | ||||||||
Buster Dimp and the Demonic Bead Master | BA Yr3 |
Anime silent fighting martial arts |
David Loh | mov | ba-yr3 | david-loh | mov | ||||||||
The Capital | BA Yr3 |
Nazi germany cars drive berlin hitler crowds waving |
David Basalla | mov | ba-yr3 | david-basalla | mov | ||||||||
Expanse | BA Yr3 |
Desert sand dunes footprints nomad |
Daniel Wood | mov | ba-yr3 | daniel-wood | mov | ||||||||
Closing Time | BA Yr3 |
Pub chairs bar drink beer lights time dancing pool bell |
Danielle Brooks | mov | ba-yr3 | danielle-brooks | mov | ||||||||
East End Zombies | BA Yr3 |
Zombies london siggraph award winning leyton kill flat undead streets post box |
Damian Hook | mov | ba-yr3 | damian-hook | mov | ||||||||
Natation | BA Yr3 |
Woman diving car park swimming |
Charles Batho | mov | ba-yr3 | charles-batho | mov | ||||||||
Rubix de Carnival | BA Yr3 |
Rubik’s cube dancing colours carnival african rubix rubiks |
Chantelle Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | chantelle-williams | mov | ||||||||
To Travel from Point A to B | BA Yr3 |
Free running buildings rooftops jumping lorry city truck |
Ben Martin | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-martin | mov | ||||||||
Like a Bull in a China Shop | BA Yr3 |
Crocodile Alligator Bournemouth University Library glass books |
Angela Magrath | mov | ba-yr3 | angela-magrath | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
Alien landscapes hand drawn pinnacles cavern cave |
Andrew Bunday | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-bunday | mov | ||||||||
Running Free | BA Yr3 |
Free running buildings rooftops jumping |
Anders Jensen | mov | ba-yr3 | anders-jensen | mov | ||||||||
Bomber Command | BA Yr3 |
Bomber second world war plane old footage |
Alex Seaman | mov | ba-yr3 | alex-seaman | mov | ||||||||
I’ll Fly Away | BA Yr3 |
Man trapped in a sketch like pen drawn environment |
Adam Ricketts | mov | ba-yr3 | adam-ricketts | mov | ||||||||
fluid dynamics | Msc |
fluid dynamics written as a maya plugin |
theodore jones | mov | msc | theodore-jones | mov | ||||||||
mawindoni kweupe | Msc |
light projected flocking system |
priyes shah | mov | msc | priyes-shah | mov | ||||||||
the nine | BA Yr3 |
dark.. medevil |
Jonathan Pace | mov | ba-yr3 | jonathan-pace | mov | ||||||||
In celebration of the national grid | MA Effects |
pylons, electric.. |
Nic Birmingham | mov | ma-effects | nic-birmingham | mov | ||||||||
Whats He building | BA Yr3 |
great story, cat chair old guy |
Nathan Walster + Jordan kirk | mov | ba-yr3 | nathan-walster-jordan-kirk | mov | ||||||||
2 projects: Nutz + abstract | MA |
squirrel splat lines, curves walking running |
NAthan McConnel | mov | ma | nathan-mcconnel | mov | ||||||||
Moonlight | MA |
robot dog ballon night monn |
patsy yiu ping yuen | mov | ma | patsy-yiu-ping-yuen | mov | ||||||||
Boku | BA Yr3 |
army croud simulation |
Michael Nixon | mov | ba-yr3 | michael-nixon | mov | ||||||||
automatic soap bubbles | Msc |
soap bubbles simulation |
Lee Kerley | mov | msc | lee-kerley | mov | ||||||||
Preludio XIV | Msc |
o |
Kostas Pamfillos | mov | msc | kostas-pamfillos | mov | ||||||||
Sketchy Animation | Msc |
o |
Katherine Roberts | mov | msc | katherine-roberts | mov | ||||||||
Touch of Truth | MA Effects |
o |
John De Leeuw | mov | ma-effects | john-de-leeuw | mov | ||||||||
The Janitor Warns | MA |
o |
Alvin Sebastian Hoo | mov | ma | alvin-sebastian-hoo | mov | ||||||||
Aquila | MA Effects |
o |
Will Elsdale | mov | ma-effects | will-elsdale | mov | ||||||||
Superman | MA |
super man tells us how great he is |
Steve Cullingford | mov | ma | steve-cullingford | mov | ||||||||
Pork Love | MA |
o |
Sonny Sy | mov | ma | sonny-sy | mov | ||||||||
Masters Project | MA |
o |
Siobhan Fowler | mov | ma | siobhan-fowler | mov | ||||||||
In Safe Hands | MA |
o |
Simon Lewis | mov | ma | simon-lewis | mov | ||||||||
Gucarachas | MA Effects |
o |
Rob Richardson | mov | ma-effects | rob-richardson | mov | ||||||||
Kookie – Colour correction inthe w | MA |
o |
Rhys Williams | mov | ma | rhys-williams | mov | ||||||||
Halcyon A fabled bird identified with the kingfisher | MA |
Group project. Kingfisher bird escapes from his enclosure. Excellent atmosheric effects and texturing |
Chris Rabet and Dan Wade | mov | ma | chris-rabet-and-dan-wade | mov | ||||||||
Procedural muscle deformation of the upper torso | Msc |
Procedural muscle deformation of the upper torso using maya plugins |
Quyen Lam | mov | msc | quyen-lam | mov | ||||||||
Dahu | MA |
Strong narrative and animation depicting a strange breed of sheep called the ‘Dahu’ and the hill that live on |
Naomi Zahl | mov | ma | naomi-zahl | mov | ||||||||
Sin | MA Effects |
Houdini and Shake. kiss stone statue |
Melania Fodritto | mov | ma-effects | melania-fodritto | mov | ||||||||
The Other Side | MA |
Character animation piece |
Matt Morris | mov | ma | matt-morris | mov | ||||||||
The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword | MA |
o |
Martin Newcombe | mov | ma | martin-newcombe | mov | ||||||||
Acid drop | MA Effects |
Shake and Houdini project. Dragon creature |
John Hughes | mov | ma-effects | john-hughes | mov | ||||||||
Bombadil | MA Effects |
Atmospheric piece which includes traditional camera tricks and stylised filters to create a horror landscape |
Jessica Braun | mov | ma-effects | jessica-braun | mov | ||||||||
Addendum | MA |
Character animation with good use of cinematography. Includes a toon shader rendering style and some VB scripted animted events. |
James Benson | mov | ma | james-benson | mov | ||||||||
Frameshift | MA Effects |
Houdini software. Compositing project involving live water on a live blackplate |
Elysa Greening | mov | ma-effects | elysa-greening | mov | ||||||||
Lonely Soul | MA Effects |
Shake and Houdini software. Compositing project following a man jumping from a cliff |
Dave Mellor | mov | ma-effects | dave-mellor | mov | ||||||||
Symphony in sea | Msc |
Shake and Houdini |
Dave Walker | mov | msc | dave-walker | mov | ||||||||
Animating Liquids in C++ | Msc |
o |
Craig Davies | mov | msc | craig-davies | mov | ||||||||
Cerephim | MA Effects |
Music video, particle effects and cg backplate. Compositing and natural special effects |
Alexis Hall | mov | ma-effects | alexis-hall | mov | ||||||||
Keep On Running | MA |
running gym fitness |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Leap Frog | MA |
frog walk jump |
Waikit Wan | mov | ma | waikit-wan | mov | ||||||||
The Focus | MA |
guns cops monster suspense |
Lee Uren | mov | ma | lee-uren | mov | ||||||||
Metropolis | MA |
city future cars flying |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Crow | MA |
crow compositing |
Jeremy Lee | mov | ma | jeremy-lee | mov | ||||||||
Walk Through Woods | MA |
woods walking |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Dragon Flies | MA |
insects dragon flies |
Martin Hill | mov | ma | martin-hill | mov | ||||||||
Blue Ringed Octopuss | MA |
octopus procedural underwater |
Martin Hill | mov | ma | martin-hill | mov | ||||||||
Passion Play | MA |
boxing creatures fighting |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Space Fighters | MA |
space future robots war guns |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Patience | MA |
joker cards dance game |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Intastella | MA |
stars space explosions galaxy |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Dreamtrader | MA |
odd dream surreal |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Wastelands | MA |
legions soldiers |
Matt Duffield | mov | ma | matt-duffield | mov | ||||||||
Dark Robots | MA |
needs recapturing bad quality |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Seaplanes | MA |
future planes matte painting match moving |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Lotta Legs | MA |
legs monster dance |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Jugler | MA |
tracking |
Carmen Brewer | mov | ma | carmen-brewer | mov | ||||||||
Lacerta Mortuus | MA |
bugs insects alley dark |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
arionette | MA |
marionette glass dance |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Hot Chocolate | MA |
love breakfast chocolate |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Van Gogh | MA |
painting painterly |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Electric | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace electricity toon |
Dan Canfora | mov | ba-yr2 | dan-canfora | mov | ||||||||
Waste | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace poo sewage sea pollution |
Group Projects(Adrian Metsalar, Krisy) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projectsadrian-metsalar krisy | mov | ||||||||
Toxic Ants | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace ants toxic |
Catherine Mullan, Group Project(Ricky O'dennel, Laura Dias, Mark Osbourne), Rob Edwards, Rodrigo Sanchez | mov | ba-yr2 | catherine-mullan group-projectricky-odennel laura-dias mark-osbourne rob-edwards rodrigo-sanchez | mov | ||||||||
Beach Penquins | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace penguins global warming |
Group Project(Edward Cates..) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projectedward-cates | mov | ||||||||
Hare And Tortoise | BA Yr3 |
Greenpeace motorbikes race |
Dan Lavender | mov | ba-yr3 | dan-lavender | mov | ||||||||
Dying Forest | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace trees urbanization |
Group Project(Salwa, Ricky O'dennel) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projectsalwa ricky-odennel | mov | ||||||||
Where Do You Want To Go Tommorrow | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace space babies genetics future |
Group Project(Pete, John Haddon) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projectpete john-haddon-2 | mov | ||||||||
Dolphin | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace dolphin under water |
Group Project(Nico Clark, Mark, Rob ) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projectnico-clark mark rob | mov | ||||||||
Explosion | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace nuclear explosion graphiti |
Andrew Walker), Group Project(Dan Talson | mov | ba-yr2 | andrew-walker-2 group-projectdan-talson | mov | ||||||||
Elephant_Bee | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace project bees genetically modified |
Group Project(Eike Anderson) | mov | ba-yr2 | group-projecteike-anderson | mov | ||||||||
Jungle Jim | Ba Yr2 |
Greenpeace project jungle urban |
David Walker), Group Project(Miles Green, Stuart Adcock | mov | ba-yr2 | david-walker-2 group-projectmiles-green stuart-adcock | mov | ||||||||
Cupboard Showreel | MA |
compilation of misc work |
The Cupboard | mov | ma | the-cupboard | mov | ||||||||
Alien Worlds | MA |
space simulation ride alien |
The Cupboard | mov | ma | the-cupboard | mov | ||||||||
Stop Bugging Me | BA Yr3 |
bugs life grass |
Oli Hyat | mov | ba-yr3 | oli-hyat | mov | ||||||||
The Hamster Factor | MA |
hamster universe |
Allana Challis, Group Project(James Answer, Martin Binfield, Steve Dawson, Tom Box | mov | ma | allana-challis group-projectjames-answer martin-binfield steve-dawson tom-box | mov | ||||||||
Mission On Mars | MA |
mars planet moon buggy |
Thecupboard | mov | ma | thecupboard | mov | ||||||||
Layer Of The Dragon | MA |
dragon castle knight |
The Cupboard | mov | ma | the-cupboard | mov | ||||||||
Cellar | MA Effects |
cellar darkness butterfly |
Group Project(Beate Berge, Kurt Dereli), Rachel Wright | mov | ma-effects | group-projectbeate-berge kurt-dereli rachel-wright | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
high on drugs spoon big nose |
Chris Wood | mov | ma | chris-wood | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA Effects |
war robot hanger |
Pete Wallace | mov | ma-effects | pete-wallace | mov | ||||||||
Physically Based Smoke | Msc |
smoke fluid effects dynamics |
Martinus Van Tonder | mov | msc | martinus-van-tonder | mov | ||||||||
A[The] True Story | MA |
weird on drugs global illumination |
Dimosthenis Vagias | mov | ma | dimosthenis-vagias | mov | ||||||||
In The Country | MA |
country yokel bright |
Amanda Turner Manning | mov | ma | amanda-turner-manning | mov | ||||||||
Flocking | Msc |
Maya plug-in c++ flocking |
James Turner | mov | msc | james-turner | mov | ||||||||
Departure | MA Effects |
laser explosion death |
Jeremy Sawyer | mov | ma-effects | jeremy-sawyer | mov | ||||||||
The Waiting Room | MA |
hell skeleton devil |
Katherine Price | mov | ma | katherine-price | mov | ||||||||
Inside | Msc |
blood nervous system neural networks |
Victoria Osbourne | mov | msc | victoria-osbourne | mov | ||||||||
Ice Skating Fairy | MA Effects |
fairy ice snowflakes |
Artemis Oikonomopoulou | mov | ma-effects | artemis-oikonomopoulou | mov | ||||||||
Scarabaeus | MA Effects |
madness university insects |
Donal Nolan and Luc Schurgers | mov | ma-effects | donal-nolan-and-luc-schurgers | mov | ||||||||
Victor | MA |
a cartoon style animation about a dinosaur who comes to life from a pen and ink illustration toon shader character design |
Tonni Neilsen | mov | ma | tonni-neilsen | mov | ||||||||
Prisioner TF12 | MA |
a prisoner has his eye extracted by a machine effects project |
Greg Massie | mov | ma | greg-massie | mov | ||||||||
The Room Of Light | MA |
atmospheric animation dealing with lighting and textures |
Scott Mcinnes | mov | ma | scott-mcinnes | mov | ||||||||
Mark Lincoln | MA |
toilet bathroom urinals |
Knocking Off Time | mov | ma | knocking-off-time | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
space animation featuring a man trying to escape his captors spaceship bike model futuristic |
Hyan – Seok Lee | mov | ma | hyan-seok-lee | mov | ||||||||
Scream And Spout | MA Effects |
effects project water footage/cg background two taps annoy each other by spraying water at each other |
Kirsty Lawlor | mov | ma-effects | kirsty-lawlor | mov | ||||||||
Where Is My Mind | MA Effects |
effects project a robot is activated which leads to a mans face being composited on top of the 3d animation very well executed |
Julien Goldsbrough | mov | ma-effects | julien-goldsbrough | mov | ||||||||
Sweeny Todd | MA |
short animation done in the style of a trailer featuring Sweeny Todd and his barber shop of horrors strong posing of characters and nice sense of weight |
Robert Holder | mov | ma | robert-holder | mov | ||||||||
Geisha #6 | MA |
geisha dance Asian skeleton |
Soo-Kyung Kim Fitchett | mov | ma | soo-kyung-kim-fitchett | mov | ||||||||
The Butterfly Effect | MA |
A world populated with sphere and cube characters but do they get on? personality butterfly squash and stretch |
Erik Kemper | mov | ma | erik-kemper | mov | ||||||||
Resurrection | MA |
… |
Owen Jones | mov | ma | owen-jones | mov | ||||||||
Scavengers | MA |
old women crow environmental design ballet dancer rubbish dump |
Yael Inbar | mov | ma | yael-inbar | mov | ||||||||
Hands On | MA |
a tool for synthesizing animation of sign language |
Miki Graham | mov | ma | miki-graham | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | MA |
atmospheric piece allowing the viewer to journey from the garden into a house |
Monika Erande | mov | ma | monika-erande | mov | ||||||||
Deus Ex Achina | MA |
a robot and human fight for survival in a bunker |
Konstantinos Diamantis | mov | ma | konstantinos-diamantis | mov | ||||||||
Rubaiyyat | MA |
fish animation shader and displacement map rendering |
Robert Deas | mov | ma | robert-deas | mov | ||||||||
Vintage Candid Camera | MA Effects |
… |
Mark Curtis | mov | ma-effects | mark-curtis | mov | ||||||||
I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate | MA |
mark Curtis is composted on old second world war footage of Hitler making a speech |
Hannah Collier | mov | ma | hannah-collier | mov | ||||||||
A Plugs Life | MA |
a toaster love story |
Frederick Cervini | mov | ma | frederick-cervini | mov | ||||||||
The Return | MA |
a shaolin monk waits for the arrival of his adversaries kung fu martial arts |
Alp Boysan | mov | ma | alp-boysan | mov | ||||||||
Kerplunk | BA Yr3 |
a boy finds himself trapped in the game kerplunk and at the mercy of children toon shader |
Steve Moore | mov | ba-yr3 | steve-moore | mov | ||||||||
Applying For Magic Roundabout A Psume By Peggy Sue | BA Yr3 |
interview with Peggy sue a cow from the deep south |
Laura Dias | mov | ba-yr3 | laura-dias | mov | ||||||||
Wolfgang Down | BA Yr3 |
environmental effects including rain and lightning robotic wolf forces robotic rabbits to dance for an audiences pleasure nice visual effects including depth of field and particles |
Peter Ridgeway | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-ridgeway | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
manga style animation incorporating toon style shaders and multi layered backdrops beautiful environment design |
Markus Dorninger | mov | ba-yr3 | markus-dorninger | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
tale of Adam and eve in space toon shading manga style characterization |
Martin Johnson | mov | ba-yr3 | martin-johnson | mov | ||||||||
Bulletproof Films – The Last James Bond | BA Yr3 |
a room full of ex-James bond actors fight it out for the title of the biggest ego toon shading |
Michael Bonnington | mov | ba-yr3 | michael-bonnington | mov | ||||||||
Barbecue Blue In Petrol Crisis | BA Yr3 |
bbq blue will fill your tanks up with her very own special juice selection |
Geoffrey Heatley | mov | ba-yr3 | geoffrey-heatley | mov | ||||||||
Meow | BA Yr3 |
award winning animation featuring a kitten a dalek and a striking resemblance to the old ‘orange’ mobile phone advert |
Miles Green | mov | ba-yr3 | miles-green | mov | ||||||||
Tkal – Kah – Be | BA Yr3 |
cave drawings tell the story of buffalo’s and deer in ancient Navajo |
David Walker | mov | ba-yr3 | david-walker | mov | ||||||||
Widower’s Cottage | BA Yr3 |
a scientist brings a rag doll woman to life |
Ricky O'donnel | mov | ba-yr3 | ricky-odonnel | mov | ||||||||
Game Over | BA Yr3 |
a super Mario style character fends for himself in a labyrinth of 3d game levels |
Vanessa Boyce | mov | ba-yr3 | vanessa-boyce | mov | ||||||||
The Dark | BA Yr3 |
a man comes to his unexpected end in a dark alley atmospheric |
David Fletcher | mov | ba-yr3 | david-fletcher | mov | ||||||||
Beyond The Sea | BA Yr3 |
a fish dreams of being free on the open seas just before the fishmonger gets him |
David Fish | mov | ba-yr3 | david-fish | mov | ||||||||
Empty | BA Yr3 |
excellent compositing piece where the only thing real is the actors and the gun |
Adrian Metzelaar | mov | ba-yr3 | adrian-metzelaar | mov | ||||||||
A Flat Pack Project | BA Yr3 |
award winning animation containing excellent use of non -photo real rendering animation and composition |
John Haddon | mov | ba-yr3 | john-haddon | mov | ||||||||
Aquatic Dance | BA Yr3 |
light particles dance |
Agothoklis Kolettas | mov | ba-yr3 | agothoklis-kolettas | mov | ||||||||
Joe’s Playtime | BA Yr3 |
award winning animation telling the story of a child and his overactive imagination when he plays toon shader character design narrative aliens |
Kevan Shorey | mov | ba-yr3 | kevan-shorey | mov | ||||||||
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors | BA Yr3 |
a woman explains how her bruises and cuts came about with no sympathy from the authorities eerie atmospheric shocking |
Catherine Mullan | mov | ba-yr3 | catherine-mullan | mov | ||||||||
Twiga | BA Yr3 |
a cg giraffe runs amok on the streets of Bournemouth excellent animation and compositing |
Stuart Adcock | mov | ba-yr3 | stuart-adcock | mov | ||||||||
Kitty Cat Mash Up | BA Yr3 |
ninja kittens fight a man who is in search of his lost teddy bear kung fu cartoon style animation |
Simon Boscaro | mov | ba-yr3 | simon-boscaro | mov | ||||||||
Space Cow Boy | BA Yr3 |
animation containing the jamiroquai space cowboy character music video |
Claire Blustin | mov | ba-yr3 | claire-blustin | mov | ||||||||
When Boris Met Dolorus | BA Yr3 |
story of a caged monkey trying to escape his captors bananas aliens and drugs |
Andrew Walker | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-walker | mov | ||||||||
The Zoetrope | BA Yr3 |
a well animated and modeled study of a horse compositing of small girl onto a cg background zoetrope |
Rachel Wright | mov | ba-yr3 | rachel-wright | mov | ||||||||
Love On The Rockers | BA Yr3 |
a metal ornament runs to the arms of his love interest |
Melody Woodford | mov | ba-yr3 | melody-woodford | mov | ||||||||
Naturalistic Kangaroo Simulation | BA Yr3 |
animation executed in the style of a wildlife documentary studying kangaroos |
Ben Thompson. | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-thompson-2 | mov | ||||||||
The Last Feast Of Fools | BA Yr3 |
stylized animation comet particle tail dark environment |
Ben Steer | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-steer | mov | ||||||||
The Mice Games 2000 | BA Yr3 |
three mice compete in the mouse Olympics whilst on a dinner table |
Paul Smith | mov | ba-yr3 | paul-smith | mov | ||||||||
Marley’s Ghost | BA Yr3 |
well animated well textured and lit environment a short story by Charles dickens a ghost pays a visit to a house ghost shader |
Adam Sibblick | mov | ba-yr3 | adam-sibblick | mov | ||||||||
Cockroach | BA Yr3 |
water simulation subway sewer cockroaches scatter after being disturbed flocking system |
Adam Shaw | mov | ba-yr3 | adam-shaw | mov | ||||||||
Gun Fight | BA Yr3 |
two aliens have a western style gun fight alien landscape |
Dave Ramsbottom | mov | ba-yr3 | dave-ramsbottom | mov | ||||||||
Eagle | BA Yr3 |
excellent creature animation of an eagle mountains snow bird flying |
Kostas Pamfillos | mov | ba-yr3 | kostas-pamfillos | mov | ||||||||
Moider In The Foist | BA Yr3 |
new York police department investigate a murder in this cartoon style animation |
Guy Midgley | mov | ba-yr3 | guy-midgley | mov | ||||||||
Untitled | BA Yr3 |
a selection of renders which illustrate lighting and modeling of a house volumetric lights |
Kerry Leigh Killeen | mov | ba-yr3 | kerry-leigh-killeen-2 | mov | ||||||||
Turn Around | BA Yr3 |
lip sync skeletons rollercoaster a skeleton detective investigates a murder |
Laurence Jenkins | mov | ba-yr3 | laurence-jenkins | mov | ||||||||
An Impression Of Movement And Space | BA Yr3 |
experimentation in shaders and textures van Gogh oil painting |
Oli Hyatt | mov | ba-yr3 | oli-hyatt | mov | ||||||||
Brushes | BA Yr3 |
toothbrush electric toothbrush a new toothbrush tries to the dominant cleaning utensil in the bathroom |
Andy Hargreaves | mov | ba-yr3 | andy-hargreaves | mov | ||||||||
TVR Tuscan Presentation | BA Yr3 |
tvr car visualization built from the engine up as a time lapse animation excellent use of shaders and modeling techniques |
James Hans | mov | ba-yr3 | james-hans | mov | ||||||||
The Landing | BA Yr3 |
spaceship smoke particle system futuristic invading army amour final gathering lighting mechanical animation |
Juilien Goldsbrough | mov | ba-yr3 | juilien-goldsbrough | mov | ||||||||
Gironkey | BA Yr3 |
a donkey like creature is composited on to a live backplate of a forest also included is a breakdown of the character rigging that was created for animating the creature as well the muscle system and textures |
Steve Dawson | mov | ba-yr3 | steve-dawson | mov | ||||||||
Brf | BA Yr3 |
transformers style animation two giant robots fight it out for supremacy manga |
Simon Cope | mov | ba-yr3 | simon-cope | mov | ||||||||
The Spirit Of The Plains | BA Yr3 |
apache red Indian particle effects stars excellent head model |
Amritbajwa | mov | ba-yr3 | amritbajwa | mov | ||||||||
BBC Sports Review Of The Year | MA |
possible opening title sequence to the bbc’s sports review of the year programme logo |
Mark Hodgkins | mov | ma | mark-hodgkins | mov | ||||||||
Evolving Creatures | MA |
… |
David Griffths | mov | ma | david-griffths | mov | ||||||||
Evolving Creatures | MA |
… |
David Griffths | mov | ma | david-griffths | mov | ||||||||
Mr Souldaddy’s Love Class | MA |
simple 2d character animation piece |
Jack Griffin | mov | ma | jack-griffin | mov | ||||||||
Quake | BA Yr3 |
possible intro sequence to the popular computer game gunfire and explosions |
Jamie Field | mov | ba-yr3 | jamie-field | mov | ||||||||
Vaccine | BA Yr3 |
a train of the future battles pursuing bandits to deliver a vaccine to the proper authorities explosions volumetric light |
Ben Durrant | mov | ba-yr3 | ben-durrant | mov | ||||||||
Abstract Imagery (1-15) | BA Yr3 |
examples of output from a voxel system written in c++ |
Alan Dann | mov | ba-yr3 | alan-dann | mov | ||||||||
Thirtyoneten | BA Yr3 |
nice sequence of shots cinematic man with a paper bag on his head and armed with a shotgun decides to take the underground train |
Alan Dann | mov | ba-yr3 | alan-dann | mov | ||||||||
Cloth Simulation | BA Yr3 |
experimentation with cloth simulation on a ballet dancers multi layered tutu dancer |
Nicola Brodie | mov | ba-yr3 | nicola-brodie | mov | ||||||||
The Litter Dancer | BA Yr3 |
degas’s ‘the little dancer aged 14 years old’ is bought to life in this animated piece interpretation of a piece of art sculpture |
Nicola Brodie | mov | ba-yr3 | nicola-brodie | mov | ||||||||
The Hermit | BA Yr3 |
poem for a hermit |
Sally Brading | mov | ba-yr3 | sally-brading | mov | ||||||||
Tethered | BA Yr3 |
A group of mad cows are tied up and left in a field near Nottingham… will they ever see freedom again? stylized textures and lighting |
Stephen Blair | mov | ba-yr3 | stephen-blair | mov | ||||||||
Piegon Post | BA Yr3 |
pigeons prepare for the morning post squirrel |
Gavin Baxter | mov | ba-yr3 | gavin-baxter | mov | ||||||||
The Flight Of The Dodo | BA Yr3 |
buster keaton mistakenly releases the last dodo age grading filters applied to animation to give the representation that it was filmed in the 1920’s |
Tamsin Aston | mov | ba-yr3 | tamsin-aston | mov | ||||||||
Exaggerations | Ba |
depressed anger and surprised |
Sayo Arae | mov | ba | sayo-arae | mov | ||||||||
Worm And Bird | Ba |
cartoon style caper in which a worm ends up on the breakfast menu of a hungry bird |
Sayo Arae | mov | ba | sayo-arae | mov | ||||||||
Digging Debris | MA |
animated 2d montage with elements of 3d animation – story of Princess Diana |
Ceile Prowse | mov | ma | ceile-prowse | mov | ||||||||
Hot Speed | MA |
visualization of a grand turismo style game |
Celine Fouassier | mov | ma | celine-fouassier | mov | ||||||||
Face Change | MA |
study piece looking at procedural textures that could be used on a face and then composited on to a live plate |
Anna Cruz-Suarez | mov | ma | anna-cruz-suarez | mov | ||||||||
Medusa | MA |
Short animation of medusa making her way through her temple nice sense of weight! |
Alex Burt | mov | ma | alex-burt | mov | ||||||||
Xenograft | MA |
animation study of a lizards movement in a forest |
Jason White | mov | ma | jason-white | mov | ||||||||
Bug | MA |
starship troopers style alien attacks Bournemouth university |
Dan Lavender | mov | ma | dan-lavender | mov | ||||||||
Breakfast At Ady’s | MA |
a man has breakfast with himself effects project showing excellent use of compositing/film techniques |
Jolene McCaffrey | mov | ma | jolene-mccaffrey | mov | ||||||||
Crazy Mooves | MA |
award winning animated tale about a man and his attempts to ride a bronco style cow |
Jamie Lancaster | mov | ma | jamie-lancaster | mov | ||||||||
Crash | MA |
car animation and some dynamics of glass shattering |
Thomas Beecham | mov | ma | thomas-beecham | mov | ||||||||
Mieces To Pieces | MA |
a ninja mouse takes on her cheese adversaries |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Recovery | MA |
fish juggling animation |
Robert Strand | mov | ma | robert-strand | mov | ||||||||
3 Cards | MA |
2d illustrations combined with 3d and live footage very stylized piece |
Elanor Jackson | mov | ma | elanor-jackson | mov | ||||||||
Magia – NEEDS TO BE CUT!!! | MA |
sound driven compositing piece |
Astrid Busser-Casas | mov | ma | astrid-busser-casas | mov | ||||||||
P2 | MA |
Compositing project……… human unmasks himself to reveal the t-100 terminator… or does it? |
George Sagiakos, Mathew Holland, Paul Campion, Seraar Simga | mov | ma | george-sagiakos mathew-holland paul-campion seraar-simga | mov | ||||||||
The Empire Strikes Black | MA |
ken Kenobi and darth Vader fight for galaxy………… over a game of snooker |
Albert Montanes, Annika Lundin, Ceile Prawse, Kerry Mobberley, Kevin Rooney, Simon Cooper, Thomas Beecham | mov | ma | albert-montanes annika-lundin ceile-prawse kerry-mobberley kevin-rooney simon-cooper thomas-beecham | mov | ||||||||
Fre Be Dractons | MA |
a lonely dragon learns to fly… but will he make it? |
Aysha Madina | mov | ma | aysha-madina | mov | ||||||||
Between Worlds | MA |
Stonehenge particle simulation and sorcerer/priest |
Elias Tarnaras | mov | ma | elias-tarnaras | mov | ||||||||
Modeling | MA |
model of the t-100 from the terminator films |
Paul Campion | mov | ma | paul-campion | mov | ||||||||
A.I. War | MA |
futuristic war combining tanks creatures and female soldiers |
Gordon Snart | mov | ma | gordon-snart | mov | ||||||||
Jest Ye Not | MA |
a king demands the services of the court jester animation is tight and good use of texturing and lighting to convey a stylized piece |
Robin Luckham | mov | ma | robin-luckham | mov | ||||||||
Shed Life & ‘Gobbers’ The Goblin | MA |
excellent use of animation techniques (inc secondary animation) cinematography modeling soft bodies lighting and texturing ants goblins paintbrush |
Neil Glasbey | mov | ma | neil-glasbey | mov | ||||||||
Fairy Tale | MA |
a fairy is composited onto a live plate of a baby that appears to be following the fairies flight path |
Serdar Simga | mov | ma | serdar-simga | mov | ||||||||
A Fish Called Bruno | MA |
an ogre a troll and a turtle and a one pound 1 coin |
Konstantinos Charitopoulos | mov | ma | konstantinos-charitopoulos | mov | ||||||||
Onyx | MA |
… |
Adam Ecovomopoulas | mov | ma | adam-ecovomopoulas | mov | ||||||||
A Walk On The Wild Side | MA |
cartoon style animation a knight takes his pet dragon out fro a walk |
Jon Turberfield | mov | ma | jon-turberfield | mov | ||||||||
Penpa And The Spiral Sanctuary | MA |
game engine design |
David Pimm | mov | ma | david-pimm | mov | ||||||||
SIB – Siemen In Black | MA |
alien sperm race to fertilize an egg |
Simon Cooper | mov | ma | simon-cooper | mov | ||||||||
Dragon Hurt | MA |
a knight fights a dragon with the only winner being the dragons wife toon shader |
Michaef Datzikinakis | mov | ma | michaef-datzikinakis | mov | ||||||||
The Crocodile And A Rubber Ducky | MA |
well modelled animated tale of a crocodile and a toy duck he finds good study of crocodile movement and rigging |
Hilary Yeo | mov | ma | hilary-yeo | mov | ||||||||
Fetch | MA |
cartoon style animation illustrating the relationship between a woman who wants to finish her painting and her dog who just wants to play |
Sandra Guarda | mov | ma | sandra-guarda | mov | ||||||||
Giac | MA |
a women finds her true love in the most unexpected place |
Katherine Wright | mov | ma | katherine-wright | mov | ||||||||
Chronicle RECAPTURE! | MA |
a monk and a soldier/knight battle in a swordfight |
Andronikos Antonakakis | mov | ma | andronikos-antonakakis | mov | ||||||||
The Androgino | MA |
animation based on Plato’s story ‘the symposium’ |
Eleana Stravaskiadi, Theano Kazaglis | mov | ma | eleana-stravaskiadi theano-kazaglis | mov | ||||||||
The Destruction Of Insect Breeding Grounds (Or The Twelfth Labour Of Wayne) | MA |
selection of compositing projects ranging from integration of cg creature’s and particle simulations |
mov | ma | mov | ||||||||||
Untitled | MA |
dark tale of a geriatric pumpkin and his ‘accommodating’ ‘house’ beautifully animated with excellent use of lighting cinematography and textures |
Adrian Pinder, Dave Pimm, Jason White, Jon Turner, Kaye Barton, Nicola Franze | mov | ma | adrian-pinder dave-pimm jason-white jon-turner kaye-barton nicola-franze | mov | ||||||||
Out Of The Frying Pan | BA Yr3 |
a sausage attempts to flee utensils commonly found in a kitchen |
Jon Turburfield | mov | ba-yr3 | jon-turburfield | mov | ||||||||
Self Rising Flower | BA Yr3 |
a flower tries to grow a hostile environment |
Goor Moshe | mov | ba-yr3 | goor-moshe | mov | ||||||||
Tag | BA Yr3 |
two robots play a game of tag |
Peter Meynell | mov | ba-yr3 | peter-meynell | mov | ||||||||
Substation #564 | BA Yr3 |
a crew member on a space station is hunted by an alien |
Jolene Mc Caffrey | mov | ba-yr3 | jolene-mc-caffrey | mov | ||||||||
Poker Face | BA Yr3 |
three characters play poker nicely animated vulture sheep fly |
Aysha Madina | mov | ba-yr3 | aysha-madina | mov | ||||||||
A Short Animation | BA Yr3 |
two medieval soldiers discuss how boring their lives are whilst guarding the kings treasure |
Robin Luckham | mov | ba-yr3 | robin-luckham | mov | ||||||||
Excerpts From Part Four Heresy | BA Yr3 |
manga style animation involving two battling robots |
Dan Lavender | mov | ba-yr3 | dan-lavender | mov | ||||||||
Muscle Tests Model Test Texture Test Amination Test | BA Yr3 |
muscle tests model test texture test animation test |
James Healy | mov | ba-yr3 | james-healy | mov | ||||||||
Lounge Lizaro | MA |
a lizard becomes drunk whilst sneaking around in a bar |
Alex Burt | mov | ma | alex-burt | mov | ||||||||
Ncca Sting | MA |
a teddy bear becomes the NCCA indent growl bear |
Siobhan Lo | mov | ma | siobhan-lo | mov | ||||||||
Alien Worlds | MA |
simulation ride that takes the viewer on a journey through an alien landscape positioned behind a space ship that is attempting to avoid obstacles |
Georg Finch | mov | ma | georg-finch | mov | ||||||||
Sturday Night Feathers | MA |
a cockerel struts his stuff on the dance floor |
John Ogden | mov | ma | john-ogden | mov | ||||||||
Volumetric Shader | MA |
collection of volumetric shaders turntable shaders explosion twister spiral vortex’s translation offsets |
Noah Taylor | mov | ma | noah-taylor | mov | ||||||||
Paradise Lost The Cheshire Cat | MA |
compositing project elves fairies fire Cheshire cat |
Siobhan Lo | mov | ma | siobhan-lo | mov | ||||||||
Fat Speedskater | MA |
a character steps out of an eyeballs pupil to cause havoc explosions smoke |
Darren Charles | mov | ma | darren-charles | mov | ||||||||
Farewell And Wellare | MA |
cg integrated with stop motion animation wheel chair pyramids |
Akil Talmant | mov | ma | akil-talmant | mov | ||||||||
Necro Metro Quake 2 Partical Convension | MA |
game orientated animation level design game engine character design first person shooting game |
Anna Marsh | mov | ma | anna-marsh | mov | ||||||||
Box V Crusher | MA |
robot hand squash and stretch box animation explosions |
Darren Charles | mov | ma | darren-charles | mov | ||||||||
A Day Trip To Limbo | MA |
the contents of a man’s head are visually portrayed on screen pier dust mite flea |
Christopher Monks | mov | ma | christopher-monks | mov | ||||||||
If I Should Fall From The Grace Of… | MA |
robot alien |
Justin Summers | mov | ma | justin-summers | mov | ||||||||
Death Skull Bash In The Ivth Dimension | MA |
two men play the next generation console which is a hologram based piece of machinery |
Sean Flliott | mov | ma | sean-flliott | mov | ||||||||
Sunrise | MA |
a man takes a swim in the morning |
Scott Tomposon | mov | ma | scott-tomposon | mov | ||||||||
Stone The River | MA |
music video that encompasses effects compositing and character animation |
Andy Bossom, Grant Senior, Layne Comarasawmy | mov | ma | andy-bossom grant-senior layne-comarasawmy | mov | ||||||||
The Primitiues | MA |
African masks |
Kostas Karyatis | mov | ma | kostas-karyatis | mov | ||||||||
Modeling | MA |
wasp cartoon style cat performing a walk cycle |
Jonathan Veal | mov | ma | jonathan-veal | mov | ||||||||
The Gloveless Hand | MA |
poignant tale about a dismembered hand that comes to life |
Nigel Summer | mov | ma | nigel-summer | mov | ||||||||
Summer-Time | MA |
vivid colourful nature based piece of animation containing a range of creatures insects flora and fauna albatross island dolphins swimming underwater |
Nico Clark | mov | ma | nico-clark | mov | ||||||||
Roscoe 2 | MA |
in the style of a film trailer our yellow hero fights to save the world apple bubbles submarine helicopter |
Anthony Martin | mov | ma | anthony-martin | mov | ||||||||
The Hedgehog Poem | MA |
a hedgehog becomes depressed as a result of the world that surrounds him worms |
Colin S Gunn | mov | ma | colin-s-gunn | mov | ||||||||
Echidna | MA |
atmospheric piece containing an alien creature and alien landscape Geiger |
Richard Godwin | mov | ma | richard-godwin | mov | ||||||||
Torus Folly &Torus Bond | MA |
a spoof based loosely on James bond |
Colin S Gunn | mov | ma | colin-s-gunn | mov | ||||||||
Memme Fatale | MA |
an investigation into a murder on a space station |
John Shearlock and Oliver Smith | mov | ma | john-shearlock-and-oliver-smith | mov | ||||||||
Life In The Shadows | MA |
vivid colourful nature based piece of animation containing a range of creatures insects flora and fauna |
Emmanuel Vichos, Evegenia Tiktapa, Kostas Karyatis, Lisa Caldecott, Nico Clark | mov | ma | emmanuel-vichos evegenia-tiktapa kostas-karyatis lisa-caldecott nico-clark | mov | ||||||||
Baby Dragon | MA |
dragon stylized environment and rendering |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Chase | MA |
group project stylized characters race around a futuristic maze |
Andrew Cusack, Justin Summers, Malcolm Souter, Scott Thompson, Stuart Dobbs | mov | ma | andrew-cusack justin-summers malcolm-souter scott-thompson stuart-dobbs | mov | ||||||||
A Is For Atom | MA |
abc warrior characters robot guns group project |
Marco Hallett, Mathew Nightingale, Noah Taylor, Richard Godwin | mov | ma | marco-hallett mathew-nightingale noah-taylor richard-godwin | mov | ||||||||
Unknown | MA |
editing and compositing piece |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Hammer & Sycle | MA |
a gargoyle comes to life and teases a follow creature good animation and modeling |
Anthony Martin, John Ogden, Jonathan Ambrose, Jonathan Veal, Nigel Summer, Sean Elliot | mov | ma | anthony-martin john-ogden jonathan-ambrose jonathan-veal nigel-summer sean-elliot | mov | ||||||||
Radio | MA |
a radio ejects a humanoid figure |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Roscoe | MA |
a teddy bear takes a trip with a balloon as a vehicle |
Anthony Martin | mov | ma | anthony-martin | mov | ||||||||
Space Ship | MA |
a spaceship exits a wormhole and orbits a planet |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Story Happened In My Bedroom | MA |
a baby girl plays with her toys and small friends |
Cecile Plattner | mov | ma | cecile-plattner | mov | ||||||||
Game Player | MA |
a girl plays on a computer game |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Musical Roadside Objects | MA |
objects commonly found on the streets of Britain play a song in the park |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
West Chicken Rerecord | MA |
a chicken is shot whilst on a farm |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Grass | MA |
beautifully simple animation showing a little boy following a frog as it jumps in a field of tall grass |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Rolling – Dung Beetle | MA |
a dung beetle has fun in the desert |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Pig’s Ship | MA |
alien pig and partner fly in a ship |
Edouard Peregrine and others, Laurent Kermel, Thomas Aboutbol | mov | ma | edouard-peregrine-and-others laurent-kermel thomas-aboutbol | mov | ||||||||
Flower | MA |
a flower lives and dies in a room with van gogh pictures |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Adv | MA |
logo design |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Cat | MA |
small creatures are sliced by a mechanical machine |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Soft Model | MA |
a clay model comes to life |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Sea | MA |
an environment in a snow shaker bubble |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Ei Spantada | BA Yr3 |
western style showdown/gunfight with excellent cinematography |
Mark Williams | mov | ba-yr3 | mark-williams | mov | ||||||||
untitled | BA Yr3 |
non_photoreal animation well executed incorporates 3d and 2d so therefore has good examples of compositing |
Jude | mov | ba-yr3 | jude | mov | ||||||||
Biff’s Big Bash | BA Yr3 |
cartoon style alien lands on a planet and chases another alien |
Andrew Warner | mov | ba-yr3 | andrew-warner | mov | ||||||||
Black And White Film Filters | BA Yr3 |
showcase of filters that give the appearance that the film was recorded in the 1920’s e g film grain halation exposure & film scratches |
Noah Taylor | mov | ba-yr3 | noah-taylor | mov | ||||||||
Hedcrete | BA Yr3 |
alien infiltrates a space temple and kills a levitating space monk |
Mark Sweeney | mov | ba-yr3 | mark-sweeney | mov | ||||||||
Dino_Fighter | BA Yr3 |
blue screen footage with dinosaur |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Musicscape | BA Yr3 |
bubbles dance to music |
Susan MG Gilligan | mov | ba-yr3 | susan-mg-gilligan | mov | ||||||||
Aliens | BA Yr3 |
tennis aliens |
Brian Eyre | mov | ba-yr3 | brian-eyre | mov | ||||||||
Patrcia The Stripper | BA Yr3 |
not quite complete |
Chris De Burgh | mov | ba-yr3 | chris-de-burgh | mov | ||||||||
Sports Day | BA Yr3 |
Innovations Project: cartoon rendering; farm animals have a race |
Jeremy Horton | mov | ba-yr3 | jeremy-horton | mov | ||||||||
The Softest Thing | BA Yr3 |
… |
Richard Clarke | mov | ba-yr3 | richard-clarke | mov | ||||||||
Doggo | MA |
dog goes to the cinema |
Nick Mackie | mov | ma | nick-mackie | mov | ||||||||
unknown | BA Yr3 |
some sample game sequences |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Asylum | BA Yr3 |
poor old bunny |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Adventures Of Derek | MA |
good narrative |
Andrew Wheeler | mov | ma | andrew-wheeler | mov | ||||||||
A Sin For All Seasons | MA |
say it with chairs |
Jaime Pardo | mov | ma | jaime-pardo | mov | ||||||||
Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy | BA Yr3 |
simple idea great execution |
Michael Mullholland | mov | ba-yr3 | michael-mullholland | mov | ||||||||
Egg | BA Yr3 |
… |
Tia Perkins | mov | ba-yr3 | tia-perkins | mov | ||||||||
Beware Lair Of The Dragon | BA Yr3 |
a good promotional piece |
Chris George, Chris Shaw, Jon Bowen, Peter Hardie | mov | ba-yr3 | chris-george chris-shaw jon-bowen peter-hardie | mov | ||||||||
Memory | BA Yr3 |
compositing and geometrics |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Dj | BA Yr3 |
how not to dance to the beat |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Lego Jeep | BA Yr3 |
a Lego jeep builds itself |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Michelle | BA Yr3 |
not a happy tortoise -needs to be split |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
1996 Showreel | BA Yr3 |
compilation tape of 1996 |
Mixture | mov | ba-yr3 | mixture | mov | ||||||||
Unkown | BA Yr3 |
butterfly’s |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
1 2 | BA Yr3 |
… |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Tier With Plower | BA Yr3 |
… |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Particles | BA Yr3 |
early flocking system |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Humanoid | MA |
good use of colour |
Amos Winkoff | mov | ma | amos-winkoff | mov | ||||||||
Misc Small Clips | MA |
misc particle simulations |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Iron Man | BA Yr3 |
early compositing work |
Richard Self | mov | ba-yr3 | richard-self | mov | ||||||||
Early Riser | BA Yr3 |
camera cutting in CGAL |
Meg Ward | mov | ba-yr3 | meg-ward | mov | ||||||||
Host | BA Yr3 |
a microphone takes a bow |
Meg Ward | mov | ba-yr3 | meg-ward | mov | ||||||||
Water Lily With Snake | BA Yr3 |
… |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
The Spiders & The Fly | BAMP |
spiders web window dithering |
Andrew McNair | mov | bamp | andrew-mcnair | mov | ||||||||
Pounding Man | MA |
early character animation in CGAL |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Misc -Compilation | BA Yr3 |
a compilation of early CGAL year work |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Juro Tours | MA |
simulation ride advertisement |
Adrian Smith, Alan Rudge), David Child, Group Project (Phillip Allen, Jonathan Bowen, Noel Mulvaney, Peter Hardie, Richard Doy, Steve Hubbard | mov | ma | adrian-smith alan-rudge-2 david-child group-project-phillip-allen jonathan-bowen noel-mulvaney peter-hardie richard-doy steve-hubbard | mov | ||||||||
Bouncing Ball in Playground | BAMP |
explores use of camera moves |
Carolyne | mov | bamp | carolyne | mov | ||||||||
Incubator | BAMP |
Terminator pastiche – a futuristic egg is hatched |
Richard Doy | mov | bamp | richard-doy | mov | ||||||||
After Birth | MA |
early CGAL work |
Vassili Hurmusiadis /Jaqueline Anne Wrather | mov | ma | vassili-hurmusiadis-jaqueline-anne-wrather | mov | ||||||||
Dancing Amn | MA |
ancient symbols dance |
Kafat Lam | mov | ma | kafat-lam | mov | ||||||||
Function Match | MA |
two green ‘pear people’ race in cars |
John Kay | mov | ma | john-kay | mov | ||||||||
Rogers Death | MA |
roger the skeleton tells some bad jokes |
Andrew Kind | mov | ma | andrew-kind-2 | mov | ||||||||
Time Piece | MA |
a timepieces mechanical workings |
Andrew Kind), Andrew Scofield, Group Project (Liz Scully, Simon Stoney | mov | ma | andrew-kind andrew-scofield group-project-liz-scully simon-stoney | mov | ||||||||
Computer Animation Festival 1990 | MA |
Prize Winning Group Project |
David Edwards, Steve Hubbard and Paul Butler, Victor Ye | mov | ma | david-edwards steve-hubbard-and-paul-butler victor-ye | mov | ||||||||
Siamese Bins | MA |
inanimate object animation |
Tim Waddy | mov | ma | tim-waddy | mov | ||||||||
Abidjan | MA |
Animation about pollution |
Amanda Lindsay, Chris Marshall, David Pentin, Jacqueline Wrather, Paul Kavanagh | mov | ma | amanda-lindsay chris-marshall david-pentin jacqueline-wrather paul-kavanagh | mov | ||||||||
Exodus | MA |
robotic legs walk around sand landscape |
Dean Jurke | mov | ma | dean-jurke | mov | ||||||||
Primary Chemical Industries | MA |
some spaceships near the earth |
Paul Kavanagh | mov | ma | paul-kavanagh | mov | ||||||||
Dr Who `Interface` | MA |
use of early procedural textures |
Gary Behar | mov | ma | gary-behar | mov | ||||||||
Wrath | MA |
motorbike is chased by a space ship |
Adam Barton | mov | ma | adam-barton | mov | ||||||||
Light Through Window And Skeleton | BA Yr3 |
early attempt of colour refractions |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
3D Version of Duchamp’s The Bride Stripped Bare … | MA |
Dynamics using CGAL |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Alice In wonderland Cat | BAMP |
… |
Unknown | mov | bamp | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Flying Star Ship | BA Yr3 |
… |
Unknown | mov | ba-yr3 | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Pinnochio – Frankenstein | MA |
use of forward kinematics |
Unknown | mov | ma | unknown | mov | ||||||||
Planet Juro – Work In Progress | BA Yr3 |
Commercial Entertainment Ride directed by Peter Hardie |
Adrian Smith, Alan Rudge, Dave Child, Ditch Doy, Jon Bowen, Noel Mulvaney, Phillip Allen, The Cupboard – Peter Hardie | mov | ba-yr3 | adrian-smith alan-rudge dave-child ditch-doy jon-bowen noel-mulvaney phillip-allen the-cupboard-peter-hardie | mov | ||||||||
Misc Abstract | BA Yr3 |
assorted work-in-progress and tests BAMP and MA |
Misc | mov | ba-yr3 | misc | mov | ||||||||
Gull Aesthetics | MA |
Procedural Animation of bird wings |
Vassilios Hurmusiadis | mov | ma | vassilios-hurmusiadis | mov | ||||||||
Abidjan Work In Progress | MA |
Group Project |
Chris Marshall and others, Dave Pentin | mov | ma | chris-marshall-and-others dave-pentin | mov | ||||||||
Nuns And Cardinals | MA |
Group Project |
Group | mov | ma | group | mov | ||||||||
Project X | MA |
Group Project |
Ben Hicks, Daina Evans, Eric Ditton, Hugo Paice | mov | ma | ben-hicks daina-evans eric-ditton hugo-paice | mov | ||||||||
Misc Dynamics | MA |
Experiments using CGAL |
Chris Marshall and others, Dave Pentin, Paddy Eason, Phillip Allen | mov | ma | chris-marshall-and-others dave-pentin paddy-eason phillip-allen | mov | ||||||||
Misc Compiled Logos | BA Yr3 |
3rd Year Media Production Minor Projects using CGAL |
Carol Mackerzie (Mucky Magik), Chris (?)(Grand Rat), Christine Grace (Graceful Graphics), Frank McLaughlin (Sunrise), Frankie (?), Phill Allen, Richard Perry (Pink Fridge) | mov | ba-yr3 | carol-mackerzie-mucky-magik chris-grand-rat christine-grace-graceful-graphics frank-mclaughlin-sunrise frankie phill-allen richard-perry-pink-fridge | mov |